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Q: Right! So who's gonna stay?

I reckon for the near future I'll try staying in Beijing.  Difficult decision - lots of factors involved.  Who else is weighing up this stuff?  Particularly among the old-China-hands club.

9 years 29 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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Haha, nope. Vietnam, here I come!


Oh the jealousy!  The outrage!  I bet they even have something better than baijiu 

9 years 29 weeks ago
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They have Vodka Hanoi, which is worse. But Vietnamese coffee is awesome.

9 years 29 weeks ago
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North or south?

9 years 28 weeks ago
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9 years 29 weeks ago
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I fancy smaller cities in China, so I would never step in the long-term-Bj.

Before I sign Contract, I always use


so, again 'not for me', or did you mean 'expat residents of Bj'?


Hey, all expats welcome.  And that's a good link!  No wonder I talk like I'm singin' the blues.

9 years 29 weeks ago
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9 years 29 weeks ago
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I want to go to Guangdong. It's where all the action is, it seems.


Its the best here, come on over

9 years 29 weeks ago
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9 years 29 weeks ago
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Haha, nope. Vietnam, here I come!


Oh the jealousy!  The outrage!  I bet they even have something better than baijiu 

9 years 29 weeks ago
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They have Vodka Hanoi, which is worse. But Vietnamese coffee is awesome.

9 years 29 weeks ago
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North or south?

9 years 28 weeks ago
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9 years 29 weeks ago
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Shenzhen until they kick us out due to war.

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9 years 29 weeks ago
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everybody seen this?  pretty fun...


yep, SZ if I get my way.  SZ has several things going for it, but the best for me wasn't even strictly an SZ thing...  it was being able to wake up in SZ and be downtown Kowloon by 10:30 am without any big rush~  what can I say....  I still like HK and consider it to be a World Capital and a good place to get to know.


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9 years 29 weeks ago
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Been in China five years, but all that time in semi-civilized 2nd tier cities. Got a job in SZ for the next school year, so I'm hoping it will be a better experience.

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9 years 29 weeks ago
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Not this week-end but the next, I'm in France with the missus. Gonna run in the woods of my childhood, gonna walk along the beach, gonna fire the BBQ in the garden ^^ But I will go back to China twice a year for work & familly.


Good luck and Godspeed. I'm jealous (not about France, but the other things).

9 years 28 weeks ago
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9 years 29 weeks ago
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Well tomorrow is my last day here, maybe forever. The only reason I would come back for more than a short visit would be, if it would somehow make getting my wife and stepdaughter back to the states any easier.
Honestly I have been here for 3 years and the every year it gets less and less desirable here, the jobs are at best so so, the internet has turned from bad to really awful, the pollution certainly isn’t getting better, then of course you have the ever increasing hostilities with any of a handful of neighbors which could get ugly way too fast for my liking.
I just pray I can get them both back to the states before it gets too much worse here. I don’t hate it here (too often) but really the upside is very limited and the downside is a bit too risky for my liking.

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9 years 28 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77