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Q: Story of mankind on a 30 Day Visa
I was born into a simple normal working class family in a small town in Lancashire,Blackburn,A place i'm very proud of.This is were,I think every Human problem begins.
We are all from the second of our,first breath,put into a box,Chinese,British,American Tobagan it doesn't really matter where the place is just needs a name.
Then we begin with race,white,black,yellow,pink,orange.We are learnt that our colour is the best or something to be proud of.
Each colour has a social system,we should look up to one of them,or down depending in what part of the WORLD,we are in.
Next comes Religion,with the GOD,of all mercy who loves you,unless you disagree,then he or her will kill all of your family past and present for no reason,
Next is Country,my country is better than yours,because go back to point 1.
MY QUESTION is are we able ever to over come these fundamentals of Human BRAINWASHING ?
It's not brainwashing, it's our own negative tendency to seek out a group for safety and sensevof belonging, and single out those who are different, for a sense of solidarity. It is innate to us at birth. Being social animals isn't all rosepetals and sunshine.
You want to believe it is media brainwashing? Go right ahead, who am I to deny others their conspiracy theories.
Accepting others without reservation requires philosophy, interaction, education and exposure. The media is more likely to reduce ignorance, or at least not increase it. unless it's Fox or CCTV.
Humans are not born pure of heart. We make associations through the process of discrimination. Does that word sound familiar? What's worse, we listen to simplistic reasoning, more than nuanced discussion. And to top things off, we remember negative feedback more than positive. The media has little to do with it.
Best answer I've read in ages.
Wariness of things that look different is an evolutionary survival instinct (once necessary, now unfortunate).
Countries with independent media, legal equality (constitutional human rights) and liberal academia have been more successful in overcoming the violent and prejudicial impulses in our genes.
I am not sure it's connected with education.
Singapore is certainly a state with good education and high living standard. But they keep their 'harmony' with iron fist - not much to do with the education level.
Also in general the countries having a dictator and well set up police state have less problems with differences (even though some of them simply 'wipe the differences out').
I agree with you on the part that's our heritage from ancestors and we can easily see such behavior in the nature.
I would just question that education can do much in this aspect - I saw a lot of smart, educated guys who were absolutely intolerant to anything and anybody out of their social circle.
I agree with you about the education. By "high standard" I meant to imply "not subject to nationalistic brainwashing". Duly amended.
I agree we all have instinct that affects our behavior. We are all animals after all. But environment must have an impact.
When we were just hunter gatherers or early farmers, a stranger would be a threat. A threat to our food supply and to our sexual partners. If we were a tribe of purple people, and we came across a lone orange person, we might treat him as a curious. Might laugh at him and poke him with a stick ( sounds familiar to me).
But if a crowd of orange people turned up on the edge of our territory, we would grab our clubs to protect our food etc.
But I think in today's society are all subject to external programming that modifies our behavior. Faux news might appeal to the caveman in us.
If if the caveman aspect of us is the major controlling part, how to explain the battles at last weekends KKK rally? If the KKK are the cavemen, who were the people protesting against them?
If a kid grows up in an environment surrounded by KKK clansmen, are they not more likely to turn out the same than someone brought up in a liberal household?
It's like Lao Tsu said about the 10,000 things and the eternal river and all that; if you focus on the bits and bobs you lose sight of the whole. Like not being able to see the wood for the trees. Krishnamurti talked about the same thing in his teachings on the nature of fragmentation. Ekhart Tolle is the man to listen to on the subject now.
Personally I believe everything is all one and that. One great whole blown into a gazillion pieces with the big bang, but all sharing a common subatomic ancestry - like pwiddy widdle snowfwakes, different but the same, and all in close, symbiotic partnership with one another.
Lao Zi also said: 千里之行始于足下 (thousand miles trip starts in front of your foot)...
It means that the way in front of you but it's still only up to you if you make the first step...(I find majority of English translation wrong)
I do not think so.
Why brainwoshing?
We all were born into our cultures - in Europe it's even more extreme because one hundred of kilometers may mean luxury or relatively tough life ...
But we were also lucky to get the brain and.propet education (most of us).
If anyone than believes that he/she is better just because being born few kilometers into the "right" direction so then shame on such a person - education came in vain.
Saying all of this one should be aware that 'average person' may not be too smart, educated, well behaved etc. just out of definition.
Yes to your convoluted question.... And to all of your groanings........and to all mankind...according to the will of God.."that as it is written..the Eye hath not seen, nor Ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him."
I would have a tendency to embellish on the positive side of what you call "brainwashing" and be brainwash with the Truth.......
The World was created in 6 Days.OK of course it was.Lets rest on Sunday.
How do you explain the existence of all the different religions? If there was only one word of God, that someone wrote down....why did he not get his big loudspeaker out and tell everyone.
Next question.
When the people of Babylon built their tower, and He was much displeased about it, He cast it asunder and scattered the people's, complete with their new languages.
Putting apart the bit that is missing ( did he change their colors first?), why has he not destroyed the skyscrapers of today? Or the aircraft, or moon rockets?
This is why I think religion is dangerous. Instead of people saying " Well, you know, I believe in God, so let's all agree all the different Gods are the same one, so we can all get along with each other."
No. People say "My God is the true God. Believe in him or you go to hell".
Its pure tribalism. Instead of growing enough food for everyone, we spend our time making bombs to kill as many "unbelievers" as we can.
The Chinese Government tell people to grow food, make things, sell things. They don't tell them to get on their knees to thank God for having someone to worship.
Is that not a good thing? To do things to survive, to grow, to develop. Is that not better than praying in a temple all day, every day?
It's not brainwashing, it's our own negative tendency to seek out a group for safety and sensevof belonging, and single out those who are different, for a sense of solidarity. It is innate to us at birth. Being social animals isn't all rosepetals and sunshine.
You want to believe it is media brainwashing? Go right ahead, who am I to deny others their conspiracy theories.
Accepting others without reservation requires philosophy, interaction, education and exposure. The media is more likely to reduce ignorance, or at least not increase it. unless it's Fox or CCTV.
Humans are not born pure of heart. We make associations through the process of discrimination. Does that word sound familiar? What's worse, we listen to simplistic reasoning, more than nuanced discussion. And to top things off, we remember negative feedback more than positive. The media has little to do with it.
Best answer I've read in ages.
Wariness of things that look different is an evolutionary survival instinct (once necessary, now unfortunate).
Countries with independent media, legal equality (constitutional human rights) and liberal academia have been more successful in overcoming the violent and prejudicial impulses in our genes.
I am not sure it's connected with education.
Singapore is certainly a state with good education and high living standard. But they keep their 'harmony' with iron fist - not much to do with the education level.
Also in general the countries having a dictator and well set up police state have less problems with differences (even though some of them simply 'wipe the differences out').
I agree with you on the part that's our heritage from ancestors and we can easily see such behavior in the nature.
I would just question that education can do much in this aspect - I saw a lot of smart, educated guys who were absolutely intolerant to anything and anybody out of their social circle.
I agree with you about the education. By "high standard" I meant to imply "not subject to nationalistic brainwashing". Duly amended.
I agree we all have instinct that affects our behavior. We are all animals after all. But environment must have an impact.
When we were just hunter gatherers or early farmers, a stranger would be a threat. A threat to our food supply and to our sexual partners. If we were a tribe of purple people, and we came across a lone orange person, we might treat him as a curious. Might laugh at him and poke him with a stick ( sounds familiar to me).
But if a crowd of orange people turned up on the edge of our territory, we would grab our clubs to protect our food etc.
But I think in today's society are all subject to external programming that modifies our behavior. Faux news might appeal to the caveman in us.
If if the caveman aspect of us is the major controlling part, how to explain the battles at last weekends KKK rally? If the KKK are the cavemen, who were the people protesting against them?
If a kid grows up in an environment surrounded by KKK clansmen, are they not more likely to turn out the same than someone brought up in a liberal household?