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Q: May I know why the recruiters are not answering to applications?
1 year 9 weeks ago in Teaching & Learning - China
this is a VERY common question on this site.
You won't get an answer unless the recruiter is interested in you.
maybe they are just not interested.
sounds harsh, but that is the reality of China.
I think that the website seems fake, cause, I applied so many jobs on this site, but no response from any one. Although I have Ph.D in Physics with over 14 years teaching experience
You should research Co. (which posted a job advert here), over the web and get their address and direct contact numbers ... and see if the job opening was/is real.
this is a VERY common question on this site.
You won't get an answer unless the recruiter is interested in you.
maybe they are just not interested.
sounds harsh, but that is the reality of China.
I think that the website seems fake, cause, I applied so many jobs on this site, but no response from any one. Although I have Ph.D in Physics with over 14 years teaching experience
You should research Co. (which posted a job advert here), over the web and get their address and direct contact numbers ... and see if the job opening was/is real.
This website is not fake. It is very professional and updated regularly. I have applied for many jobs on this site and had interviews. However, recently, not. You have to be aware that there is external government interference from foreigners' native countries, affecting all foreigners who want to work in China with the Chinese.
Perhaps this is your problem?
The problem I have with this site is that sometimes the recruiters do not understand the profession I work in, cannot assess my skills well and come across as petulant. I think they are learning these ways of relating from young native Americans and British teachers, as mature, experienced teachers do not behave this way.
the Chinese are not "learning these ways of relating from young native Americans and British teachers" when it comes to not responding to applications. in China not responding is standard procedure for a long time if they are not interested or don't want to answer a question. but then this is something that every foreign worker in China knows............