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Q: revisiting old posts on ECC

why are we revisiting rehashing recycling old posts for? Better yet, why are we replying to them? ECC trying to get more mileage out of old stories?

8 years 16 weeks ago in  General  - China

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China is very boring after you have been here a while, your shock is no longer shock at what you see or witness. It's probably like me burning in hell after death, eventually i will get used to it and it will be boring also.

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8 years 16 weeks ago
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China is very boring after you have been here a while, your shock is no longer shock at what you see or witness. It's probably like me burning in hell after death, eventually i will get used to it and it will be boring also.

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8 years 16 weeks ago
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come on ambivalentmace nothing can be worse then burning in hell for eternity by yourself where there isnt any time. OK i get that some places can get stale. got it

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8 years 16 weeks ago
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I like to think of hell as a really hot bath. It'll hurt a bit at first but after a while you'll get used to it.

Anything's got to be better than heaven. Who wants to hang out with a bunch of Christians for eternity? Not me.

@cub Start some interesting questions then. Maybe something about how great it's gonna be when America gets its new President. I think she's gonna do a fine job.


how can a country do ''fine'' with a president that is a pathological liar makes up own rules ignores laws and rules constantly when we have this POS POTUS now like this? More of the same we have had in the last 7 and a half years but worse will doom this country or whats left of it! we are a joke to the world very weak inept And in hell, your mind will be constantly be thinking ''why didnt i listen to those who told me about a saviour''?? while u are burning for eternity all alone! Again its your choice no other can choose for u

8 years 16 weeks ago
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Lol @ cub. That's the kind of redneck, hickoid, gibberish I was looking for. How are you going to handle it when you meet God and you find out that she's black? I think I can hear the mexicans stealing your jobs.

8 years 16 weeks ago
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nzteacher 80 see, there u go cant refrain from calling names can u? Funny months ago wolf was using those names at me too when things were getting out of hand before mods stepped in. Noticed i didnt force u to believe what i believe in? U also have choice u have made it now by your disbelieving words! u believe what u believe in and im believing in what i believe in And at least i have hope where u have what? Btw, God has no color he isn't a race besides color or race wont matter in heaven. And FYI don't continue on why more of this thread with me beause, im done with the subject

8 years 16 weeks ago
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It's okay cub. I'm just having fun with you. No need to crucify me - I'm not even Jewish! I'm sure God has a sense of humour - otherwise he wouldn't have made people like you. I'm sure that the mods will come in and save you from nasty men like me. I think a good idea for a new ECC question would be "Was Jesus gay?". Sure it isn't really China related but it'd make for a damn interesting discussion. Let's look at the evidence... He dressed a bit like a woman. He loved his mother a lot. He only hung out with men in gardens, usually sailors and fishermen. He never married. He had nice hair. It's a strong case for Jesus walking on the brown side of town if you ask me.

8 years 16 weeks ago
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good try with that''i was just joking with u' routine nzteacher80 im laughing my tail off hahaha Look back in the bible times jesus time ALL men wore robes ok? thats the way men ALL men dressed, big deal! whats wrong with loving your mom? did u have a bad mom maybe hated not love her?? and nobody can prove jesus hat ''bad'' or ''good' hair So since jesus said 'go and sin no more' and homosexuality is a ''sin'' i surmise that jesus a man who knew no sin wasnt gay! sheeeesh! nice try though and yes these subjects u are talking about have NOTHING to do with china so stay on point no deviating

8 years 16 weeks ago
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But why did Jesus love hanging out in gardens with dudes? You think he would've invited a few ladies to the last supper but instead Jesus opted for a complete sausage fest. And what about turning water into wine? Any self respecting hetero male would've turned that water into Bud Light but gay Jesus wanted pinot grigio. Loaves and fishes? Everyone knows that gay men are great in the kitchen . I bet the bread was organic sourdough.

8 years 16 weeks ago
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come on nzteacher80, enough with trying to bait me keep this thread going ok? its getting old joke or not but believe whatever u believe in besides its not even china related

8 years 16 weeks ago
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@Cub.... dude - let it go!


I find it hilarious that you routinely write "And FYI don't continue on why more of this thread with me beause, im done with the subject" type thing... and then continue on with the subject!!!  If you're done with it, then don't respond!


And, it's also funny that you tell people lhat they can and can't write! It's a free internet forum - people can write what they like! It doesn't matter if you like it, or whether it's on topic or not! YOU don't get to make that decision! The best you can hope for about such things is that if they abuse or harass you, then a mod will step in and delete...

8 years 16 weeks ago
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hold on shining was i talking to u? roll your nose in ok? im not hoping for any abuse or harassment at all. It doesnt need to come to that. Now YOU are talking about a subject thats not china related so get off my back. u are sounding like a shining i knew months back on ECC i said for nzteacher to stop baiting me When a person is incorrect either intentionally or not,why leave it at that? Thats how misinformation starts. I suppose when a lie is told and u know its a lie u know the truth u can prove it, do u just sit back on your tail and say nothing?

8 years 16 weeks ago
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For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; 27 and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.


cub, Most europeans never read the bible, so they would know nothing about Romans chapter 1 vs 26,27.


even a heathen like myself occasionally reads a bible to remember how vile a creature i really am, but the descriptions of life in heaven sound pretty boring, the sales pitch of heaven growing up in churches was pretty bad, and poor Job getting screwed over when he did nothing wrong did not make me jump for joy either. i might get a slight reprieve for my masonic membership, knights templar, york rite, scottish rite memberships or cults if your opinion is negative of them, but I dont need any favors, no regrets.

8 years 16 weeks ago
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@ retired in China. I can't tell if you're anti Romans 1:26,27 or pro. Lots of Europeans are religious. Poland, Italy, Croatia - all very, very Catholic. Many other parts of Europe are also very Christian, of differing denominations. They're not happy-clappy retarded Christians like in America but they are Christians nonetheless.


Although I agree with what you said about heaven.


If God hadn't have meant men to be gay he wouldn't have put the male g-spot 6 inches inside the male rectum. He also wouldn't have invented amyl nitrate, house music or ladyboys.

8 years 16 weeks ago
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This absolutely relates to China, because Jesus has been reincarnated as a Chinese woman.


and his younger brother was Chinese. 



Maybe that's the hidden secret of the New Testament; Jesus was Chinese!  And with him being the Son of God... That would make God Chinese... 

8 years 16 weeks ago
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spider, while i take your writing in jest, many bible scholars do distort facts, gog and agog, referring to russia, the mormons having prophets in central america, but the history of china and the people there are mysteriously not mentioned much or discussed in biblical passages and when you try to confront men of the cloth of any religion to explain this, you get the blank stare in the horizon look from them.

8 years 16 weeks ago
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nzteacher80, just an observation, most american catholics dont read the bible daily and many don't even bother to bring a bible to church with them, but read the one provided by their seat, most protestants read daily and always bring a bible to church.


So I'm curious if this is different in European countries.

8 years 16 weeks ago
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8 years 16 weeks ago
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I personally don't mind people bringing up old posts. It could be something I didn't see the first time around or was before my time.Could be a new development to a topic I found interesting. Could be someone who was looking for info, found a thread and wondered if anyone had any newer info. Just because I saw the thread before and lost interest in it doesn't mean others won't be interested.

Example: if I happened to find a place that makes and ships handmade furniture around China I'd find your old threads where you were were asking about that and mention it, because you and the others who followed that thread might be interested.

There are some that would snipe at me and downvote because they 'disapprove' of old topics being resurrected (one sad git in particular springs to mind) but who cares, they don't need to read it if they're not interested.


stiggs the only ''old'' posts being recycled are the question that was asked only not the old replies and or answers unless u dig for them now, the answers will be current but the question isnt new My recent post about furniture in china wasn't allowed by ECC but what question I asked and answers I got i was attacked by asking from members here and seriously, I didn't get a real answer back then, just snide insults name calling but no definitive answer. That's why I asked a similar question again. And this time I got good useable answers.

8 years 16 weeks ago
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Hey man,I'm not criticizing bringing up old subjects, I was just using yours as an example of why they may not be such a bad thing because it's maybe something you could relate to. As an aside... you do realize this subect~revisiting old posts~ has been done more than once before don't you?

8 years 16 weeks ago
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stigs im ok with what u said and yes, im aware of the old posts being recycled again. I guess whatever ECC wants as something to fill in the void they will do iit One time i asked what was a good price for a piece of furniture if i wanted to sell in china was worth but my post was deleted by ECC It must had been a government secret and not allowed go figure!

8 years 16 weeks ago
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8 years 16 weeks ago
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So - the OP seems to suggest bringing up old posts is a bad thing.. and then later, it's being defended.. WTF???


I don't have an issue with posts coming back up - as long as the new answer is intelligent and relevant.


If you're referring to posts that have come back up with no new posts on them, it's probably because someone was spamming, thus bringing the post to the front page - but after the spam has gone, it doesn't go back to it's previous position. So, it's not an ECC thing bringing up old topics.


see shining, i didnt ''suggest'' anything i ''asked '' why thats all i said its ok to revisit old posts to see the replies to compare the answers, i asked why bring up the same question? unless ECC is doing this just to get new material to fill in areas when posts are few. And thanks for u defending ECC on this matter Its funny, i know another member here has asked this same question as of why old post the questions part were being asked again besides me. If i repeat a simular question as before as a new post maybe i didnt get a answer the first time. You seem to be trolling shining are u bored?

8 years 16 weeks ago
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Cub... LTR!


(and, since I know you don't know what that means, I'll translate... 'Learn To Read' And it's usually used in a context of someone making remarks about what someone else wrote, but clearly indicates that the original piece wasn't read clearly (or fully).


Also, try to understand that 'explanation' is not the same as 'defend'... but then - LTR!

8 years 16 weeks ago
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shining again, let it go its so historical Whatever u are trying to do it wont work here with me. But i give u a ''A'' for effort Again stick to a ''china relate'' subject ok?

8 years 16 weeks ago
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"Whatever u are trying to do it wont work here with me."


yeah, I get that!


What I was trying (and failing <sigh>) to do was to get you to actually read people's posts, and to understand what other people write!


But, you're right - this is lost on you.


You don't want to try to understand other people's posts... Unless they say "I agree with cub", you just re-write it to suit yourself!


I've lost count of the number of times people have tried to tell you this.


Try looking at all those posts where people tell you directly and specifically that you have NOT actually understood what they wrote (and I'm not even talking about the ones where you simply didn't want to hear anything that went against your idealistic version of China in your early posts...)

8 years 16 weeks ago
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shining enough with the preaching ok? Besides many months back u and others were getting way to personal provoking and with Admin blessings were goading me and baiting because I was a rookie and a troll So my comment is its isn't going to work this time ok? Glad u are speaking for others here. As someone said before just let it go dude! and stick to china related questions like my OP are about

8 years 16 weeks ago
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8 years 16 weeks ago
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@ cub. You are off China related topics again. 10 demerit points. I'm contacting the admin because you aren't talking about China. Every time you don't talk about China the baby Jesus cries.

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8 years 16 weeks ago
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@nzteacher joke or not go ahead and knock off 100 points i dont give a care so go ahead pout and whne all u want to Admin i dont care

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8 years 16 weeks ago
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A: Good question!  I'd say, if you study at Uni in China beside
A:Good question!  I'd say, if you study at Uni in China beside working full-time as an E.T. with Residence permit, you don't interfere with your full-time employment.It's your free time and you can do anything you want, with respect to the Chinese laws and customs. Have a look at terms of Z visa/Residence permit and ... ".. you cannot work (and earn monies!) with another employer ..."That's all it is! Your RP sponsor title is written on the RP stamp in your passport, I think. It's in Mandarin, so I've heard about that from someone ...At I.D.-ing by cops, they know where you work and than more details about you are just a phone call away ... and it happened in person ... LOL ... during the day-time stroll through Wulumuqi, Xinjiang, 2012/13 semester. Now under RP, you're free to surf Internet, jog, ... and study, too. I suggest, you look and ask at the Uni, you plan to study in the future. Have a detailed look at requirements for studying and attending chosen Uni.Good luck! -- icnif77