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Q: MBA's - how to find a good one, and how to get one...

That's "married, but available"... so I've been told! And, how to identify one when you meet/chat.

12 years 43 weeks ago in  Relationships - China

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Yes, I have heard of this phrase before. "married, but available"....also sneaky and suspicious. I would avoid married, but available women or men for that matter.  It's a web that you wouldn't want to get tangled in. Once you get trapped it would be hard to escape. Plus, women or men don't like cheating spouses. 

The way to identify one when you meet/chat is that they are usually too obvious. They are looking for attention! You can usually tell if somebody is with someone already! The number one sign is if they look suspicious and sneaky like their trying to fool around. My advice don't get suckered or fooled by MBA's.

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12 years 43 weeks ago
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Why would you set out in the first place to find a married women/man if you work with someone or are freinds and they are married and something clicks between the two of you thats different but still not really right but acceptable,if you follow this path hope you meet the wrong person you sholdnt f..k with Spouse who learns you a lesson in life


I think it would be a waste of time to go searching for an"MBA" married but available person. First of all how long will each other know each other? It would only probably be a short while. So the person going out to search is throwing away his entire life over someone they hardly know? Just take a look at how Oscar De La Hoya and Tiger Woods turned out!

12 years 43 weeks ago
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You cant give Tiger Woods and Oscar De La Hoya as examples or everbody would be up to it maybe they are

12 years 43 weeks ago
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12 years 43 weeks ago
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0  i actually met one from there look for married women also separated women

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12 years 43 weeks ago
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so you want the snatch and have someone else buy the house and car and you live in the house parttime and borrow the car.  what a deal, best part is when the house falls apart or the car breaks , some other poor bloke pays the bill.

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11 years 29 weeks ago
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MBA is based on LUST.  Never a stable acceptable notion.  Both parties always end up losing in the end.  However, I understand its a big thing here for Chinese men in their 40s since they married so young.  Again its a lose-lose game. 

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11 years 27 weeks ago
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