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Q: Is this true or is it a hoax ?

I just read on Yahoo News that Beijing Municipal Government has instituted a two fly maximum rule in public rest rooms.  At all the time, only a maximum of two flies will be allowed in any Beijing public rest room, if a third fly is detected inside it, it will not be allowed and must be destroyed.  Is this serious ?.  Has anyone else heard about this ?   Whose responsibility will be to kill the third fly present ?

Sometimes, if this is true, from sublime to ridiculous is just a short step.  What is really better for users, to eliminate that third fly, or to have the rest room clean so it does not attract any flies ?.  

I can see now someone calling the Police if a thrid fly is spotted inside a public restroom in Beijing.  

12 years 17 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - Beijing

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I'm speechless. I know this is not much of an answer but....what can I say? Unreal.

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12 years 17 weeks ago
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What it means is that the same filth will remain, but the place will absolutely stink of cheap fly/insect spray.

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12 years 17 weeks ago
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Despite bathrooms being dirty, I haven't experienced many flies. However, throwing the trash bags at the trash heap, that's a different story.

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12 years 17 weeks ago
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Read it in my local Canadian paper today. Just a brief, but funny. I actually don't think the PUBLIC toilets are that bad. It's the privately owned ones in resaurants and such that are horrid.


Public ones usually have a live in caretaker that cleans it every couple hours.

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12 years 17 weeks ago
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are u kidding what flies they dont get with in 200 yards and boom the stick kills them

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12 years 17 weeks ago
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Well, when you are running the government of the largest country on earth, sometimes you have to be really clear about sanitary standards. Mandates help to push the government agencies into action.

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12 years 16 weeks ago
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First ask Yahoo how many flies are present in their office. If more then two, then you look for the nearest bathroom to find salvation.


Is that supposed to be funny ?.

12 years 16 weeks ago
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Funny?, Not at all. Just simple logic. 
I wish flie(s) were my only problems in my life. 
Yahoo is not the best source for news and/or information.
Reuters which is an established News Agency also writes about stuff like that. 
Under "Odd" section...but no one take it seriously.

12 years 16 weeks ago
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12 years 16 weeks ago
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