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Q: Someone is having fun downvoting every comments

On every threads, since a few days. Any idea who it is?

10 years 19 weeks ago in  General  - China

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The poster responsible has been identified a while ago as Ipso_facto, a sensitive flower with a child-like curiosity to read and respond to all our messages.

this is the only way he/she can can communicate and we are working on a way to understand the messages.

apparently his/her key-board has only one working setting: the down-voting button.

Please be patient with this poster.

One day we will understand 


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10 years 19 weeks ago
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I like it. I imagine a sad loser spending too much time to go through every discussion and clicking to downvote everything. It makes me feel like my life is fascinating by comparison and my hobby of collecting toe jam is interesting


He's so sad he logged into both of his accounts to thumb you down.  It's probably Craig again.

10 years 19 weeks ago
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I'd call that a Win/Win.


Perhaps I should send Craig a couple of rolls of alfoil for a ready supply of tin hats

10 years 19 weeks ago
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You dont know shit!


the Downvoter probably is cooler than the 3rd quartile of users (age/height adjusted of course) put together.


You should NEVER just make things up when you don't know what you're talking about. The only people who do that just like to hear themselves talk.

10 years 19 weeks ago
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expatloser26, you appear to have a tiny hard on today. I know, today is not special, you always have a tiny hard on about something.


Still, the most appropriate response to you is.....yawn!



10 years 19 weeks ago
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pffft I don't worry about you.


EVERY DAY I eat my food from a market, store or restaurant.


youre at best a freegan so if the dumpster behind the Safeway doesn't have any expired but still perfectly edible donuts or canned goods you're stuck eating a dirt sandwich or chewing and regurgitating grass like a common ruminant!


Have some nice grass last night???? Yeah that's what I thought.

10 years 19 weeks ago
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Dear expatloser26, ha ha ha ha ha.....please explain how that is in any way connected to these comments. And how you know this facinating information.

10 years 19 weeks ago
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I know lots of things because I strive to live my life as a true proper man.


in fact, your name calling doesn't even affect me.


go chew some more grass, hay or oats you iCow



10 years 19 weeks ago
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10 years 19 weeks ago
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10 years 19 weeks ago
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I don't usually bother with thumbs, but when I see someone blanket thumbs down just because they are an arshole, I blanket thumbs up, everybody should thumb up just to show we can be one too.

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10 years 19 weeks ago
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I do thumbs up to to counteract the down thumber.


But I don't do a blanket thumbs up. That sort of devalues the flashlight I have worked so hard to earn points for wink.


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10 years 19 weeks ago
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I thumbs up everyone when downvotes are being thrown left and right. Don't let the downvote fairy win.


Just think of it this way: this individual is so anti-foreigner -- probably because a foreigner stole his wife because the downvoter treats women like property and abuses them -- that they just sit here crying, thumbing down everyone all day while weeping, "Come back to me, my wife! I promise to abuse you 25.333~% less!"


Or worse yet, it could be a fat, deranged, and deluded expat with a very red face from excessive alcohol abuse. Australian, probably.


I think it is pretty strong to assume the downvoter fairy had a wife, maybe he had a wrinkled picture of some stranger in his pocket he would take out for auto-erotic purposes. If a foreigner stole this picture, well, that is just speculation. 

10 years 19 weeks ago
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Hmm... I am into auto-erotic mummification.

10 years 19 weeks ago
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you guys don't know what you're talking about.


I think the downvoter is somebody that's just too cool for this site you know?


probably 7 feet tall if he's an inch. Arms like tree trunks. A true tenant of a man who's just sick of our cowardly whining.

10 years 19 weeks ago
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10 years 19 weeks ago
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Don't worry about it

some people get off on porn this guy pulls himself over thumbs downing

Really a sad little person with no friends

Hope they remember to wash their hands before they use the Key board at a Net Bar  

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10 years 19 weeks ago
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Hey you know maybe the downvoter is a really cool person who is tired with talking to a bunch of homeless people with delusions of grandeur on the internet.


I figure it's somebody awesome doing the downvoting...somebody that's really just on a whole nother level than us. I mean shit wouldn't you be pissed if you were stuck on some lame forum with a bunch of idiots? If you look closely there are are only 3 people who actually post on this site, there's me, Craig Hill, and then one more person who I don't have a name for. Imagine being a lurker here, you'd be downvoting everything too!

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10 years 19 weeks ago
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A: Good question!  I'd say, if you study at Uni in China beside
A:Good question!  I'd say, if you study at Uni in China beside working full-time as an E.T. with Residence permit, you don't interfere with your full-time employment.It's your free time and you can do anything you want, with respect to the Chinese laws and customs. Have a look at terms of Z visa/Residence permit and ... ".. you cannot work (and earn monies!) with another employer ..."That's all it is! Your RP sponsor title is written on the RP stamp in your passport, I think. It's in Mandarin, so I've heard about that from someone ...At I.D.-ing by cops, they know where you work and than more details about you are just a phone call away ... and it happened in person ... LOL ... during the day-time stroll through Wulumuqi, Xinjiang, 2012/13 semester. Now under RP, you're free to surf Internet, jog, ... and study, too. I suggest, you look and ask at the Uni, you plan to study in the future. Have a detailed look at requirements for studying and attending chosen Uni.Good luck! -- icnif77