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Q: is it possible to find a college/university position for non native?

Hello, I m from Russia and now trying to find a job in college and there are only jobs for natives, is it possible to find a job for non native? I ve been working in chinese college before

4 years 40 weeks ago in  Teaching & Learning - China

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Legal employment with Z visa/Working permit is not possible (after 2017) for non-native English teachers in China same as it is not possible in Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and other countries.


There is a slim chance non-native English teacher qualifies for Z visa in China if she/he holds degree completed in native English country.


Feel free to try by sending your CV to the posted job openings ... on the website. Click 'Jobs' tag on the top of the screen for more. 


Good luck!




Not sure on Japan and Hong Kong, though. On China, well, it's full of Russians from all the former Communist Russia. So, let him try. It is not unlikely to get a Uni teaching position. My two cents anyway. 

4 years 40 weeks ago
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I was talking about legal employment. None of the non-native English qualifies for WP in Japan, Taiwan, HK and more. In these countries, there is only one Law (i.e. Federal law) which determines hiring of foreign nationalities teachers/workers.

Since, China also centralized WP applications in 2017, Law doesn't allow hiring of non-native English-ers as English teachers all around China.

I tried to fill it up online application for WP together with the employer in June, 2017, and system just rejected the whole matter as soon as he entered my nationality and passport.


Now, Russian (English teachers) might be in China, but they aren't legally employed. They are most likely in the country on F (Business) visas.

I would never try my luck in China with F visa (again!), 'cause employers are scumbags and they will pull the skin off one's back, especially when they have leverage (not legal employment) over laowai.

I was working in China legally and at every Public school (mind you!) I had to fight with them about the contract respect, so I would never recommend to anybody work in China with any other but Z visa, and non-native English don't qualify for it anymore .

I am happy non-native English in Turkey-stan and soon moving to Costa del Sol, where native English-ers don't 'qualify' ... over moi, he he.

Lem'me explain ... only I 'qualify' as a holder of the Schengen's book ...

To be honest, that is the main reason Spanish school hired me 'cause I can be legally in the classroom on the following day after my arrival to the city.

None of the native English-ers can do that, 'cause they all need WP, which is PIA for the employer in Schengen zone. angel

Did you hear me, native English sneakers? I am the boss in Schengen ... 

4 years 40 weeks ago
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So you'll move to Spain, very soon. Why on Earth, Spain? I mean, it is not a good pay for the teachers of English anyway, let alone for the non-native ones. I hear sordid stories on the way some treat the foreign teachers. I don't bash at them at all. Spain is a great and wonderful culture. It has a great deal of influence on all the avuenues on human's humanity making. But, I read online of the many disappointments from teachers who taught the language in Spain. You may have a diferent experience, I am sure. 


How about Turkey? Is it worthy? What are the cons and pros about teaching in Turkey? 


Well, new adventures awaiting for you, aren't they? Let us hear from you. 

4 years 40 weeks ago
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How is Turkey? I am in Istanbul some year and a half. No Contract or WP anywhere at training mills, and Public schools all require Native English teachers. For Residence permit (ikamet), I am on my own with 1100 TRY fee for 1-year RP.

So, I did 44 classes a week for the two months straight and pay of 24 TRY per 50' class, what is 3.6 EUR per session. No benefits whatsoever, just Q:

'Can you take this class or no?'. Native English receive no more than 30 TRY per class ... talking about 'no good'!

At the moment, I am at the different mill for pay of 25 TRY, after I strenuously complained about previous mill didn't raise my pay for longer than a year.

I landed job at the Turkish Uni. last week for pay of 6000 TRY (900 EUR) for 25 classes per week and no other benefits, job which is usually reserved for Native English, but this Uni is Language Uni and they employ non-native speakers. The pay at the Uni is high for Turkey and they must get an approval for my employment from Turkish FEB.

Then, I got an invitation for Skype interview from Spaniards. I was accepted, received Contract offer already, but I won't tell you the price 'cause it's very high with free apartment and ticket refund as benes. School is in operation since 60's. I DD them deeply 'cause this is the best Contract offer I've ever received in my 11-years of teaching Englo.

Now, EU is on my radar since 2015 or so, just for the fact that I don't need WP there. However, I received less than 20 replies altogether, so Spaniards really made my day last week.

If I won't get 'water-boarded' at this School, their Contract offer was Santa's work in real.

4 years 40 weeks ago
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What do you mean "Let him try".  Look at his post, he has been trying and has been unable to find a college willing to hire him.  This is because there probably are very few if any large public institutions still willing to hire non-natives due to the legalities.

I remember having this conversation in 2017 and 2016.  It was enforced in my city even back then, I remember talking to youtubers who said this wasn't true.  Well those very same people are now admitting it is true and it's now affecting them.  Non-natives have very little hope of a future of legal employment in China.

4 years 39 weeks ago
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Hey icniff, this year your Santa Clauss must have thought deeply of you. What you're saying here looks so promising. Make the best out of this opportunity. BTW, won't you miss Turkey? Will you set up somewhere for good, or you'll just globetrotter for the rest of your life? One day, age will tell you take it easier. Who know, maybe Spain will be your spot to put an end to the seaquest, and find reasons to settle down. 


4 years 39 weeks ago
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I have slight problem ... with exiting Turkey-stan at the moment. I applied for new Ikamet on September 26th, but I still didn't receive new Turkish ID/RP.

Once, you fill-up RP application, you can/must stay in Turkey until you don't receive the document. 

If I show-up at the border crossing today, I am some 120-days in violation of 90-days permitted stay. Border police doesn't have an online access to the government's RP website, so 2 remaining choices are: "Pay fine in cash' for the overstay or 'jail time" ... 

Am going to gov. tomorrow am to see what is the hold-up with my new ID. Turks are different.

"Set-up for good" sounds boring-ly ... butT .., who knew beforehand, English teachers must travel a lot, he he

4 years 39 weeks ago
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Have you managed to fix the ID issue? What's the answer from the government?

4 years 39 weeks ago
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Yeah, they are jerking me off. I must show up at cops tomorrow again. They claim, I submitted application too late. However, they don't have any proof, but they are asking me to bring d/l of the last application as my proof.

Process goes this way: one must submit online application in the window of permitted stay, and then just wait in the country for the invitation for an interview which is usually some 60-days later.

Now, cops don't have any proof, i.e. dated record of my application. There are no online records of the application. However, gov. took 1. printed application; 2. 1-year Insurance, 3. my photos  and 1100 TRY fee ...

Today I had to go to the different office (Internal police) and bring records of all my exits and entries into Turkey, which shows I have never violated permitted stay.

So, I guess, they'll ... give me ID tomorrow and I'll be able to exit.

They are giving me a hard time, because I exited Turkey to Bulgaria three of four times before 90-days permitted stay expiration. It comes much cheaper, if you just exit and reentry than buying 1-year Insurance, ID fee, avoidance of high queue (all Syrian refugees) in front of the RP office and so on. The queue at the application office in Istanbul is much larger than it was LTA in HK in front of the Chinese Embassy in Wan Chai ... Here goes only by the invitation, so I am not sure how they can manage huge crowds, if they're sending out an invitations for show at the office. But, they spotted what I am doing (3-m visa runs) and at the last exit/re-entry, they gave me only 10-days to apply for Ikamet. Now they say, I applied on 12th or 15th day, but they don't have any records about it.

It is stupid! Why would somebody filled late application, when you must only sit in front of the puter and email an application?.

I am guessing, I will get it tomorrow 'cause I don't have any violations of permitted stay, i.e. overstay.

Bureaucratic PIA.

4 years 39 weeks ago
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Any good news, yet? 

4 years 39 weeks ago
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I was wrong ... with exit of Turkey. Copper told me today I can exit anytime I want, but I won't be able to re-enter Turkey for 3-m after the exit.

I don't have enough nerves to pursue that Ikamet thingy, and if I won't have major problems at the exit, I'll just book the plane tickets, next.

However, to be really sure what will happen at the exit, I should send letter to my Embassy. I won't bother anybody anymore. I'll just exit.


Now, I have to learn how do you say:

"Bottle of table red, please ..." in Espanyol ... 

I miss pork, too. Spanish or Italian prosciutto, mmmmhh ...


In Turkey, you can't buy pork anywhere. Just chicken, beef, lamb and fish. I am on pork diet since I am here, i.e. religious abuse.

But, they told me yesterday that they celebrate Christmas. None of the Turkish mill employees is working for holidays. They put one person on duty and all others have off day. I have class at 7:15 tonight with private. I don't mind, 'cause of C. Darwin ... 

4 years 39 weeks ago
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You might want to ask for "pata nera" or "pata negra", the Spanish delicacy. Not sure where you will land, but that must be everywhere in Spain, I guess. Pata nera is big business in China. 


Good news, then. You will be soon off to Spain. Godspeed. 

4 years 39 weeks ago
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Pata negra is prosciuto (ital.). Synonym for pata negra is "the best' -part-of-porky", I guess, he he.

I thought, pata negra might be British 'black pudding' (which I fancy, too), so I had a look over the web ...

4 years 39 weeks ago
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4 years 40 weeks ago
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Posts: 19850


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You must be a registered user to vote!

Legal employment with Z visa/Working permit is not possible (after 2017) for non-native English teachers in China same as it is not possible in Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and other countries.


There is a slim chance non-native English teacher qualifies for Z visa in China if she/he holds degree completed in native English country.


Feel free to try by sending your CV to the posted job openings ... on the website. Click 'Jobs' tag on the top of the screen for more. 


Good luck!




Not sure on Japan and Hong Kong, though. On China, well, it's full of Russians from all the former Communist Russia. So, let him try. It is not unlikely to get a Uni teaching position. My two cents anyway. 

4 years 40 weeks ago
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I was talking about legal employment. None of the non-native English qualifies for WP in Japan, Taiwan, HK and more. In these countries, there is only one Law (i.e. Federal law) which determines hiring of foreign nationalities teachers/workers.

Since, China also centralized WP applications in 2017, Law doesn't allow hiring of non-native English-ers as English teachers all around China.

I tried to fill it up online application for WP together with the employer in June, 2017, and system just rejected the whole matter as soon as he entered my nationality and passport.


Now, Russian (English teachers) might be in China, but they aren't legally employed. They are most likely in the country on F (Business) visas.

I would never try my luck in China with F visa (again!), 'cause employers are scumbags and they will pull the skin off one's back, especially when they have leverage (not legal employment) over laowai.

I was working in China legally and at every Public school (mind you!) I had to fight with them about the contract respect, so I would never recommend to anybody work in China with any other but Z visa, and non-native English don't qualify for it anymore .

I am happy non-native English in Turkey-stan and soon moving to Costa del Sol, where native English-ers don't 'qualify' ... over moi, he he.

Lem'me explain ... only I 'qualify' as a holder of the Schengen's book ...

To be honest, that is the main reason Spanish school hired me 'cause I can be legally in the classroom on the following day after my arrival to the city.

None of the native English-ers can do that, 'cause they all need WP, which is PIA for the employer in Schengen zone. angel

Did you hear me, native English sneakers? I am the boss in Schengen ... 

4 years 40 weeks ago
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So you'll move to Spain, very soon. Why on Earth, Spain? I mean, it is not a good pay for the teachers of English anyway, let alone for the non-native ones. I hear sordid stories on the way some treat the foreign teachers. I don't bash at them at all. Spain is a great and wonderful culture. It has a great deal of influence on all the avuenues on human's humanity making. But, I read online of the many disappointments from teachers who taught the language in Spain. You may have a diferent experience, I am sure. 


How about Turkey? Is it worthy? What are the cons and pros about teaching in Turkey? 


Well, new adventures awaiting for you, aren't they? Let us hear from you. 

4 years 40 weeks ago
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How is Turkey? I am in Istanbul some year and a half. No Contract or WP anywhere at training mills, and Public schools all require Native English teachers. For Residence permit (ikamet), I am on my own with 1100 TRY fee for 1-year RP.

So, I did 44 classes a week for the two months straight and pay of 24 TRY per 50' class, what is 3.6 EUR per session. No benefits whatsoever, just Q:

'Can you take this class or no?'. Native English receive no more than 30 TRY per class ... talking about 'no good'!

At the moment, I am at the different mill for pay of 25 TRY, after I strenuously complained about previous mill didn't raise my pay for longer than a year.

I landed job at the Turkish Uni. last week for pay of 6000 TRY (900 EUR) for 25 classes per week and no other benefits, job which is usually reserved for Native English, but this Uni is Language Uni and they employ non-native speakers. The pay at the Uni is high for Turkey and they must get an approval for my employment from Turkish FEB.

Then, I got an invitation for Skype interview from Spaniards. I was accepted, received Contract offer already, but I won't tell you the price 'cause it's very high with free apartment and ticket refund as benes. School is in operation since 60's. I DD them deeply 'cause this is the best Contract offer I've ever received in my 11-years of teaching Englo.

Now, EU is on my radar since 2015 or so, just for the fact that I don't need WP there. However, I received less than 20 replies altogether, so Spaniards really made my day last week.

If I won't get 'water-boarded' at this School, their Contract offer was Santa's work in real.

4 years 40 weeks ago
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What do you mean "Let him try".  Look at his post, he has been trying and has been unable to find a college willing to hire him.  This is because there probably are very few if any large public institutions still willing to hire non-natives due to the legalities.

I remember having this conversation in 2017 and 2016.  It was enforced in my city even back then, I remember talking to youtubers who said this wasn't true.  Well those very same people are now admitting it is true and it's now affecting them.  Non-natives have very little hope of a future of legal employment in China.

4 years 39 weeks ago
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Hey icniff, this year your Santa Clauss must have thought deeply of you. What you're saying here looks so promising. Make the best out of this opportunity. BTW, won't you miss Turkey? Will you set up somewhere for good, or you'll just globetrotter for the rest of your life? One day, age will tell you take it easier. Who know, maybe Spain will be your spot to put an end to the seaquest, and find reasons to settle down. 


4 years 39 weeks ago
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I have slight problem ... with exiting Turkey-stan at the moment. I applied for new Ikamet on September 26th, but I still didn't receive new Turkish ID/RP.

Once, you fill-up RP application, you can/must stay in Turkey until you don't receive the document. 

If I show-up at the border crossing today, I am some 120-days in violation of 90-days permitted stay. Border police doesn't have an online access to the government's RP website, so 2 remaining choices are: "Pay fine in cash' for the overstay or 'jail time" ... 

Am going to gov. tomorrow am to see what is the hold-up with my new ID. Turks are different.

"Set-up for good" sounds boring-ly ... butT .., who knew beforehand, English teachers must travel a lot, he he

4 years 39 weeks ago
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Have you managed to fix the ID issue? What's the answer from the government?

4 years 39 weeks ago
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Yeah, they are jerking me off. I must show up at cops tomorrow again. They claim, I submitted application too late. However, they don't have any proof, but they are asking me to bring d/l of the last application as my proof.

Process goes this way: one must submit online application in the window of permitted stay, and then just wait in the country for the invitation for an interview which is usually some 60-days later.

Now, cops don't have any proof, i.e. dated record of my application. There are no online records of the application. However, gov. took 1. printed application; 2. 1-year Insurance, 3. my photos  and 1100 TRY fee ...

Today I had to go to the different office (Internal police) and bring records of all my exits and entries into Turkey, which shows I have never violated permitted stay.

So, I guess, they'll ... give me ID tomorrow and I'll be able to exit.

They are giving me a hard time, because I exited Turkey to Bulgaria three of four times before 90-days permitted stay expiration. It comes much cheaper, if you just exit and reentry than buying 1-year Insurance, ID fee, avoidance of high queue (all Syrian refugees) in front of the RP office and so on. The queue at the application office in Istanbul is much larger than it was LTA in HK in front of the Chinese Embassy in Wan Chai ... Here goes only by the invitation, so I am not sure how they can manage huge crowds, if they're sending out an invitations for show at the office. But, they spotted what I am doing (3-m visa runs) and at the last exit/re-entry, they gave me only 10-days to apply for Ikamet. Now they say, I applied on 12th or 15th day, but they don't have any records about it.

It is stupid! Why would somebody filled late application, when you must only sit in front of the puter and email an application?.

I am guessing, I will get it tomorrow 'cause I don't have any violations of permitted stay, i.e. overstay.

Bureaucratic PIA.

4 years 39 weeks ago
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Any good news, yet? 

4 years 39 weeks ago
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I was wrong ... with exit of Turkey. Copper told me today I can exit anytime I want, but I won't be able to re-enter Turkey for 3-m after the exit.

I don't have enough nerves to pursue that Ikamet thingy, and if I won't have major problems at the exit, I'll just book the plane tickets, next.

However, to be really sure what will happen at the exit, I should send letter to my Embassy. I won't bother anybody anymore. I'll just exit.


Now, I have to learn how do you say:

"Bottle of table red, please ..." in Espanyol ... 

I miss pork, too. Spanish or Italian prosciutto, mmmmhh ...


In Turkey, you can't buy pork anywhere. Just chicken, beef, lamb and fish. I am on pork diet since I am here, i.e. religious abuse.

But, they told me yesterday that they celebrate Christmas. None of the Turkish mill employees is working for holidays. They put one person on duty and all others have off day. I have class at 7:15 tonight with private. I don't mind, 'cause of C. Darwin ... 

4 years 39 weeks ago
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You might want to ask for "pata nera" or "pata negra", the Spanish delicacy. Not sure where you will land, but that must be everywhere in Spain, I guess. Pata nera is big business in China. 


Good news, then. You will be soon off to Spain. Godspeed. 

4 years 39 weeks ago
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Pata negra is prosciuto (ital.). Synonym for pata negra is "the best' -part-of-porky", I guess, he he.

I thought, pata negra might be British 'black pudding' (which I fancy, too), so I had a look over the web ...

4 years 39 weeks ago
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4 years 40 weeks ago
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Sure you can, in the town im in none of the Uni have native speakers,or any school for that matter. most are African and Arab. Just stay away from major cities and go to poorer locations and they will take anyone. Since its hard to find natives for these jobs and no one who can legally be employed wants to go to these places. Although, you will most likely have to work on a tourist or student or business visa.


I wonder where non-WP teachers in China go for the visa runs now when HK is out of the picture. The only city/country comes to mind is Hanoi/Vietnam ... by land.

4 years 39 weeks ago
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4 years 39 weeks ago
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At a university?  Very unlikely, large public instituitions like universities or public schools are very unlikely to hire non-native teachers because it's illegal.  You are much more likely to be able to find a job at a smaller training center willing to hire outside the regulations because they have less to lose and are less known.


I'm in a pretty small city and all the universities here have native speakers, whereas five years ago they didn't.  Things change rapidly.

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4 years 39 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77