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Q: Spending a lot of money on your girlfriend is common in China?

Do Chinese men generally spend a lot of money on their girlfriends.


would a foreign man spend a lot of money on his Chinese girlfriend?

3 years 40 weeks ago in  Relationships - China

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I went top shelf when I bought my girlfriend, best ten bucks I ever spent.

Blow Up Doll Dork Memes - Imgflip


does she ask you to hold her hand-bag while you are shopping? 

3 years 40 weeks ago
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No, she  or-rrr in proper grammar ( ...where's diverdude ...?) 'it' can't speak. It has flat top of the head, thou ... 


It's written in the manual " ... flat top-head is the place for the beer keg ..." 

3 years 40 weeks ago
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@ Sorrel even better, I can fold her up and put her in my handbag.

3 years 40 weeks ago
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@ Stiggs,

do you have a 'man-bag' for her?
and did you need to buy a pump from Viki for 'blowing' her?? 

3 years 40 weeks ago
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Yes I do but it's not weird or anything, it's 'European'.

Seinfeld quote - Jerry after his European carryall is stolen, 'The Reverse  Peephole' | Seinfeld, Jerry seinfeld, Seinfeld quotes

3 years 40 weeks ago
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3 years 40 weeks ago
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I went top shelf when I bought my girlfriend, best ten bucks I ever spent.

Blow Up Doll Dork Memes - Imgflip


does she ask you to hold her hand-bag while you are shopping? 

3 years 40 weeks ago
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No, she  or-rrr in proper grammar ( ...where's diverdude ...?) 'it' can't speak. It has flat top of the head, thou ... 


It's written in the manual " ... flat top-head is the place for the beer keg ..." 

3 years 40 weeks ago
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@ Sorrel even better, I can fold her up and put her in my handbag.

3 years 40 weeks ago
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@ Stiggs,

do you have a 'man-bag' for her?
and did you need to buy a pump from Viki for 'blowing' her?? 

3 years 40 weeks ago
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Yes I do but it's not weird or anything, it's 'European'.

Seinfeld quote - Jerry after his European carryall is stolen, 'The Reverse  Peephole' | Seinfeld, Jerry seinfeld, Seinfeld quotes

3 years 40 weeks ago
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3 years 40 weeks ago
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Well, Chinese sure are materialistic from what I've seen, at least the ones in the cities.  Which I must say was one of the things that surprised me most about living here,,, I guess I was expecting to find some old style commie thing- not exactly 1950's commie, but wasn't ready for just exactly how much they worshipped at the Fountain of Consumer Goods.  Seems ol' Deng Xiaopeng got his way, or maybe even a helluva over-kill on his wish.


My guess on the situation is that they are just bouncing between extremes now, extreme poverty ≈ extreme wealth; from hearing tales of great-granma eating the neighbor's kid on the Long March, all the way to the extreme opposite of being part of a country w/ the 2nd largest GDP.  So it is still a fascination to them to buy something, especially something nice.   Thank goodness for knock-offs!  haha


If you have no religion or gods, material items are a good substitute under the circumstances, but the CCP is jealous of religious power and can't control money leaving and can't seem to find the right deity for the people if they want bow to the CCP.

3 years 40 weeks ago
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3 years 40 weeks ago
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I think the amount of money you spend would depend on the quality of the plastic or latex she is made from, how durable you want her to be and whether you want a Teflon or no stain nano-coating.

Out of interest, are you buying from taobao, getting a custom girlfriend or off the shelf. Is a test drive available?

Let us know how it goes.


My friendo ... is buying at this website ...:




Handle-with-care manual ..


Unboxing & Assembling Your Sex Doll


The day has finally arrived! A couple of weeks ago you did your research, you found the best sex doll store online (wink wink) and you found the doll of your dreams.  This is the girl you’ve seen in your fantasies, and she has finally arrived.  You’ve tracked her movement across the globe, from our manufacturing facility to the shipping facility, and now she is on your door step.  


You can barely contain your excitement when you see the box on your porch.  You barely notice the delivery guy, and your hand slightly shakes as you sign for the package.  All your thoughts are on the box, and even more, what’s inside of it.  But wait hold your horses cowboy! There is still one more important step before you bed your new lover, you must take care to unbox and assemble her properly.  


Step 1: Carefully transport the package to a room in your home with lots of floor space.


One thing that surprises many people when they first receive their sex doll is how heavy the package is.  Most full-size sex doll being used weight between 50 and 70 pounds plus all the packaging weight! Your fully packaged sex doll could possibly weigh up to 80 pounds when she arrives.  If you are disabled, elderly, or live in a 5th floor walk-up apartment, you should be prepared for how your going to move this package.  A close friend may be a good helper, or you can tip the delivery guy to help you.  


Me and my sex doll need room with a good amount of floor space to unpack the sex doll as you’ll need to lay her flat on the group beside the box.  


3 years 40 weeks ago
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3 years 40 weeks ago
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Not necessary. In the other way round, she will spend a lot of money on you if you are skillful and talented.

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3 years 39 weeks ago
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I'd spend a loooooooooot of money on my girlfriend. Why not? Men are providers. 

3 years 39 weeks ago
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Men are providers is just a male ego thing. Women are capable of making a good living if they truly want to.

3 years 39 weeks ago
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3 years 39 weeks ago
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Pasture bedtime: Gang of farm animals escapes pen in middle of the night, terrorizes Turkish city center (VIDEO)

Like the start of a bad joke, a sheep, a goat and three lambs escaped their pens in the middle of the night and strode into town to cause mischief and mayhem in the central Turkish city of Nevsehir.

CCTV footage shared by the city government shows the unstable animals threatening locals and charging security officers who attempted to round up the rural ruffians. 

Dec 16, 2020 18:03


 Did you know, roos understand Oz accent? 




Kangaroos are able to intentionally communicate with people and "ask for help", a study has found.

The research challenges the notion that only domesticated animals display this behaviour, co-authors from the UK and Australia tell the BBC.

Video by Isabelle Rodd

3 years 39 weeks ago
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I saw a video a while ago, don't remember the animal - may have been a squirrel - but it was approaching people and 'asking' for water during a drought or bushfire or something.

3 years 39 weeks ago
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That was my koala ... You should go to the nature or in the zoo more often-ly .., he he

We had 'quiz' here and Ozzies und Kiwis on Board were clueless ... about the drinking habits of my 'dawg' ..., .


Here it's the roo ... on 2' video, taken 1-day ago, asking ... an "Ocker"   with the vowel "in its big mouth ..." for help. .

Roo is also familiar with ... "Strayan" shibboleths ... 


Was reading BB-She's report on new HK's security law when I spotted roo's vidz in the corner ...

3 years 39 weeks ago
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This vid is the funniest ever ( don't open it when your mum is in the room).


The most pissed off parrot I've ever seen...


3 years 39 weeks ago
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That's some flick's commercial ... but, you all know my search engine is the bestest ...


Here is the "pissed parrot" link:


... but, that's nothing special. It just shows big green parrot in a cage. I might don't have the right link, but ... u-Tube shouldn't let some bozo tapes the bird in cage with title 'pissed ..." and saying 77-times "Good-bye" to the caged bird.

3 years 39 weeks ago
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3 years 39 weeks ago
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A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman