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Q: Most guys are looking for fun and sex on the dating site?

10 years 37 weeks ago in  Relationships - China

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Goodness no, Victoria.


When we click on a random girl's picture, we are anticipating life-long responsibility and commitment. We do so with the full intention of raising children together, and buying a house and an Audi so that our future mother-in-law will be impressed with us. That's what we are thinking.



Love it.

10 years 37 weeks ago
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Samsara, you are a better man than I...

10 years 36 weeks ago
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Gift o the gab. Must be Irish 

10 years 36 weeks ago
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sure gave me a chuckle....  


but since when did Audi dethrone Mercedes ?!?


  when I was young we said ...  'slidin' a 'Ced....'  


coolest of the cool.....  500 Series if u had the do re mi.   

10 years 36 weeks ago
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10 years 37 weeks ago
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No, not. No why? I've never used a dating site. I sometimes use Dial A Date.

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10 years 37 weeks ago
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Totally untrue! When I used the dating site, I was never looking for fun. I made sure that every date was boring and awkward. 

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10 years 37 weeks ago
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personally i have never had to use a dating site

if you are clear about your expectations when using a dating site, then you will not be surprised.

state that you are not looking for sex, if that is not what you are looking for, otherwise the men will probably assume you are

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10 years 37 weeks ago
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Goodness no, Victoria.


When we click on a random girl's picture, we are anticipating life-long responsibility and commitment. We do so with the full intention of raising children together, and buying a house and an Audi so that our future mother-in-law will be impressed with us. That's what we are thinking.



Love it.

10 years 37 weeks ago
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Samsara, you are a better man than I...

10 years 36 weeks ago
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Gift o the gab. Must be Irish 

10 years 36 weeks ago
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sure gave me a chuckle....  


but since when did Audi dethrone Mercedes ?!?


  when I was young we said ...  'slidin' a 'Ced....'  


coolest of the cool.....  500 Series if u had the do re mi.   

10 years 36 weeks ago
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10 years 37 weeks ago
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I stated clearly I am up for looking a serious relationship,but no guy sent me message,I guess they  just want fun and sex.


I hope you're using the same picture on the dating site to find serious relationships. Tell me you are.

10 years 37 weeks ago
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Yes,I put the same picture.But I stated I am looking for serious relationship and tell don't get me wrong with my butt pictures.

10 years 37 weeks ago
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"I am looking for serious relationship and don't get me wrong with my butt pictures" may be one of the best quotes ever on the internet.


We love you dearly, Vicky.

10 years 37 weeks ago
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you have to have patience

they are not all going to jump immediately, especially men looking for a serious relationship.


any serious relationship requires a LOT of Patience from both people

EDIT: i could also add tolerance. You have to be able to tolerate and accept opinions different from yours, and be able to resolve problems in a reasonable and mature manner

10 years 37 weeks ago
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Give me idears about how can I attract those lovely guys for really want to know me.

10 years 37 weeks ago
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Btw,I paid for 3 monthes membership,so my profile will come to the first page everyday.

10 years 37 weeks ago
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change the picture on your profile

do NOT use the one you have here


it is NOT attractive

10 years 37 weeks ago
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@sorrel, putting it mildy?

10 years 37 weeks ago
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10 years 37 weeks ago
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Lmfao, how about you change your picture to one that does not display such sexual assets, and maybe not so many sexual messages will come your way.



10 years 36 weeks ago
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no, that would require that common sense was at work here... and it isn't in this country.  "wait, if i spit on the street, the street becomes dirty?!?!"  

10 years 36 weeks ago
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I had a typo. Too lazy to click the edit button.

10 years 36 weeks ago
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  In some cultures a generously proportioned posterior is a healthy sign of fertility. Just ask Sir Mixalot. Plus it's a handy place to put your milkshake.

10 years 36 weeks ago
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mixalot?  i'm guessing 'baby got back' ?   cool ass song !


* pun intended

10 years 36 weeks ago
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10 years 37 weeks ago
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  I don't necessarily look for fun.

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10 years 37 weeks ago
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Why in the land of match makers do you need a dating site ? and the staff  Bulletin Board at Burger King is not a dating site no

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10 years 37 weeks ago
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Victoria, let me give you my personal opinion.  Maybe it isn't the view of everyone, but it's only my advice.  Anyone that would like to add to this or argue otherwise please feel free.  I think if we actually help Victoria attract a good man and we are successful, we can read a whole new era of Victoria post... "My boyfriend..."


1.  Your profile picture.  It's ok to be proud of your butt, really it is.  But, when you post a     picture like that, you are going to attract men with a certain mind set.  To me, that picture says, "I'm interested in sexual endeavors and willing to sleep with you quite quickly."  Personally, I like girls that wear wholesome, down to Earth attire.  For example, a nice dress with cute flat shoes.  Give a nice smile, not "DTF eyes."  Also, I think your picture shows that you are a little vain.   


2.  Don't write post detailing how you are "so cute" and "more beautiful than..." and so on. To me, this says you are vain.  In my opinion, vanity is the worst, most unattractive quality, a girl can have.  Actually, vanity is the worst quality anyone can have.


3.  In your profile on the said dating site, (can we have a link?), be wholesome, down to Earth, and honest.  Don't write things that make you seem too eager or desperate to find a man.  If you do, people might key in on how desperate you are and take advantage of it.  The internet is filled with weirdos and creepos... Just look at this site!  Be honest about everything, lying or inflating the truth will only come back to haunt you.  


4.  "I've already paid for a three month membership."  Don't expect much to happen in three months!  If you can hammer out a serious, meaningful relationship with someone you meet on the internet in three months, you must be some sort of love guru and should be writing relationship how to guides.


5.  Don't turn away potential suitors because of something petty.  Before you cross them off your list, chat with them.  Try to get to know them more.  The profile is only there to attract you at first, chatting and talking is where you make the connection.  This goes both ways.


6.  When men do start talking with you, be interesting, funny, talk about intelligent topics (not shopping), ask them questions.  Don't go straight to questions about their career, money, country, house, cars. etc.  Don't sound vain and petty.  It is a big turn off.  


Any other thoughts?  I need to run.  Good luck Victoria.  Give us the link to your profile!






There are many sectors for people to choose,they are things what people looking for. Dating&Relationship,Flirting&Adventures,Connecting with friends,Language Exchange,Conversation&Email,Doesn't matter.

But I noticed most guys choosed Dating&Relationship and Flirting&Adventures,what do they looking for?I am confused.

10 years 36 weeks ago
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@Victoria.  When you meet somebody the old fashion way, not the internet, flirting normally comes first.  I don't see an issue for them choosing flirting.  After all, that is how it begins in the real world.  Besides, think about it, if you select all the reasons possible for being there, you will attract a wider range of people there.  Send us your profile link!

10 years 36 weeks ago
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Well Said.

I am sure she will find her Ms right soon If she can FOLLOW YOUR ADVICE.

10 years 36 weeks ago
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Opps,Find her Mr right,not her Ms right.


10 years 36 weeks ago
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A handsome white guy told me he didn;t want to meet me because I choose"Dating&Relationship",because he is only looking for fun.See,I told you,it is not because of my photo,guys read my profile and know what i am looking for,they just don;t want to invloved with a girl who is looking for serious relationship when theyt are looking for fun.You have no idear what they wrote on the dating site,like contact them if you dare,pay me bill if you want,or something relatied to have fun",not a lot of guys are looking for girlfriend,all you think is my problem,but I want to tell you is not I put my butt photo on,it is because of guys looking for fun.My profile told them I am not looking for only fun.

10 years 36 weeks ago
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Really I hate people judge me without knowing every clues,which made yourself a fool and narrow minded.

10 years 36 weeks ago
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10 years 36 weeks ago
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Why don't you try and find out...


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10 years 36 weeks ago
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Wait did I miss something???  I thought Vicky hated us and was never coming back????


Welcome back Vicky!!!!


Winter is cold in Shanghai,where are you?

10 years 36 weeks ago
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is vicky hitting on me? too far im afraid, im in shenzhen

10 years 36 weeks ago
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I was not hitting on you.Just made conversation.

10 years 36 weeks ago
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Other guys, yes, is that what you wanted to hear?

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10 years 36 weeks ago
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which dating site do you mean? give us a link to your profile

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10 years 36 weeks ago
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What else one expect  to find on dating sites than this ( . )  ( . )



 .    .   This, if they know the game.

10 years 36 weeks ago
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10 years 36 weeks ago
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Most guys on the dating site are looking for this(.) (.)

10 years 36 weeks ago
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10 years 36 weeks ago
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Insecurity is no excuse for stupidity.


Did you not just tell us you hate us all and are leaving forever?


Girl just buy a vibrator and gain some self confidence.


the problem with running a vibrator in China is that batteries suck, with Chinese "quality" batteries, battery changes become more frequent than underwear changes. 

10 years 36 weeks ago
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10 years 36 weeks ago
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A serious relationship includes sex. If a guy expects sex on the first date, maybe he is not material for a relationship. 

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10 years 36 weeks ago
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There is no difference between a dating site and walking into a random bar to look around for someone cute who smells good. Research backs this up: dating site = bar. Google it.

You looking for someone sane and healthy? You won't find him/her online or in a pickup bar.

Try church, school, work, business networks, social clubs, maybe a gym (although sometimes a meat market...). Probably the best option is a friend of a friend you might meet at a dinner or birthday party.

Good luck.


Tomorrow I am going to the bar or a cafe^^Friday night

10 years 36 weeks ago
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Redfox is on the money with this 1.. though I do think the platform of a bar/lounge has some advantages over online dating.

10 years 36 weeks ago
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Hey now, that's not 100% true. 98.4% True, maybe, but not 100%!

10 years 34 weeks ago
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10 years 36 weeks ago
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I have a vivid memory of you insulting the people here, saying you'd never come back.

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10 years 36 weeks ago
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Hahaha... Victoria..


Proving Chinese get super emotional, and then do crazy, rash actions (like swearing you will never return) and then doing the opposite since 2986 B.C.


Haha very accurate Robk!  I believe that is the date most historians agree on!

10 years 36 weeks ago
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10 years 36 weeks ago
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Usually, in my limited experience, relationships begin with fun and sex before moving on to something more meaningful.


What kind of a relationship would it be without fun and sex. When the fun and sex goes it is time to move on. Why stay for misery and no sex?


You should also be looking for fun and sex. Just think of all the fun and sex you could be having if you were a little more open.


Fun and sex= good relationship.


Go and have as much fun and sex as possible.


You are so yellow , mind is so dirty. hush ...


10 years 36 weeks ago
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10 years 36 weeks ago
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honestly vic, more than one user here already told you, also Saint Sorrel (lol). CHANGE THAT PIC. that is in between vulgar and comical...

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10 years 36 weeks ago
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If you are using dating sites what do you expect? English lessons?


Getting to know guy and hopefully leads to a seriously relationship eventually.

10 years 36 weeks ago
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10 years 36 weeks ago
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If you are using dating sites what do you expect? English lessons?

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10 years 36 weeks ago
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LOL!  Did she really say 'I want a serious relationship, but don't get me wrong with the butt pics' on her dating profile???    LOLOLOL!   Quote of the Year for 2014 already!  Victoria is the Queen of hilarious comments!  


Because you are stupid as your words.I can't image I can date a stupid guy likes you.Well,luckily it will never happen.

10 years 36 weeks ago
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10 years 36 weeks ago
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on a dating site, guys will immediately judge you based on your picture.

if you use the one you have here with your butt sticking out, they are more likely to think you are open to having sex and not looking for something serious.

Paulberger above gave you an honest (foreign) male opinion. Your best hope for a happy future is to follow his suggestions.


for those of us who have known you a while on this site, PLEASE let us know you have done this. Otherwise you are doomed to the same problems


I don't need a guy who judge me quickly by the butt picture.

10 years 36 weeks ago
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I am friends with westerners as wellHow come I don't know them?Most guys up on the site are looking for sex.Most young western guys are more looking for sex than for serious relationship,I think you know them better than I do if you are not stupid,young girl.I am on the site just give a little hope to find  a guy who wants to settle down with a woman,I am not give all my hopes there.Young western guys usually look for fun,the more women they fucked,the happier they feel,well,I am talking about most,not everyone.Marriage usually are something for older people in their eyes.

When they are young,they will always picky about women and don't want to get married,many are just looking for fun.When they get old(after 40),they are complaining that young women don't want to date them.That is ironic.

10 years 36 weeks ago
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whatever you might think, guys will judge you on your picture.

that picture will not attract the kind of guy you want.


if you want a guy for a serious relationship CHANGE THE PICTURE

it is as simple as that.


read Pauls advice above

he is a foreign guy - he knows how foreign guys think.

he has told you clearly what your picture says about you to foreign guys -  

your picture says ' i am not after a serious relationship - i will have sex with you'

10 years 36 weeks ago
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I already wrote to not get me wrong by my butt picture,and I am looking for something serious.After reading my words and if they still get me wrong,then they are stupid and narrow minded.Anyway,some guy mailed to me already.

10 years 36 weeks ago
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Sorrel,what i want to tell you is you are so narrow minded,in fact,guys didn;t judge me by my butt photoes after read my personal profile.Some guys who is looking for serious relationship messaged to me,some guys told me they don't want to meet me because they know I look for serious relationship and they are only looking for fun.

Don't judge people when you don't know the situation comeptely,it only made you a fool,don't follow people,it make you have no soul.I hate people only following people's opinions and don't  use their own mind to judge things.,


You seem a nice girl,but indeed you are not smart.what you judge is like people here are juding me.In fact,all of you judge me when you don't even know all the things about me and the situation I am.In fact,many smart people send private messages to me.They are not like everybody bla bla bla on the site and judge me when they don't knpw it.

10 years 36 weeks ago
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10 years 36 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77