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Q: Is this job offer acceptable in your opinion?

11000 x 9 months + 5000 x 3 months (salary in Feb, July and August, when school is closed) = 114 000 Rmb per year + 7000 Rmb return flight + free apartment. Contract requires 25 classes (45') a week 'edit:' 'with office hours', teaching Oral English to Middle School students with set curriculum.


Is that good offer by your opinion? Let's talk about the job advert offer and not about the taker (me), pls!


I've never been offered lower salary than what was advertised, because I am not Native English teacher. In other words, if my CV is accepted, I get Contract with the same salary and benefits as per advert.


Since 2012 (Fuk, Xinjiang), I've never had an offer lower than 8000 Rmb a month + 8000 Rmb (split between 3 months recess), return flight and apartment for 15 classes per week for Oral English teaching.

I had 9000 Rmb in Fujian, and now I am on 8000 x 9 + 5000 x 3 and all other benefits in Henan for 15 classes (45') per week.


Job offers at International schools on 'Jobs' here are terrible IMO, what is the reason I'm asking about your opinion on this offer.

Most offers for Oral teaching at International schools require 20-33 classes a week with 14k in Beijing, Qingdao, Shanghai. Only 'subject teaching' offers are higher/in the range of 18 -25k.

8 years 14 weeks ago in  Business & Jobs - China

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Considering you're a non native speaker I guess it's decent.


When I first moved to China my salary was like 8,000 RMB a month. Now I am like on double!


Your post is 'entirely believable' to one Non-naiveangel English teacher, who fairly frequently look for the new position in China.

I am sure, your School advertised your 'double then when-I-first-arrived-to-China' salary on Jobs adverts.

That's a special Chinese treat, imbedded in their culture.....offer as much as you can, 'cause FT is Non, who's posting baloneys on anon Internet Board.

I think, even Native English posters here shake their heads in disbelief. A bit.




Do you know 'Allan's-Snack-bar', big Allan's chain with headquarters in Medina?

I can tell from your handle, that you do....

8 years 14 weeks ago
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I don't quite understand what you're saying, are you calling me a liar?


I am on about 15,000 RMB a month here (I've lived in this City for almost 3 years) and it's bloody hard getting a foreign teacher to this City considering it's a small City with well... not much to do, foreign population was 12, not it's like 6. A lot of teachers end up leaving as soon as they can as they can't handle it, ignorant people, small City, 1900's mentality and stuff.


Believe it or not I am not even the highest paid teacher here, the highest paid teacher here is making about 18,000 RMB a month (We work for different schools)


Allan's snack bar? I just googled it, haven't heard of it and there's nothing on it. What are you talking about?

8 years 14 weeks ago
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Show us your Contract, pls! And yes, I don't believe you have such pay as Non-native English teacher anywhere in China. Your statement might not be lie, under condition your Contract requires over 30 classes per week. When you state your salary, you should always include how many hours/classes you are required to perform per week/month with such salary.

I saw similar pay offers in Shanghai for over 30 classes/week, but no housing is included in the offer.

If I double the hours required with my present Contract (15 classes/week) my salary should be (It's not!) 16 000 Rmb per month.

Non doesn't qualify to work legally in any Tier-1 city in China.

'add-it': 'English teacher, Ozz native PM me last week, Uni in his small city offered him 4500 Rmb/m for 18 classes per week....He is Native English teacher, working in China longer than 4 years.'




lesson 1:


-close your eyes, turn off your radio&TV, and pronounce loudly several times: 'Allan's-Snack-bar'


In lesson 2, we will learn how to properly bend while you're kneeling. Lesson 3 will be about world's orientations and proper use of the compass....

Did you know, compass is China-men invention?

8 years 14 weeks ago
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Sounds like someone is super jealous, who the hell said I am not a native English speaker? I am a native English speaker and yes I do make 15,000 RMB a month. I work a little more then 26 hours a week (Including office hours).

8 years 14 weeks ago
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No jealous whatsoever. On what? Can I gain anything by being jealous? For some reason, I thought you are Non and flashing your high pay here. I'd say, your stated pay is nearly impossible for Non, especially from one job only. Misunderstanding!



26 hours for 15k Rmb isn't big deal, especially not for Native. On my Campus, Native English teachers have lower salary than me! Here norm is 6k with 15 classes/w, doesn't matter who you are. I was lucky with offer I have, because of new (2014) International dept. at High school. I got it through the placement agent.

8 years 14 weeks ago
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He is " not jealous" he just assumed you were flashing your high pay around....  Wahaha, well that sentence speaks for itself.. Just take it as a compliment

8 years 14 weeks ago
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Yeah, I read his handle, and assumed he isn't Native English teacher, but he has 15k pay. Impossible with one job for Non.

So, what do you do when you're jealous? You stare in the mirror and repeat: 'I WANT HIS!'

What kind of feeling is jealous? Do you share your experience with China-men employers on the laowai's anon Board? What did you share with us, that helped anybody here? 


ohh, but he is not jealous.... Why do you call yourself 'jetfire'?

I am aware I can't match you in China by teaching English, which isn't my first language. Can you do the same? Or is Englo your only language you can teach?

8 years 14 weeks ago
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I know a NNES, who was on around 20+ or so.


But, he had a PhD in physics, and that's what he was there for - and also to teach English.

8 years 14 weeks ago
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8 years 14 weeks ago
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For me, it would depend on the holidays. Is that that the 3x5k months are for. Getting paid when on holiday?


Yes, I receive 5000 Rmb in Feb., July and August, when school is closed.

That is usual offer at Public schools, either one whole (10th) salary split between summer and winter recess (Xinjiang) or 5000 for each month as I have now.

8 years 14 weeks ago
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i assume the 25 classes are a big school and your actually teaching the same lesson 25 times a week and not planning 25 separate lessons.

8 years 14 weeks ago
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I am not sure about that - size of the school and planning the lessons/one lesson per week. I might be working with different Grades, so two or three different lesson plans each week. School can't be that big to have 25 classes in one Grade. Maybe there are several Oral classes (3) per class.

I usually plan lessons a week ahead, and I am at the School at least 1/2 hour before the first class. I leave School after my last class, if there aren't any students waiting for me in the office.

8 years 14 weeks ago
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8 years 14 weeks ago
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Depends where - are you staying in Nowheresville? If you are in the middle of nowhere, then it is actually not too bad... I've seen worse (although, for less hours). And also depends on the apartment.


Why are you getting 5kx3m? Holidays? Is that the same deal as the other teachers?


I don't get why you're asking... you're effectively saying "should I take a job that is more hours (which usually doesn't matter too much - if you're there, you're there, and not away somewhere else), that pays 3K more per month?"


Granted - 8k/15 hours/week = 133/hour. 11K/25hours/week is 110/hour.  Then you need to ask yourself - what other offers am I getting? Do I currently need stability over higher pay?


I just can't sit in my room anymore. Guizhou is also attractive area, however their cab start is 10 Rmb, for difference of Zhengzhou of 8 Rmb and Kaifeng, where I am currently with 5 Rmb.


I'd say cost of living in Guizhou is most likely higher than in Henan.


I got your point: 'if you're at the school, you are there....', however, I usually count pay per hour. I add salary & all benes and divide it with hours required.


Offer by the advert is 8-12k Rmb for 25 classes/week with office hours, but apartment is in the School with sharing of washing machine.

I asked them for 'no office hours' and 'apartment out of the School' and they agreed, but offered pay now is 11k. I replied: 'I am happy with 11k, but you should decrease working hours count to 22 classes/week.'


Pay attention to difference between 'hour' (60') and 'class' (45'). I guess you meant 'class' at 'pay per hour'.

I am at 'nowhereswhere' now, and I don't mind much about that. My new office/school is on 1800m (6k ft.) elevation. Area has 6m residents. City is called 'Bijie' on the border with Sichuan and Yunnan. No train to the city as of yet, buses and planes only. Wild panda's playground. Azalea is the flower of the area.

The thing is 'I'd like to move asap, but not for the lower pay than I have now.' Didn't I tell you, I learned 'how to .....negotiate'.

8 years 14 weeks ago
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RE: teaching hours...well, if they're the same, it sort of doesn't matter... apples to apples. but if one is 45', and the other is 1 hour, then yeah, apples to oranges... (or, oranges to mandarins :p)


No housing allowance??


I agree - I hate when they do that "X RMB for X teaching hours - but you have to stay at the school the rest of the time... which actually means, 40 hours of my life is wasted, and usually at only about 80RMB/hour... my time is my time, and my time is what you're paying for!

8 years 14 weeks ago
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 I told them, I'll surf the Internet in office hours, and that must be paid. They retort: 'But, sometimes students need help with HW or they just want to talk to FT'.

I replied: 'Yeah, there's no problem with that! I am at the School because of the students. They can always meet me in the class breaks or after my last class...'

They: 'OK, on office hours!'

Yeah, 'hour' or 'class' is 'monkeys' to 'bananas' in China. You must clear the matter, before Contract sign. '20 classes required' by Contract, but they count '60 minutes' as a class later, in other words 'we meant 26 classes, 45' each....'.

I don't believe cause for that is 'low English level'. They 'negotiate'!

'add-it': 5k x 3 means I get 5000 Rmb per month in February, July and August, when we have holidays (stay home, moonlight etc....).

I always try to avoid housing allowance, because you must rent it by yourself, then dealing with the owner, repair, maintain and what not. All that is much simpler, when School rents an apartment. For all problems in apartment, you just dial School's rep....

8 years 14 weeks ago
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8 years 14 weeks ago
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Since no more suggestions here, I had to put my foot down angel....!


After lengthy negotiations through the Skype and phone this pm, I suggested I will accept/sign Contract, if they'll include  'probation notice' on the Contract with:

'FT will be paid 11k/m for 25 classes per week in 30-days probation period, and after that salary will be 12k/m for 25 classes/week for the remaining duration of the Contract.'

I gave up on demand of 3 x 6k pay in holidays recess, and I will accept 3 x 5k.

Apartment on the School's premises Q&A:


Title: Hitting On All Cylinders


me: 'How will you know, if student entered my apartment in the School?'

she: 'I don't understand!???'

me: '....sometimes you will come across the teacher or anybody else, who likes to have an inappropriate contacts with underage ......'

me again: 'How will you know, if student entered my apartment in the School?'

she: ... silence ......ohh, I got it! Apartment can't be on the School premises.... I'll talk to the boss tomorrow! We'll get you an apartment in the city!


You can't say, I don't know 'how to ....negotiate' with Chinaman, can you?'


It's my mum's fault ....!


Got Guizhou's Contract, boss of the School is buying plane ticket Zhengzhou - Guiyang getting the treatment, before the arrival. 



I need new T-shirt: 'CAN'T DRINK MAOTAI!'

8 years 14 weeks ago
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8 years 14 weeks ago
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Well can they also get Z visa and FEC for you?


Yes, I asked about it, because this place where I am now, screw me up on that in 2014. Rep offered Contract, I sign it and arrived to Kaifeng out of Fujian with Release letter and FEC cancel paper. My RP was still valid 20 or something days, and rep. told me School's authorization for foreign hire is in other words 'exit&new Z'. I told him to ask at FEB about new Z HK pick-up, and he came back with 'Z only in your home country'. School bought ticket to my home, and three months later ticket for return to Kaifeng. I also get paid for stay in my home three months.

Now, always when I talk to the new School, I want to see their authorization first. It's small FEC size book, not the same color with Chinese text only.

Have to get Release letter and FEC cancel cert. next.

8 years 14 weeks ago
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He's a paki

7 years 13 weeks ago
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8 years 14 weeks ago
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If it is all about dollars, then fine. But, for me, there is always much more to consider besides that. A 1000 rmb here or there is not going to make or break me. I look for ease of getting around China (trains, planes and automobiles). What is there to see and do in the area on my days off. City size. Amenities and benefits offerings. And, of couse what the school is like and their students. I have worked in some great places. And, some are not so great. But, each location has their charms and interests. Each school has had pitfalls and cherished moments.


It won't break me either, but if it breaks them so bad, it can and it is breaking me, too! I am very detailed at Contract read. After I ink it, I follow it to the letter, and they can't/won't. Good! Let see about that......


30m2 apartment with retractable, picnic table and three plastic chairs in the kitchen and 'here is your FEC'. me: 'Thank you! Do you know what FEC stands for? Do you think, FEC holder came to China to sit on plastic chairs, and when traveling on train with standing ticket, it's very handy. Grab your luggage, kitchen chair and off you go.....and so on......


I can count every dime, when they press me! 


I could write you a whole letter on that....They are just sneaky, and they sure know, I can easely became snake too.

8 years 14 weeks ago
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8 years 14 weeks ago
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Considering you're a non native speaker I guess it's decent.


When I first moved to China my salary was like 8,000 RMB a month. Now I am like on double!


Your post is 'entirely believable' to one Non-naiveangel English teacher, who fairly frequently look for the new position in China.

I am sure, your School advertised your 'double then when-I-first-arrived-to-China' salary on Jobs adverts.

That's a special Chinese treat, imbedded in their culture.....offer as much as you can, 'cause FT is Non, who's posting baloneys on anon Internet Board.

I think, even Native English posters here shake their heads in disbelief. A bit.




Do you know 'Allan's-Snack-bar', big Allan's chain with headquarters in Medina?

I can tell from your handle, that you do....

8 years 14 weeks ago
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I don't quite understand what you're saying, are you calling me a liar?


I am on about 15,000 RMB a month here (I've lived in this City for almost 3 years) and it's bloody hard getting a foreign teacher to this City considering it's a small City with well... not much to do, foreign population was 12, not it's like 6. A lot of teachers end up leaving as soon as they can as they can't handle it, ignorant people, small City, 1900's mentality and stuff.


Believe it or not I am not even the highest paid teacher here, the highest paid teacher here is making about 18,000 RMB a month (We work for different schools)


Allan's snack bar? I just googled it, haven't heard of it and there's nothing on it. What are you talking about?

8 years 14 weeks ago
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Show us your Contract, pls! And yes, I don't believe you have such pay as Non-native English teacher anywhere in China. Your statement might not be lie, under condition your Contract requires over 30 classes per week. When you state your salary, you should always include how many hours/classes you are required to perform per week/month with such salary.

I saw similar pay offers in Shanghai for over 30 classes/week, but no housing is included in the offer.

If I double the hours required with my present Contract (15 classes/week) my salary should be (It's not!) 16 000 Rmb per month.

Non doesn't qualify to work legally in any Tier-1 city in China.

'add-it': 'English teacher, Ozz native PM me last week, Uni in his small city offered him 4500 Rmb/m for 18 classes per week....He is Native English teacher, working in China longer than 4 years.'




lesson 1:


-close your eyes, turn off your radio&TV, and pronounce loudly several times: 'Allan's-Snack-bar'


In lesson 2, we will learn how to properly bend while you're kneeling. Lesson 3 will be about world's orientations and proper use of the compass....

Did you know, compass is China-men invention?

8 years 14 weeks ago
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Sounds like someone is super jealous, who the hell said I am not a native English speaker? I am a native English speaker and yes I do make 15,000 RMB a month. I work a little more then 26 hours a week (Including office hours).

8 years 14 weeks ago
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No jealous whatsoever. On what? Can I gain anything by being jealous? For some reason, I thought you are Non and flashing your high pay here. I'd say, your stated pay is nearly impossible for Non, especially from one job only. Misunderstanding!



26 hours for 15k Rmb isn't big deal, especially not for Native. On my Campus, Native English teachers have lower salary than me! Here norm is 6k with 15 classes/w, doesn't matter who you are. I was lucky with offer I have, because of new (2014) International dept. at High school. I got it through the placement agent.

8 years 14 weeks ago
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He is " not jealous" he just assumed you were flashing your high pay around....  Wahaha, well that sentence speaks for itself.. Just take it as a compliment

8 years 14 weeks ago
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Yeah, I read his handle, and assumed he isn't Native English teacher, but he has 15k pay. Impossible with one job for Non.

So, what do you do when you're jealous? You stare in the mirror and repeat: 'I WANT HIS!'

What kind of feeling is jealous? Do you share your experience with China-men employers on the laowai's anon Board? What did you share with us, that helped anybody here? 


ohh, but he is not jealous.... Why do you call yourself 'jetfire'?

I am aware I can't match you in China by teaching English, which isn't my first language. Can you do the same? Or is Englo your only language you can teach?

8 years 14 weeks ago
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I know a NNES, who was on around 20+ or so.


But, he had a PhD in physics, and that's what he was there for - and also to teach English.

8 years 14 weeks ago
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8 years 14 weeks ago
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What does the with office hours mean? That the office hours are already included in the time or that they will be extra? If they are extra then how many hours?


Chinese teachers work that way: 'arrive at 7 - 8am and stay at School till 6:30 - 7pm, with lunch break, Mon - Sat.' Direct contact with students in the classroom for some 2 - 3 classes in the whole day. 


Shifts from Mon - Sat amount for some '77 million' office hours per week/month. 

Their salary&benes cover office hours, mine doesn't. I receive salary only for the classes with students, and no School in China ever offered me pay for the office hours.


8 years 14 weeks ago
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I've heard that the 'office hours' are just a way to ensure you don't go working for someone else. Probably true, as it doesn't serve any other purpose (other than control and face - if you're seen there).

8 years 14 weeks ago
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And that's why I always calculate my pay by total hours, not teaching hours. And, why I get paid an hourly rate, not a salary!

8 years 14 weeks ago
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@Shining: that might be true, too. Since we agreed 'no office hours', there's notice on Contract 'FT can't work elsewhere than RP sponsor, and if FT wants to work part-time must have an agreement with RP sponsor.'



8 years 14 weeks ago
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OT (a bit):


Does anybody know, how to c&p scanned file on Safari OS? I don't have Windows OS on the puter.


I need guidance on 'edit-blank-parts of the scanned file', too!

I want to post my present Contract, I was talking about.

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8 years 14 weeks ago
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11 or 12,000/mth is terrific.  Having more than 16 or 18 classes is not.

The teachers in my city all earn 7k/mth, except for me.  I'm on 9 and this semester I have 15 classes.  Last year only 12 and 14, same money.  I don't do any office hours.

The new college has approached me to work for them next semester and they offered 4.5 for 18 or 20 classes.  I do need a new job but I don't need that one.

In your case, rather than ask for more money, could you seek fewer classes?



Posts: 3333.  Thank you very much!

8 years 14 weeks ago
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And still a Shifu, gotta be proud of that.

8 years 14 weeks ago
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I was talking about you on reply above, and about lousy offer you got from Uni.

I wrongly assumed poster is Non with 15k/m pay from one job. 

But, yeah 25 classes is big deal. I ended up with Contract for 11k in 30-days probation, and 12k after that. And 3 salaries for holidays of 6k, which I didn't ask for. They gave it to me. LOL. Return ticket home refund, and if I don't fly 5k cash. It was struggle to get all this.

8 years 14 weeks ago
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8 years 14 weeks ago
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Guys the FEC and Z Visa documents, medical, etc. All comes up to less than 1500 RMB. So, its not a big deal for them to pay for it for you, 1500/12 = 125. That's absolutely nothing! They always make it seem like they are doing you a huge favor while they actually are not.

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7 years 13 weeks ago
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A: There are a few ways that a NNES can legally teach in China. 1. Thei
A:There are a few ways that a NNES can legally teach in China.
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