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Q: Start relation with Chinese Girl


I am not too old but I believe it's age of getting marry.

Working in Shanghai,China since 2.5 years as IT , and planning for longer time to stay in Abroad and settle life.

Is there Chinese girls are really serious about getting into relation with Indian guy ?

It is hard for them to accept Vegetarian life style. even it is very healthy.

Who can give some ideas or looking for the same kind of guy? 

10 years 24 weeks ago in  Relationships - Shanghai

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Try Madame Vicky...24/7...always open.

Do you have a car (sorry, motorcycle won't cut it with the parents)?

Do you have an apartment?

Can you pay the 100,000 RMB bride fee?

Do you like Hello Kitty? Are you willing to wear matching Hello Kitty pajamas and business suits?

Can you dispense cash a la ATM for various in-laws/friends/friends-of-friends/friends-of-friends-of friends at a second's notice?


Or, are you just fishing for the Q2 visa?



I am not interesting for Q2 Visa if I need to get this way.

and to tell you the truth, I even never think about it because it's not about setting here.

My idea is about serious relationship and be together and hold each other's hand till all lives.

10 years 24 weeks ago
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100,000 is awefully hi.  That is the price for a virigin today in China.  We know for a fact that the girl you mentioned is not. 

10 years 24 weeks ago
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10 years 24 weeks ago
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I think, Many Chinese Girls who do not like meat.

But it is not easy to know who are they until getting in touch by knowing them.

And there are many people who can change and accept to be such person having similar life style and two of us can do some compromise and understanding.


can look and Add me from here :


"many Chinese girls don't like meat" : *buuuzzzzzz* Wrong. The few girls I got to know (not a statistically significant sample) loved meat.

10 years 24 weeks ago
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10 years 24 weeks ago
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I'm sure there are some girls who would be happy with an Indian guy, and not just for a fling. Of course, it's not a majority, but Shanghai is big so statistics are with you ^^ Saw a couple Chinese girl / Indian guy while running yesterday, and they definitely enjoyed their time very much. Just don't be hurried, don't build huge hopes at the first one you meet. Don't think in term of Chinese/no chinese girl, just take them as individuals, who just happen to be Chinese.

About being vegetarian : I feel you, I'm vegetarian too. I agree, I personally think it's a good practice personally and globally. But it's personal... My now wife is fine with me being vegetarian. There's always a dish without meat for me. However, she eat meat herself and don't wish to change that, which is fine for me too. The compromise was very easy to reach, because none of us is pushing the other on this issues. Her mom is also nice enough to cook no-meat dishes for me. Going out is a bit more challenging and I've to compromise ie. eat dishes where meat have been used, although I don't touch the meaty bits.




I agree with you and do the same. "Don't think in term of Chinese/no chinese girl, just take them as individuals".


About your life that you said your wife is not vegetarian and you easily go on with it, it;s bit challenging for me. I tried but really couldn't accept this way.


I still said that a girl can eat sometimes in the beginning if really we are in good relation and ready to give chance to be together.. but always eat , that is no question to accept for me.


I am not being so strict on this by forcing her. But I would better to make this point clear when I start the relationship.






10 years 24 weeks ago
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In Vietnam, girls who were into Buddhism would either be vegetarian permanently (not common, mostly nuns) or periodically (the most common). In China, I've yet to meet a girl who is into Buddhism. In several years, I never met vegetarian Chinese people, apart from Buddhist monks. Culturally, I would be very surprised someone here to fully give up meat. A girl who would have a committed relationship with a foreigner and vegetarian, you are now searching for a very rare gem. I guess you can get a chance with a committed Buddhist or someone seriously into fitness/sport, like a long distance runner.

10 years 24 weeks ago
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Good thought and idea..

I will try other way too

10 years 24 weeks ago
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My ex is a vegetarian too but he's fine with me eatting meat. He said I should eat whatever I like.

8 years 6 weeks ago
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10 years 24 weeks ago
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Try Madame Vicky...24/7...always open.

Do you have a car (sorry, motorcycle won't cut it with the parents)?

Do you have an apartment?

Can you pay the 100,000 RMB bride fee?

Do you like Hello Kitty? Are you willing to wear matching Hello Kitty pajamas and business suits?

Can you dispense cash a la ATM for various in-laws/friends/friends-of-friends/friends-of-friends-of friends at a second's notice?


Or, are you just fishing for the Q2 visa?



I am not interesting for Q2 Visa if I need to get this way.

and to tell you the truth, I even never think about it because it's not about setting here.

My idea is about serious relationship and be together and hold each other's hand till all lives.

10 years 24 weeks ago
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100,000 is awefully hi.  That is the price for a virigin today in China.  We know for a fact that the girl you mentioned is not. 

10 years 24 weeks ago
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10 years 24 weeks ago
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I have a vegetarian friend from India who is married to a Chinese woman. 


Good to know ..


10 years 24 weeks ago
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10 years 24 weeks ago
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They love MAN MEAT!


ho ho ho, etc...



10 years 22 weeks ago
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10 years 24 weeks ago
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In China 2.5 yrs? Since you are starting slow, maybe try a Chinese boy friend first.


Haha .. Had but over because some family issue from another side.

10 years 24 weeks ago
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You had Chinese boyfriend? No wonder you ask silly question if girls will like you.

10 years 24 weeks ago
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Stupid asks stupid questions.

10 years 24 weeks ago
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Girls won't like you.

10 years 24 weeks ago
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what  about me

10 years 22 weeks ago
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10 years 24 weeks ago
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yeah, I agree with that, vegetarian life style is not the main issue, you can eat vegetable, and she can eat meat, you don't push each other, that will be ok. Try, try to start a relationship with others, if it happens to be a Chinese girl, it will be better, but if it's not, it's ok too. 


Good luck to you. 



"if it happens to be a Chinese girl, it will be better, but if it's not, it's ok too."


Ah - excuse me??? And why is this so????????

8 years 6 weeks ago
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8 years 6 weeks ago
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Good luck!

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7 years 52 weeks ago
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