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Q: The life i have built here has disintegrated. Need helpful advice

12 years 49 weeks ago in  Relationships - China

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I know nothing Chinese culture.

However, as a western person I have to admit I sounds pretty challenging to live with your wife's parents - if not impossible. I can understand you decided to live in China, but living with her parents is begging for trouble.

You should definitely move out - as quick as possible. If you can you should bring your wife with you. IF you love her, want to spend the rest of your life with her and you two are happy together - and on IF this apply - you should do everything in your power to convince her to move together with you.

A really good place to ask questions like this is here:
They are much better handling relationships than I am

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12 years 49 weeks ago
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It's always difficult to give advices knowing so little of the situation.

But from what you say, you and your wife should live in your own appartment and not with her parents. A Chinese girl alone it's already a nightmare, but with her parents together it's the end of the world (I'm talking by experience). A Chinese girl will always do what her parents want, no matter what and no matter they're right or wrong.

Find an apartment for you, give it some times, and after a couple of weeks ask your wife if she wants to move in your apartment. If she says no, then ask for legal advices on how to get a divorce....

Myself I have been thinking many times to divorce, but with a child now, well I prefer to make sacrifices for him and the rest I don't give a damn anymore (I just say to myself no Chinese in my next life)
Otherwise, since the beginning, I fixed the rules in my house not her parents : parents want to move with us when she was, you don't. Parents want to move with us when the baby is, you don't. Parents come to see us for a week, they cook only the night for them and my wife and leave the kitchen clean for lunch when I have to cook for my child.

But still, I would need to do like the Chinese government and put a white board on which I write what they are allowed to and what they're not...

I would curious to know how many foreigners with a Chinese wife/girlfriend are in the same shit...

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12 years 49 weeks ago
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Flogging a dead horse mate. She will always side with her parents if you cant put up with it get out now while you can.

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12 years 49 weeks ago
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very simple leave it alone. if you married her in your home countrygo back and file for divorce. a marriage is not just about love. the situation must be compatible for both of you. never sacrafice happiness for love. find someone that suits you better or live life as a single man . be happy either way

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12 years 49 weeks ago
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Walk away, and if she really loves you she will leave her parents and come back to you. If not just move on.
Get a job here teaching English and start dating another girl, and see how she reacts.

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12 years 49 weeks ago
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I'm assuming your wife is Chinese? If so, it seems that while there are those Chinese women who are open minded and do not let their parents (particularly their mothers) control everything, the majority of them are not like that. You have to realize that just as you are from a culture where couples are independent, make decisions together as a unit, and overall on average do not allow their parents to dominate the relationship she is from a culture that is the exact opposite. That being said it's a matter of who is willing to change, you or her. You know her better than I do so you are in a better position to determine if you think she'd be willing to accept moving out and becoming a duo (and not a trio with mom). You obviously love her so you should at least try and discuss the idea with her. Be prepared for if and when she is not willing, however, as she is from a culture that is much more resistant to change and less open to new ways of doing things. If she is unwilling that leaves it up to you. You love her to death but can you handle being miserable, allowing her parents to control everything? Are you okay with being the one who sacrifices everything while she sacrifices nothing? Even if she accepts to stay with you this time, what will happen the next time you have a fight and her mom tells her to leave you again? Will she listen that time ? I often say that if love was enough to carry a relationship, we wouldn't have the high rates of divorce we have today. It takes so much more than love; you need a willingness from both sides to compromise, which it sounds like you have. Now you have to evaluate for yourself if your wife does, too, and if not is that something you can live with?

It breaks my heart reading your story, Straw. I really hope everything works out for the best and you make the best decision for yourself. Take care.

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12 years 49 weeks ago

Before you judge someone walk a mile in their shoes, that way you're a mile away and you have their shoes!

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first of all living with the parents is a big problem thier is only 1 person wearing the pants and thats daddy you need to talk to tyour wife about you too having your own life this is the most important thing id move out of the house with your wife and if she isnt willing to or just plan wont its a problem you have to deal with and makea tuff decision i feel for you brother

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12 years 49 weeks ago
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Hi,there can be lots of unknown factors an average westerner doesnt take in to account when married to somebody Chinese,i am also married to Chinese girl moved here last year because my wife didnt like my country uk,maybe you havent said if you have children which will be a huge consideration to her parents,they will think after one year she should be pregnant any age difference,and no children will multiply problem,i also get asked for advice than ignored but i think thats just normal here,will be mama baba ,and yeye nana whos advice is taken not ours,living with parents very difficult get your own flat,living with your wifes family is seen as bad in China ,hope things work out you seem very genuine,good luck

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12 years 49 weeks ago
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Life is short try to enjoy it.

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12 years 49 weeks ago

love life

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Why are you living in a situation where you allow other people to control what happens in your marriage? Stand naked and in front of a mirror looking down. Do you see a couple of round things hanging between your legs? No? I thought not.


cheers ears. some chinese "ladies" got a hefty set too.

12 years 49 weeks ago
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Go, let them rot in whatever crappy village they live in. They can have crap healthcare, 4,000 kuai a month and no citizenship in a decent country.

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12 years 49 weeks ago
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its not the first time i hear this......actually i am trying to find an example of foreigner married in China with no marriage problems...and i can not. And yes...the chinese parents will always be a source of civil ballast...


Me and the Mrs. are great. Lucky for me she has siblings and hates her parents though. And I mean she HATES them. Our wedding was the firs time she'd seen them in four years. But, to tell you the truth, getting loaded with her old man was awesome. I don't know what her problem is. I am probably the only laowai in China who asks his wife when we're gonna have her Dad up for a visit and is disappointed when he's told "never."

12 years 49 weeks ago
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sorry to contradict, but I'm married for 8 years with a chinese girl, we live at her mother's place and it goes perfectly well...

12 years 49 weeks ago
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12 years 49 weeks ago
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I believe others have provided sufficient answers. My only advice would be to move out, maybe stay at a cheap hotel for a few days and give everyone time to cool off and think about it carefully. Don't rage quit. After a few days, approach your wife and have a serious talk with her. If she won't see reason then it'd be best to get the divorce. It sounds like you didn't know her as well as you thought you did. I'm posting your question onto the forums of LoveLoveChina. You might get some different advice.

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12 years 49 weeks ago
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Beaut says approach your WIFE and have a serious talk with HER! NOT the parents. It's hard in any culture to live as man and wife in a parent's home. The spouse often feels inferior to his or her parents, land that they have to do as the parents say, and not what is best for the couple.

Like they said, move out. Get an apartment. In a few days, after things have settled and your wife realizes that you won't be walked on any more... maybe she'll come around. If she doesn't... she doesn't deserve you.

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12 years 49 weeks ago
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The family is far too traditional for a cross cultural relationship to work, unless you are willing to compromise almost all your values. Some men are and find it rewarding, the problem comes when you want to hang onto the ones you really feel strongly about. That can get frustrating. Remember where you are and when in Rome. That doesn't mean you have to give up everything just everything when you are with family. My wife is very traditional but her family has nothing to do with our relationship so it doesnt feel so bad. I get out as often as I can and that makes a big difference although I live in Shekou and some foreigners don't always have that luxury. I recall rerading that 50% of Chinese prople didn't mind their daughters marrying a foreigner... that leaves...

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12 years 49 weeks ago
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U shouldn't come, should live in ur country.
It's sad, but there r such people everywhere, listen to their parents never think by themselves.

Do u love her? If u do, try to take her back home with u, if not, just go, u don't really have more choice.

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12 years 49 weeks ago
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Thanks a bunch people,some really helpful words for me, well anyway i di what a lot of you suggested and just decided to take off for a bit yesterday evening /night, and it only took a few hours before mama gei wo da dianhua asking me please come back and everyone sorry yadda yadda. But i didn't want to cave so easily, so i made sure that mrs and mom knew exactly how i felt, and believe it or not through the grace of someone/something. They actually finally got what i've been saying and feeling!

So Everyone had a good ol' cry down. So i guess that the correct approach was to make my self heard clearly and to make sure everyone is on the same page, if not then (if)next time i only need to look out for me.


That storming away routine might only work once. You have to have a strong personality. Don't let them bully you. Once they see you can't be bullied then they'll stop.

12 years 49 weeks ago
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I'm with beaufort. You're gonna have to beat the shit out the father, proving who the Alpha male is.

12 years 49 weeks ago
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12 years 49 weeks ago
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Good for you Straw!!! Way to man up!

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12 years 2 weeks ago
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where is the issue? I cant see any content from the OP

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12 years 2 weeks ago
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No matter what happened.


"Add oil"

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I will sound stupid but smile my friend smile and everything will be eventually alright................any help just tell me..i think i can do something for you................Good Luck and God Bless

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12 years 2 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77