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Q: My wife gave me an early Birthday gift

over the weekend my wife gave me an early birthday gift,we went shopping for a PS4,.Did you know they have 3 versions of the PS4.

I got the Hong Kong version,they have a Japanese version and  a Chinese version.well the Chinese version cost alot more than the HK or Japanese version.The Chinese ps4 has restrictions with can not play violent games like GTA also has restrictions for online gaming.


my wife paid 2380rmb for my PS4 without games.



what is the point to having restrictions on a games console? I just cant work that one out.

9 years 24 weeks ago in  General  - China

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early birthday gift huh?

i was expecting a raunchy tale, not a gaming question.

i feel let down.

9 years 24 weeks ago
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9 years 24 weeks ago
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Apart from the cheeky question title, here is my view.


Each country would have different manufacturing specifications/filters/requirements for specific products: they usually conform to detailed (by country) specs. 

From things like hardware, like you found with the ps4, to software.

Only when you go to a market that sells more than one version of a product, like you found, does the customer become aware of the differences.

An example, up until a few years ago (unless it has changed) computer games showing people killing other people, or anything with red blood, was not allowed in Germany.

that is why any sci-fi shoot-em-ups are so popular in Germany, because you are not showing people kill people.

The same is true for hardware - it also depends on the expectations of the market.

China clearly has lower expectations than Japan as to what can be accessed (legally) online.


It has changed, as a German I have many friends back home playing violent games with tons of blood like the legendary GTA series or the very popular Battlefield series.


They can't restrict as much anymore since high-speed internet is widely available, anyone with a computer can very easily get their games through third-party downloads and completely bypass any government restriction.


Also since the Euro began as a currency it's easy to go to less restrictive neighboring countries to buy these games, the consoles are locked onto the same zone for all of Europe.


But you are right, back then when I was a kid/early teenager there were no violent games available in game shops or supermarkets in Germany, I discovered Grand Theft Auto on a trip to UK. Now the violent games are +18 or Adult Only, but not banned anymore.

9 years 24 weeks ago
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There is zero reason why a PS4 would ave to be different except to adjust for local purchasing power. Chinese consumers are idiots that would gladly pay a lot of moolah for things just because they are not Chinese. However hte idiotic Chinese consumers are not capable of seeing that they are in fact getting Chinesified products. 

Violent games being banned, well, that is just the CCP taking care of its people. Sure is easier than saving lives by enforcing trafic laws. 

9 years 24 weeks ago
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9 years 24 weeks ago
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I remember awhile ago my PS2 couldn't play a DVD bought in Taiwan because of a region restriction. It's probably something similar to what sorrel said. 

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9 years 24 weeks ago
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I don't even know what a PS is.  Not a clue.  Some kind of game you play on a screen?

Like 'Hearts'?



I wish i could give this infinity up votes.

9 years 24 weeks ago
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9 years 24 weeks ago
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My girlfriend gave me an early birthday gift..... I'd have preferred a ps4.

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9 years 24 weeks ago
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No idea. I play on PC, the master race angel

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9 years 24 weeks ago
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early birthday gift huh?

i was expecting a raunchy tale, not a gaming question.

i feel let down.

9 years 24 weeks ago
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9 years 24 weeks ago
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