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Q: Please help me...what can I do?

When I first came here I was a moral, considerate, hard working, over-qualified and a one women guy.

Now I have turned into a sleaze who sleeps with multiple Chinese girls, and I have become horribly lazy and unproductive at my job.

I have 2 main gf's and 6 side ones, and because of this I can't focus on work and I get drunk every night.  I need help...even when I tell them I have a gf, they still throw themselves at me, and I can't say no.

What should I do?

12 years 13 weeks ago in  Health & Safety - China

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Change your name to Charlie Sheen


Sorry I just can't help it 

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12 years 13 weeks ago
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Getting drunk is the problem,it turns into a vicious circle of a few beers then drinking shorts instead you WILL become a functioning alcoholic,your job will suffer your reputation in your company will also be lost.Try new things to keep you busy,with the warm weather its easier to keep busy learn some sport,drawing in parks you will still attract women but maybe one you respect a bit more in the morning or months it may take too find decent girls

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12 years 13 weeks ago
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Interesting question. I'm guessing a female perspective isn't what you're looking for, but it's an open forum so here goes...


Realistically, before you came here were you 'moral' out of a conscious choice and effort or were you just following the norms of the society you were raised in? If you've started acting like this simply because you have opportunities then maybe you yourself have not changed so much, it's only your personal circumstances that have been changed. The good news is, if you have drifted into acting like someone new, unlike what you percieve as your 'real' self, then that is entirely fixable.


I'd take a short holiday, somewhere very quiet, and take a few days to take stock of yourself. If you decide that you're not comfortable with the way you're acting, and you're being dishonest with your numerous 'girlfriends' then break it off with ALL the girls and find someone you actually respect. If you decide that monogamy is simply not for you, and that being a slut is what works for you and makes you happy, then go right ahead (condoms are your friend) BUT please do  sure you are always 100 per cent honest with the girls.


As far as drinking too much... well I'm a drinker, and I know how 'one or two' can add up, so it'd be hyprcritical to lecture! But, I've just taken a week off drinking (okay one day I cracked, but it was a crap day!) and oh my God, do I feel better for it. Maybe make a regular arrangement to meet a non-drinking friend for dinner weekly, or something similar, so you have an incentive to have at least one fully clear-headed day per week. I intend to do that from now on.


Regarding work: errr, can't help you here. You were sent to do a management job, rather than being a pleb teacher like most of us, right? You must realise that "but all these women want to fuck me and there are so many bars that need me!", isn't going to cut it with your company's head office. Depending on how hard-core you boss is, you could try a sort of honesty... tell your boss that China is getting under your skin and you would work better in the long run if you could take a short break, or be brought back home for a month or two.


Good luck. 

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12 years 13 weeks ago
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Dude, ask yourself what you want and who you want to be. From your question you sound like the kid let loose in the sweet-shop, trying everything irrespective of whether you really want it, just watch out for the stomach ache afterwards. Be honest with yourself who do you want to be? The decent guy with respect for himself and others or the complete slut who just wants a bottle and new pussy whenever he fancies it. We all get to the stage of life where we have to outgrow our teenage fantasies and just accept we need to grow up. China can be a strange country in many ways and we need to adapt to it, all the old constraints we were raised with and accept as normal no longer count in the same why as they did back home and for some people, not just the guys, it can be a completely new experience for them. Take me for example, 58 years old and a very ordinary guy, and married. I know for a fact I can get girlfriends here but knowing that has actually made me more faithful to my wife here than I would have been to my first wife. I love the company of a woman as a life long partner and will not do anything to jeopardize that. However I do know if things did not work out I would not be alone for long. China has made me into a person I am happy to be. For you I think you have to be completely honest with yourself about who you want to be, can you be that honest? Sit down with a very good friend and talk some of this out. If you want to be the person you used to be ask why you have changed, obviously the new you does not seem to be making you very happy at all. Do you really like the girls you are with, or is it that they are just available? Where do you think you will be in another year? Do you really like China or would you be better off back home with all the old standards. If you are going to stay here you have to define your own standards, I am not suggesting what they should be only you can do that. The important thing is that whatever lifestyle you choose you have to be happy with it. Maybe life was easier back in the US, or wherever, because you did not have to define those standards, you just had to slot into the standards that were already there. Here it is not so easy, you have to tread your own path. If you were in Nanning I would say come and have a beer and we could talk it through, but I believe you are in Schenzen so I will raise one to you and wish you the best. Just remeber to be totally honest with yourself. If you want someone totally anonymous to talk this stuff through with just get in contact with me at

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12 years 13 weeks ago
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The best thing you can do is to avoid situations where you will get drunk and have girls hit on you. If a bar is where you tend to go, then avoid bars. Buy a pack of beer or whatever, take it home with you, spend the evening with your girlfriend instead of going to a place where the drinks are unlimited. You're probably going to have to let go a few of your girlfriends. I know it can be hard to resist a beautiful woman, but it is possible. Limiting bar exposure will also help with the ladies, because you can avoid the type of women you can't seem to resist either.


Unfortunately, it's not just a problem anymore, it's an addiction. If you simply can't resist, take a trusted friend with you who you will listen to when he says "This is your last drink" and he can fend off the ladies. You'll have to find something else to occupy your mind and time, essentially replacing that addiction with a more healthy habit. Do you have any hobbies that you have let go since coming to China? There are no short cuts here, you just have to man up and rip off that Band-Aid. You can do it Dude.

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12 years 13 weeks ago
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Problem 1: Too many girls


Just need to let go one of the "side" girlfriends.  That way, you have one girl for each day of the week!  Perfection!


Problem 2: Too many beers


I don't really understand how having too many girlfriends is causing you to get drunk everynight?  Do they all expect you to take them out drinking before doing other "activities"?  If so, just need to find some less alcohol-prone chicks Tongue


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12 years 13 weeks ago
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my advice to you is to force yourself to live on  600 -1000rmb a month (after all the necessary expenses are paid) buy a rice cooker and cook more at home . get the advanced rice cookers where you can make rice porridge or soup. frozen veggies , frozen cut up meats , a little rice, and a pinch of salt are all it takes to make great tasting rice porridge . as some of the others have said find something to do with your free time, tutoring kids or video games.

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12 years 13 weeks ago
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I can empathize with some of your problem, the women. The drinking, done that, smashed that, lost that, hardly ever any more.  With the women it's like being a kid locked in a candy store. I know i write alot of BS, but there is usually some truth in what I say. I do live in the country side. I hardly go into town and it's a small town. So imagine how many attractive women I see in a year - not many. When I'm in China often I can not count the amount of attractive women I see at one time. It's kinda over whelming, well for little Ted it is. I didn't come here to chase skirts. I thought you went to Thailand for that.  I have a girl friend here and yes I cheat, which is something I thought I would never do. But it's like I'm powerless to resist them. I'm actually friendly and can make almost anyone laugh. So I meet people easily and it doesn't seem hard to attract women. I think the problem for me is that I've never had or been exposed to this many choices. Quite frankly it's driving me wild. I've talked to a friend of mine and he says I have to give up chasing skirts. I agree and I am trying, but it aint easy. I think Crimo's advice is kinda what I'm trying, limiting my money and staying in more. This is why I'm sitting here writting instead of

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12 years 13 weeks ago
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You are a legend! cut out the drinking , not good getting drunk every night for your health and mind. Freshen up your attitude at work and be productive and get job satisfaction.  I thought once in life you slept over a certain amount of girls you look for more than just sex and a mean full relationship but then again maybe i need to hit a higher mark.



12 years 13 weeks ago
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seriously what?

12 years 13 weeks ago
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12 years 13 weeks ago
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You need to go home for a while and get your head straight. Sober up, and prolly get some penicillin in you. And rethink the whole China thing. 

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12 years 13 weeks ago
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'Go back to your country'. This is what we always made a joke when someone is making some mistake.

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12 years 13 weeks ago
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you could always cut out the middle man and go into porn.

you would still be overqualified 

still sleep with a lot of women

still get drunk ever night

but you would be doing a great job

and have the perfect excuse to at like a sleaze.


PS or you could use saltpeter lots of saltpeter.

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12 years 13 weeks ago
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No disrespect here theDude......and I could be wrong but April's Fools anyone?


I wouldn't be surprised if it is. Doesn't change the quality of the advice though.

12 years 13 weeks ago
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Good point

12 years 13 weeks ago
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As a point of note, if it is, then it's early... it's only supposed to be ON the day itself, and before midday (in Australia, anyway...).

12 years 13 weeks ago
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Beat me to it. I was leaning for a preemptive April Fool's. Eight girlfriends sounds like a nightmare no man could bear. Also, the logistics of it...


On a related side note: we were going to have a news article on the site about China censoring the word 'China', but with things being a little hairy these days, we thought it'd be silly to get the site shut down over an April Fool's.

12 years 13 weeks ago
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Thought about it, but it's a day early if it is an April Fools joke!

12 years 13 weeks ago
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Ok you got me. If I had posted this 6 hours later would anyone believe me? It was April 1st in Kiritimati. But thank you everyone for your thoughtful answers. Like all my jokes and snark there is always a small element of truth to them and some of the advice given was very good.

12 years 13 weeks ago
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12 years 13 weeks ago
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Get a new job... particularly one that doesn't pay too well (enough to survive, though).


Or, alternatively, change your attitude to one that is happy being a lazy, drunken sleaze Smile



You do realise, the reason this has happened is because you've come to the land of "no responsibility"... and you've adapted to the culture too much. What can you make of that?

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12 years 13 weeks ago
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Ok you got me......April Fools!! If I had posted this 6 hours later would anyone believe me? It was April 1st in Kiritimati. But thank you everyone for your thoughtful answers. Like all my jokes and snark there is always a small element of truth to them and some of the advice given was very good.

PS- I tried to use all the typical stereotypes attached to expat males here.


April fools like you could do porn.

12 years 13 weeks ago
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YEAH and I was foolin too. I'd never cheat or have any girl friends on the side.

12 years 13 weeks ago
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you over-paid, over-laid sob!!! i dung down real deep for that answer!!!!!!! i mean i was feeling your pain! broken heart (this is the emoticon for a broken heart ... go figure)

12 years 13 weeks ago
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Crimo...I`m sorry...but I did say some things are a little true. You gave good advice, but I don`t think I could do it.

12 years 13 weeks ago
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12 years 13 weeks ago
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What do I win????

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12 years 13 weeks ago
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Why did you stop it now?

we were all waiting for he who types to much   to have his turn

I bet it would have been a ripper

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12 years 13 weeks ago
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m giving u a suggestion think about it 


chnage your qq number 

chnage your sim number(fone no)

introduce some foreigner to them (they will leave you when they will see some other foriegner around there)

and become a gay (caz its nt easy to find gay frnds around here so u will be away frm sex)

and when u will do all above automatically u willl focus on job and ur drking will be limited

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12 years 13 weeks ago
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OK...the truth.

I only have 1 gf but also 3 on the side.

It only happened after I broke up with my ex.  I met new girls and was testing the waters with them and then the ex begged for me back and I caved.  Now I am a juggling fool and I just want to choose one.

As for drinking, yes I drink almost every night, but only getting drunk occasionally. 

My work is not affected at all.

Girls do not throw themselves at me at bars, but it comes close sometimes, and it seems to be worse when I say I have a gf.

I am in a real pickle because all of them are great in some ways and bad in others. 

I really believe there is no good solution.

I need a another drink.wink


Hmmm. If we lived in the same city, I would be willing to take one of them off your hands....

12 years 12 weeks ago
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Imma kick ya in the beans for making me worry.

Still... penicillin up. 

12 years 12 weeks ago
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And I don't even have a boyfriend. Should I start going to a bar or something? 

12 years 12 weeks ago
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If I were a man , even those girls take off all their clothes and be naked before me  , i would  walk away definitely , i feel sorry for them ...

12 years 12 weeks ago
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12 years 12 weeks ago
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If girls happen to this situation, people will refer to slut.  To be honest, I hate the way you have. It's a mess. And I think you have realize that, you just cannot get rid of the temptation. All you have to do is be tough to yourself. Rebuild your enthusiasm on your job if you think it's the life you want. Everything is not gonna OK unless you have made your decision and take measures.

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12 years 12 weeks ago
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Living the dream!!! Keep it up dude!

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12 years 12 weeks ago
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