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Q: The most difficult ESL job you ever had?

I was wondering what was the most difficult teaching job you ever had? As in basically a school or a company that was a nightmare to work for or one that was generally a pain in the ass?


During orientation there, I was told by the teaching boss that I needed to buy a textbook for a class. I went "huh?" The school was to reimburse me for the cost of the book, but I needed to spend my own time finding a book to teach this class. I argued this point with the boss that this wasn't my job, and then surrendered and said I would, after the first week of class. Oh no, I needed to do this immediately! I tried to tell them that I needed to know what the class level was and get a feel of what the class was, and then buy the book. They disagreed, so I had to walk in blind to find a book I think this class I have never see. Would like to use, and of course the book was all wrong. But I did get my money for it. This was pre 2013 time under more liberal rules and should have told them that I am not buying a fucking book.


I had to do a full 15 week lesson plan that weekend before I saw my students. I had in detail write down everything I was going to do every week in every class. If I had Freshman and Sophmore class, this was two different lesson plans and myself having to draft what I was going to do for basically 30 weeks (15 weeks X 2 classes). It had to be of certain length and precise. If I were to fart twice in class, I had to put that down. Basically took several hours on the computer thumbing through the book I bought to write down shit to please them.


My oral exam was the same way, I had to submit my questions, with answers, even if the questions were opinion questions (example: "What do you like to do in the summertime, three examples....and I would have to list some answers.."eat ice cream" "go swimming" "shoot heroin")


I had a "teaching partner" and this person was required to sit in my class twice a month, every month to review me. I really resented this. What was worse was the girl watching me had less experience teaching than myself and was a moron. I named her "Dingbat". She would come in my class and would actually try to tell me how to run my class. Or worse, she always said "Give the students more chances to speak.", which I always do, and while some students like to talk, others never did. The Dingbat would report her findings to the boss. I wanted to watch her classes and do the same, but why waste my time?


This was a typical 16 classes, 45 minutes a class schedule, which I could have easily complete in three days or even two. Three was fine by me. At the time, I lived in the city and the subway was not open yet, and it took me over an hour to get to school, and the bus stopped 40 times (yes FORTY) times before I got there. The FAO was a bitch, and she knew I lived in the city and asked for a three day week, and was told no, and the reason was simply "it's a rule." One semester, I had one 1.5 hour class on a Wednesday. One hour there, 1 1/2 hours on the floor and 1 hour back. Just because this dingbat school had this "rule".


During the first day of Spring semester, we got our schedules, and I made sure the FAO bitch and Dingbat saw it and made sure everything was fine and no screw ups. Ok. So the first week, I had the day off per the schedule and the FAO bitch calls me asking me where I am , and I told her I am off, with her saying no, me saying yes, her saying no. Get my schedule, I was right, and she was a stupid bitch and I hung up the phone on her. I wish I confronted her about it with my paper but didn't. Told Dingbat but she giggled it off like it was nothing.


I learned there that their schedule was king and could never be changed or they went apeshit. Had a class that met after lunch on Friday, but found out I could have them during the time slot before lunch and I could go at noon, instead of sitting on my ass all afternoon. Worked well for a couple of weeks. Then like a month before the semester was over, they found out I changed the time on my own and like I said, went nuts. How dare I change their schedule. In the end, close to the end of the semester, I and FAO bitch got into it because I changed the schedule once for my convenience, and she kept going on about me being punished and I got so sick of her I yelled SHUT THE FUCK UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP! with me banging  on the table. God, I hated her. I wanted to hit her seriously. I would have clocked this cunt if I could have gotten away with it.


I guess I sound whiny, but I never in any other place I worked here such a stupid nightmare of excess work and observation. I worked for another nearby school where the academic partner left me completely alone, never had to deal with the FAO, never had to do any lesson planning and did what I wanted. Did three years with them. My new employer has given me a three day workweek together. The asshole school above just refused.


Ever work for the school from hell? Discuss!



8 years 3 weeks ago in  Business & Jobs - China

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Hahaha OP, your post is so China.


I will give you a pro-tip.


The only way to get things done your way in China is to take action, your words mean nothing to these people.


If your laoban treats you like dirt, don't just threaten to walk away, do it! No one in your school/company will take you (the Foreigner) seriously until you stop showing up for work one day.


When you do so, the same people who ignored you and all your request will bombard you with calls, SMS and Wechat messages looking for you, because your action (resulting from their inaction or bad actions) is directly hurting their business margin and profits.


This is especially true now, since the new visa rules have resulted in so many ESLers leaving China, employers here are desperate for Foreign teachers and not having one will result in massive losses for their center/school.


Do not ever forget that they need you a thousand times more than you need them, don't let them bullshit you into believing the opposite, they know the truth and are just trying to save face.


Be tolerant and understanding. It is not their fault it is ours for holding them to the standards that we hold every other fucking person to. Chinese are special and therefore should never be judged by us, even when it comes to their own standards.

8 years 3 weeks ago
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There has been no "pro tip" more pro than that one. Never bluff. Whatever you threaten to do, be prepared to do it.

8 years 3 weeks ago
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Mine was actually a part time private student. The mom called me everyday, asking why, how and when or to give her ideas and things she wanted to try. She was a CEO so being treated like this drove me crazy, she gave me more phone calls than she gave her company to ask the same questions everyday. She wanted her son to be perfect in math, science and English before High School. After the semester was done, I told her I couldn't be the teacher anymore. She said ok, but she had my wifes phone number and tracked her down on wechat saying I MUST teach her son again. I kept refusing, I couldn't stand the idea of teaching her kid again. Than she offered my Chinese wife a new job with a Y25,000 salary thus she said I had to be the teacher first. This CEO kept coming and coming until I taught her son again. I started to hate cell phones after that.

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8 years 3 weeks ago
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In my part time job, I have a kid like this. His name is Jacky. Just not an intelligent boy at all. While not a complete brat, and he did speak some English, would be passive aggressive in our one on one sessions, doing jerky movements and mimicing me, to the point where I wanted to strangle him. His mother wanted me to teach him writing, so I am trying my best to teach him how to write letters, and his letters were awful, even after trying patiently to show him how. Ugh. if it takes twenty minutes to show a child how to draw a lower case 't' or try to get him to write the lower case letter half the size of the upper case and still cannot do it, he is a moron.



The school/office had cameras in the classrooms. I am not against cameras in the classroom because it protects the child from creeps and also protects me so the kid cannot say I beat him or touched his dick. also allowed the woman to "spy" on my class. One day after an hour and thirty minutes of this doofus child, acting weird and passive aggressive, I said "screw it" and cut him loose about 5 minutes early. Well, the mother called the office and got me in "trouble" and the boss docked me 50 RMB in pay, which really made me mad, and it has been the only time where I and the boss lady (who I like, ever watch the TV show "The Office"? Imagine Michael Scott as a Chinese lady). Fortunately, we trimmed the class down to one hour, which has helped a lot. But he is still the "pain in the ass" of my day, although I will say that the mother books classes five days a week so he is a reliable revenue stream. But what sucks is that the smart, nice kids I like and who I enjoy teaching comes and goes. Such is life.

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8 years 3 weeks ago
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Hahaha OP, your post is so China.


I will give you a pro-tip.


The only way to get things done your way in China is to take action, your words mean nothing to these people.


If your laoban treats you like dirt, don't just threaten to walk away, do it! No one in your school/company will take you (the Foreigner) seriously until you stop showing up for work one day.


When you do so, the same people who ignored you and all your request will bombard you with calls, SMS and Wechat messages looking for you, because your action (resulting from their inaction or bad actions) is directly hurting their business margin and profits.


This is especially true now, since the new visa rules have resulted in so many ESLers leaving China, employers here are desperate for Foreign teachers and not having one will result in massive losses for their center/school.


Do not ever forget that they need you a thousand times more than you need them, don't let them bullshit you into believing the opposite, they know the truth and are just trying to save face.


Be tolerant and understanding. It is not their fault it is ours for holding them to the standards that we hold every other fucking person to. Chinese are special and therefore should never be judged by us, even when it comes to their own standards.

8 years 3 weeks ago
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There has been no "pro tip" more pro than that one. Never bluff. Whatever you threaten to do, be prepared to do it.

8 years 3 weeks ago
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8 years 3 weeks ago
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8 years 3 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77