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Q: Is there any place in Beijing that serves chips(fries) with garlic and cheese?

Or chips with gravy and cheese. Need to satisfy my craving soooooon.....

12 years 45 weeks ago in  Food  - Beijing

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It is not my wish to sound funny, but while many places in China (and of course, Beijing) do serve chips (fried "french fries"), the ideea of adding melted cheese with garlic has not arrived yet.

But you could do as I do in many instances, and that is to bring to the restaurant the ingredients I wish to have, and in your case would be some cheddar (or whichever you prefer) cheese and garlic salt, ask the waitress to microwave the cheese to melt it, ad the garlic, and dip your chips on the mix to your heart's content.  After a few times, some will want the same, and maybe the restaurant will start to offer it.

I did the same for garlic bread, brought my butter and garlic salt, and soon others tasted it and liked it, and was added to the menu later on.

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12 years 44 weeks ago
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not sure what happyexpat is talking about because you can get chips and gravy at Lets Burger at Sanlitun. I belive they have moved to the Soho area.....near 3.3.

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12 years 44 weeks ago
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haven't seen chips with garlic and cheese at home yet. chips with gravy and cheese -yes. Are you pregnant and craving?  blush

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12 years 44 weeks ago
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