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Q: What are the requirements for Chinese to get USA tourist visas?

11 years 4 weeks ago in  Visa & Legalities - China

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For starters you have to have a certain amount of money in the bank....

11 years 4 weeks ago
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11 years 4 weeks ago

There are cookies, bookies and too many rookies for me to sit here trying to be a hooky! Looky Looky don't call me a wooky. Touchy Touchy Feely Feely Spicy Spicy Nicey Nicey & that's what the doctor Ordered!!

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proof that they will return by having a good job to return to,lots of money in the bank, a car, a house, stuff that you don't want to give up. Its not easy, I tried to get my GF a visitor visa, put money in her account (got it back), wrote her a nice invitation letter, proved I owned a house, paid taxes and had money in the bank. I think the only consideration they gave the application was to make sure there was enough ink on the denied stamp.

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11 years 4 weeks ago
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The basic and most important one is to proof beyond doubt that she will return to China.  And how can this be done?.  By having a sav ing account with a balance above 200,000 Rmb for over 6 months minimum, own a home in China (her), have a steady job, leaving relatives in China, better if son or daughter, etc.

Unfortunately, it is not easy to do and seldom a tourist visa is granted, unless the Chinese goes with a tour and the tour conductgor or agency is the one applying for the visa. That is the easier way, because the tour company guarantees the US Government that allm Chinese will return to China. No one is allowed to leave the tour at any time.

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11 years 4 weeks ago
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Insight for the Day:


The USA is not too Keen on Granting Visa B-2 To Anyone.

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11 years 4 weeks ago
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Well... here is another story:  my Chinese friend in Anhui, was first denied a US visa for his wife and child, but they told him to get an invitation from a friend in the USA. I then wrote a letter of invitation and he tried again. He received a 30 day visa at once for the entire family and now they are here. One never knows how mysterious things can be, and not just in China.


did they have money in the bank and own a house?

11 years 4 weeks ago
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11 years 4 weeks ago
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I've got 2 stories that tell both sides of this.  Also might be influenced by the supposed "easing of restrictions" for Chinese obtaining tourist visas to the US (read about it somewhere...)


1. I tried to help my ex-gf from a couple years ago get a tourist visa to the US, so she could come back with me for a little vacation.  I practically filled the thing out myself, with her supplying supporting documentation (education history, work history, etc).  We revealed the fact that we were bf/gf and were planning to travel together, didn't lie or try to hide anything.  Tried to use the reasoning that since we both live and work in China, then we'd obviously have to come back.  She wasn't rich, but I guess her family had money (pops owned a small factory).  She and her mom went to Shanghai for the interview and she was basically told "I'm sorry, I can't give you a visa today.  No why."   She wasn't even given a chance to present additional docs which she had prepared (savings account balance, copy of job contract, etc). She said the visa interview agent was not Chinese....but his English wasn't too swell either (might be important later).


2. Fast forward to a few months ago.  Trying again with the current gf.  Her situation is pretty similar.  Not rich, low paying job, but family has money (another small factory owner).  She decided to use an agent in Shanghai instead of us filling out all the forms ourselves.  The total cost of the agent + visa application fee was something like 1700 rmb .  On the application she indicated she would be traveling alone to some pretty usual touristy locations along the US west coast. The interview agent this time was Chinese (we guess American born Chinese).   Per my suggestion, she started the interview with Ni Hao, and thus the initial part was conducted in Chinese.  He then asked since she would be traveling alone could she speak English?  They then talked a bit in English.


Here's the funny part, he made it a point to directly ask her if she had a boyfriend? Yes.  Is he Chinese? ....."yes".  Will you get married?  ...."maybe".  Ok, you should receive your visa in about 7-10 days, have a nice day!


So my suggestions are as follows:


1. Use an agent!  I guess this is probably even easier if they are up for a travel group (yuck).

2. Say you'll be traveling alone.  They'll ask for specific plans.  Just make an itinerary using popular tourist destinations (San Francisco golden gate bridge, Yellowstone National Park, Las Vegas, Hollywood, whatever).

3. Definitely don't reveal any bf/gf relationships with Americans!


It sucks it has to be this way.  Thanks to all the previous illegal immigrates for setting us up the bomb!

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11 years 4 weeks ago
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my chinese wife just got a tourist visa for hawaii and told them she was married to an american but she has a house in her name and 100000 rmb in the bank.

she has also traveled six time back and forth to canada on a student visa and graduated there, i dont intend to immigrate her to america and i will never live there again anyway.


based on what i got for information from the us embassy, you basically have to show you need to come back to china to get a visa.

having 3 trips abroad to different countries and returning also improves your chances, some countries like australia, britain and south korea will let you go with a tour group showing 50000 rmb in the bank or a credit card with that balance in case your escape the group and not return.

having photos of family in america and a letter help if that applies to you.

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11 years 4 weeks ago
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A: Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I
A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman