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Q: Lack of Sexual Satisfaction in china

One of my Chinese female friend in her 50s told me she divorced her  Chinese husband because of his lack of Sexual Satisfaction.   she said its very common in china? and many women in china divorce because of this reason.

she said that many Chinese women are not satisfied with their sex lives,and many Chinese women have never reached orgasm before......have you guys ever heard of this kind of situation from your Chinese friends?  


Question : would you divorce your husband or wife because of lack of sexual satisfaction???

Question :   lack of Sexual Satisfaction  a good reason for a divorce?

12 years 17 weeks ago in  Relationships - China

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12 years 17 weeks ago
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Yes, it's a valid reason to divorce.  Half of marriages end in divorce, the other half ​last the rest of your life​.  ​If you don't, you're resigning yourself to a lifetime of never being happy with sex.  That will manifest into resentment for your partner and will bleed into other things.  It's not fair to you, and that resentment isn't fair to your partner.

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12 years 17 weeks ago
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chinese men, all foreign men in china owe you . if not for you we wouldnot be so popular. 


damn straight its a valid reason to divorce. young girls take note. you think you can be happy spending his money with no sex life just wait until you hit 30. which is exactly why chinese men make chinese women think women are too old at 30.


this is why chinese men try to hide porn from women. they don't want women to know how pleasurable sex should be.


this is why chinese men hate to see a girl with a foreigner. (she is gone for good)


mehn..u have spoken 100% well  ..i agree with you...

12 years 17 weeks ago
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well said Crimo...

actually i have posted few questions earlier hinting on that (lack of sexual sensation). In my view it is the fault of both man and woman. Man not considering to satisfy woman, on the other hand woman not trying to enjoy it and taking it as an essential ingredients for healthy relationship. One of the cause for my break up was sex as she took it merely as nothing to do in a relationship....Somehow after about a month she seems to learn something about it and now back with new vigor...this doesn't mean i only care about sex but in every relationship (except in rare cases such as one has disability acquired during the relationship) it is a must ingredient.

Women are more focused on controlling men and when they are treated as a princes (spend money, do all stuff, etc.) they feel proud in early days of their relationship. The dark side is that man doesn't care about her orgasm as soon as he gets his own. Deep inside, he thinks he is doing everything for her and if something happens he can just go for another one as there are many young girls just like his wife in early days waiting for him.....



12 years 17 weeks ago
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haku: the women here have no point of reference number one. secondly if they even hint at wanting to be satisfied sexually they are branded as a whore and become outcasts. they are mentally imprisoned. 


thank you chinese men. 

12 years 17 weeks ago
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Pornography isn't how sex "should be". That stuff is fake and the women fake the orgasms.

12 years 17 weeks ago
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tap and pog you're missing the point. when a woman who is very inexperienced or a man watches porn there are some things that can be learned. from watching what the man is doing she realizes that the guy is supposed to last more than 3 minutes. and remember guys 99% of porn is acting.

12 years 17 weeks ago
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and dont forget, she sees what a full sized johnson is supposed to look like

12 years 17 weeks ago
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12 years 17 weeks ago
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Being married is the leading cause of divorce.

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12 years 17 weeks ago
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I see a lot of braggers here.
"The cow which roars the most gives the least amount of milk"
As former expat in China, Philippines, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Brazil
I can say to you, that it is all rubbish talk. (yeah spam me, go for it)
Why marry in the first place?
Initial attraction? Business contract or combination of both?
Yes it varies between different cultures. The fact is that most women start enjoying sex as they get older..Men on the other hand either stays the same or goes "kaput"
I'm single but would never never, ever leave my wife (I'm single widower) maybe I would cheat don't know never got to that point.
But I agree that most women goes ballistic with age.
Do divorces happens because of lack of sex? Sure they do..Not only in China but al over the  world. So don't point fingers at Chinese men.
With the exception in Islamic culture. But I won't go into this discussion.

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12 years 17 weeks ago
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I would say No to Question 1 & 2 coz sexual satisfaction is not the major reason I marry (or leave) someone. I love this guy, not only his dick.  


You might love only mine.

11 years 13 weeks ago
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12 years 17 weeks ago
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They're not satisfied sexually cos their husband are off getting a massage or have a permanent bit on the side.



(and their *ahem*s are too small to satisfy anyone)

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12 years 17 weeks ago
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If your husband doesn't please you, talk to him about it, not the internet. And if your marriage is so crappy that he doesn't care, well that's a different problem.


When I date a girl, before we have sex I always ask about her history a bit. This is for my own protection and it tells me a lot about the girl and what she might like in bed. When a girl tells me she has never masturbated before, I know there will be problems. You expect me to please you but you've never pleased yourself?


If two people make love, and one of them can't climax, is it always the other person's fault? We've all watched too much pornography.  Sex isn't supposed to be a certain way. It is about accepting someone. Too many people try too hard during sex. The harder a woman tries to have an orgasm, the less able she is to have one. The more a man worries about finishing too soon, the more likely it is that it will happen.


What's the big deal about giving someone else an orgasm? Why is it so important?


So, you casually ask "Do you masturbate?". It seems I am really out of touch with flirting in 2012.

12 years 17 weeks ago
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I don't know... I usually stop flirting somewhere before lovemaking begins. I guess it probably depends on the girl whether this is a turn off.


I've gone through some different romantic philosophies in my life. I used to try to impress, now I try to be myself. I can't say one works better than the other - the sample size is too small :)

12 years 16 weeks ago
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12 years 17 weeks ago
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why are these threads so popular? Any ideas?


Sex sells....

12 years 16 weeks ago
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I think because sex is a curiosity to everyone. Even in the west where we are supposedly more open about sex people still worry about am I doing it right, am I too big/small, how long should I last before climax etc. We are all curious about sex.

12 years 16 weeks ago
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12 years 16 weeks ago
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I agree with Pogger34:The same thing happens with my Chinese GF, she scream's so loudly, squirms, and makes me nervous while 'comming' multiple times, usually I forget my own orgasms, and I am happy to satisfy her.

Before her, I had quite a few ONS's with other Chinese Girls, and I found  most of them crazy for sex, and difficult to satiate.

Chinese girls surely are hungry for sex, albeit from Foreigners, not with Native Chinese men.

( My Chinese Male friends, please forgive me) 

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12 years 16 weeks ago
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From my point of view, most of your 50s lady friends cannot arouse their man's attention.And their guy prefer to spending most of the time finding young mistress to enjoy their sexual satisfaction. Also, it does not make sense you would choose divorce only because a lack of sexual satisfaction if you really love someone,

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12 years 16 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77