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Q: Shanghai: want to go out and relax but you don't want to be around a lot of people?

Is there a solution to this?

 I realize where I am and for the most part I enjoy living in this city but there are days when I definitely just want to zap myself to a place where I can have a good time but not be a part of the madness. My off days are usually the ones that I encounter this problem because I obviously want to relax and have fun but having to make your way through swarms of people to do it kind of defeats the purpose. Idk I guess its possible that I'm asking for too much.


Are there places here that sort of let you forget about it all? And what do you find is the easiest and least frustrating way of getting to and from these areas?


Thanks everyone:)

12 years 2 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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Try climbing a mountain, usually they have stairs and no one else will be there. You can find a good sniper position from up there.

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12 years 2 weeks ago
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temple or small park far away from city center - find Your Own Hideout Smile
- go to the metro, and then to some distant station (You may look at city plan and look where there are "green places" not far from metro station)

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12 years 2 weeks ago
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yeah,There are many people crowd in the sity.sometimes we can not find a good place to relax myself.Also you can go to gym or climb mountain.Close to Nature.

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12 years 2 weeks ago
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especially a lot of mountains you can find in Shanghai... 

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12 years 2 weeks ago
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Head on out to Songjiang and catch a taxi a short distance to Thames Town, the mock Tudor-style English village development.

You can have a cold beer in a cafe in the village square and you can lie on the village green by the church and while the hours away watching Chinese couples get their silly wedding photos. Apart from them, there is almost nobody there.

Seriously, one of the most peaceful afternoons I've ever had in Shanghai.

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12 years 1 week ago
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