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Q: what do Chinese think of government censorship?

what do Chinese people think of the government telling them what they can or cant read or watch? having posts or blogs deleted from weibo. and out rite banning tweeter and facebook. telling newspapers what they can or cant write.

im curious, why do Chinese people just take it and not complanin about it? do they see it as just a fact of life?

13 years 8 weeks ago in  Culture - China

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fuck, fucker, fucking Admin won't let me delete my posts now the Admin can delete them for me... Wink Laughing out loud

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13 years 8 weeks ago
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What if u don‘t know.
What did the civilized countries government do for their people? Let the media (news paper)tapping and manipulate them? Puzzled
What do u think of that?


Ignorance is bliss. wenna must be very blissful.

13 years 2 weeks ago
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How is censoring things like IMDB not manipulating your people? Are you this dumb?

13 years 2 weeks ago
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13 years 8 weeks ago
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western and ROA media are certainly better than Chinese media .
answer regarding chinese citizen reaction to their government's censhorship;
they just think that the cpc is their guardian and hence the guardian have every right to control what their children view

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13 years 8 weeks ago
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fuck, fucker, fucking Admin won't let me delete my posts now the Admin can delete them for me... Wink Laughing out loud

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13 years 8 weeks ago
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wenna, as far as the wire tapping goes. i think is f#@d up.

but you didn't answer my question. do you agree that the government should control what you read and see on tv? what do you think of the government killing stories about the train accident? only permiting "positive" stories to go on print.

say what you want about western media. but at leas you can go on tv. call the president a moron and not go to jail for it.

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13 years 8 weeks ago
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West always nosepick want know everything, even when it concern them not. China is not most transparent, so we keep focus on important. It is good to protect us because know everything is no necesarly good for us.

We need know what important is, rest no concern us


You sound like a coward or a child. How could you be afraid of the very planet you live on? Are you a man? Is the world big and scary so you want to crawl away into your hiding hole because omg truth might hurt your feelings or offend you? Your government has done nothing but turn the men of China into effeminate, cowardly little girls.

13 years 2 weeks ago
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What?! Your government constantly distracts you with celebrity news while they screw you over hardcore in the meantime. I read a piece in the Global Times the other day about a foreign girl commiting suicide. So what? someone killed herself. How is this news? Meanwhile mentioning of things like embezzling money to built schools in sichuan is not allowed to be published. IT's a joke.

13 years 2 weeks ago
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13 years 8 weeks ago
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what?? wenna7 or any other chinese here, is this true? do you think too much information is a bad thing?

so when a post about a corrupt official is deleted from weibo. its to protect the people?

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13 years 8 weeks ago
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what i knowing corrupted official will change for evryday life? if government know he corrupted, he will be taken out. knowing it is distraction, because good solution found by China is done no matter

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13 years 8 weeks ago
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ok, so not knowing is a good thing. and to much knowledge is a distraction.

so critical thinking = bad

i guess i got my answer

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13 years 8 weeks ago
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Why do u think people get published by God?
Because Adan and Eva ate the apple. what does apple mean? Knowledge~
Why the all mighty, all good God wants to control people's thought? Because people's thought can go evil.
I felt Germany is a dangerous country, because everyday on news, there was someone get killed, shote at home, jail break etc. Because it‘s a really small country, they will tell people what is happening, but if we do the same thing in China, guess 24/7 on TV there will be only news like this.

I don't want to know too much bad news, like the train crash, I took that same train a lot every month, if I don't know it will be ok, now I don't want to take it anymore, and I feel sad about that.

Do u know what's happening in Africa? In the small village I lived, 5kids died everyday on average. Seeing that, 6months I was totally done, wanted to kill myself too~

What is good for Chinese? U have no right to say anything here!


Please just go away.

13 years 2 weeks ago
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I assumed God published me because he saw potential in the rough draft.

13 years 2 weeks ago
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13 years 2 weeks ago
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13 years 8 weeks ago
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Sorry to hear wenna, i hope u ok! ur right entire here, they westerner hve no right to come say bad things. What if we not want hare bad news? it just depress and distract and pointless

wenna, glad you ok and was not in train. if westerner did not talk about, i no have worry for nothing. another example of expats who think they can do all


Shut the hell up. You know how many Chinese people live in my country and mouth off? I'll say what I want. Tr y to stop me.

13 years 2 weeks ago
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You are right in a way about Westerners not having the right to say bad things for the sake of it, I am a westerner by the way. However do you think they have the right to say true things even if they are bad? Do you think Chinese should bad-mouth the West when they do not really know what the west is like. There are bad things in China and every country in the world but simply saying you do not want to hear it is acting like a child, do you not think it is better to be an adult whose ideas and thoughts are based on an educated thought process? Do you think Chinese people should be informed about what happens in their country, after all it is your country, or do you simply believe that the party will always take care of you. Why do you not want to accept responsibility for the things in your life and in your country. The west is not perfect, it is a long way from that but at least we do get the chance to see and read openly and to be treated as responsible adults who are capable of making rational decisions, rather than being told what to think.

12 years 35 weeks ago
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13 years 8 weeks ago
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yea yea. bury your head in the sand. if you don't know about it it dosent exists yes?

and wenna al least you know how safe the train is now. it makes you sad. but safer Wink

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13 years 8 weeks ago
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Yeah, it's true, it's safer~
We learned our lesson, just the price is too high.

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13 years 8 weeks ago
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fuck, fucker, fucking Admin won't let me delete my posts now the Admin can delete them for me... Wink Laughing out loud

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13 years 8 weeks ago
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Yeah yeah yeah, I know this is like... way late and stuff... This thread pisses me off. And it's the one major thing that actually scares me about the Chinese people, the way most can accept and even praise the government practices.

They don't want to know what's bad, not around the world, not in their own country.... not even in their own villages. Don't you know that KNOWLEDGE IS POWER? If you don't know what's working and not working in other places, and what isn't working in your own country... how the hell are you going to affect change? China might have 6000 years of history.... but how much of that history has shown any humanity to the Chinese people?

I'll be the first to admit that America only has 400 years of history, and for the first 250 years or so... we f**ked up in the humanity department (native americans, slavery, women's equality)... but we've been fixing it... and it only took 150 years. China has had 6000 years (as is pointed out frequently).... and not quite there (she says sarcastically).

America isnt perfect, and any American citizen will be the FIRST to tell you that, and thank the powers that we have the FREEDOM to be able to say such things. At least we are trying, and it hasn't taken us even 1/10th of the time. It's a shame, because if China's people paid attention, they could be the absolute most powerful country in the world, with fairness and equality and wealth for everyone. Instead, they dont learn from their historical mistakes, but continue making the same ones over and over...

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13 years 2 weeks ago
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It's obvious from the posts of the Chinese users that they'd rather be ignorant bags of meat than be socially conscious individuals who hold their leaders responsible for mistakes. This isn't cultural. It's the organized repression of logic and reason by the government to keep their people complacent and narrow minded. Anyone not from China can see that. And I'm sure all the forward thinking Chinese people who haven't been locked up see that too.

Bury your heads in the sand and pretend that everything's perfect. Before you know it, China will be a police state and the cops will kick your door in and haul you off to a prison in the desert for being exposed to ideals contrary to party beliefs on a foreigner-run answers site. Do yourself a favor and get educated before trying to run with the big dogs.

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13 years 2 weeks ago
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i think some feel they must post that nonsense because if they post that they disagree with the govt they will be in harms way. remember he people here fear the govt and believe the govt monitors everything. when asked a question like this many will give you the company line and not what they really think heavy indoctrination. you ever wonder why when you ask a question you simply get a response and not the answer. hide you true feelings and thoughts be coy in order to protect yourself from the govt. they see what happens to others who voice a different opin , add to the fact that 80% of the people here are cowards

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13 years 2 weeks ago
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A Chinese recent graduate in my office just bought a new phone with a build in Twitter app in it, she had to asked me what was it because she didn't know what the hell Twitter was. So I'm guessing they couldn't care less about the censorship.

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13 years 2 weeks ago
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It is true that website are blocked in China. That's no secret.  It can be quite frustrating at times.

It's also true that in the United States the government taps the telephones without authorization, accesses all kinds of private records, intercepts e-mail and in one very, very recent case deported  a black American-born non-Hispanic citizen to Colombia because they decided that she was Colombian.

Please -- it's not perfect here and it's not perfect there. 


She was deported because when she was arrested in 2010, she insisted she was a 21-yr-old woman from Columbia, and maintained that identity throughout the court proceedings. Granted, she is only 14 and didn't speak any Spanish, they had nothing else but what she told them to identify her.

12 years 35 weeks ago
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you're no better than either govts, by telling a half truth. as hugs stated that 14y/o gave the name of an illegal immigrant and then the authorities did their pucking jobs. they cant judge a black american from a colombian based on skin color many mexicans, brazilians, colombians, venezualians, etc. are darker than me and speak better english than me. so state the full facts instead of being deceitful to make the american govt look bad. the american govt has healthy record of doing bad deeds but dont point to a case where they actually did their jobs . the dumb 14 y/o should have been honest. and dont think it is so easy to tell the difference between a 21yo and a 14yo. the older you get the more difficult it is. 21 sometimes look very young. and i've had 12yo students look like grown women. also monitoring is not censoring. the american govt engages in censorship but in a very in direct way. but thanks to the internet it is a failure. but a recent law will allow the govt to start banning websites under the guise of "copyright protection" . you see i backed up you point without being deceitful, and by stating actual correct facts.

12 years 35 weeks ago
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and by the way, since you seem to want to put america on equal footing with china, answer this question. how many people  were executed/ imprisoned for simply talking about the govt in USA vs China?? yes imperfect here imperfect there just doesnt seem to sum it up

12 years 35 weeks ago
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And crimochina, did you see that picture of United States soldiers pissing on a dead Afghani? Civilized country? How about the endless amount of totally unneeded wars -- how deaths did those bring amount? Was Afghanistan needed? Was Iraq needed? Grenada and that invasion years ago? And so forth and so on. Please -- America has really, really strayed from its far nobler calling of perhaps 150 years ago. As for Chinese criminals, well, I don't want to even touch that.

12 years 35 weeks ago
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And the little girl was 12 years old when she was deported --12 years old -- and she sat without family in Colombia for two years until The Chicago Tribune got wind of what was going on. Has the government apologized? It has not. In America, one is innocent until proven guilty, technically, and she was deported without any real effort being made to identify her -- she didn't speak Spanish, she knew nothing about Colombia, she couldn't prove any filial relationship with the country, but America, in its blinded antimmigrant rage, just deported and all of this with a BLACK president as its God, Martin Luther King must be turning over in his grave. And you moan about websites being blocked.  Did you ever heart of Pastor Niemolloer?  Well, if you haven't, go do some research.

12 years 35 weeks ago
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12 years 35 weeks ago
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It's not democratic to prevent people from delivering their own opinion and that can only lead to disfavor.

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12 years 35 weeks ago

Just wanna make normal friends.

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yeah well, you know what? i heard obama was some kind of birth cirtificate. Of course, the government never lets you know that crap. ron paul 2012

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12 years 24 weeks ago
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OK, OK, somebody fess up, George Orwell was really a Buddhist, and he has reincarnated somewhere in the EU. somebody dish the dirt and tell us the real story.

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6 years 1 week ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77