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Q: What reason will you give when you quit your job?

What if you just went to a new job and work like for a week or a month and you are still in the probation period. Then you are offered with a better job, and you want to go for the better job. What will you say to quit your current new job?

7 years 30 weeks ago in  General  - China

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The truth, that I want to take another offer.


If you are tempted to feel bad for them, just remember you are still in a probation period and could be let go any time. You aren't properly employed there yet and to my way of thinking if someone wants to put me on a probation period then it works both ways - they are also on my probation period and I can pull the pin at any time just like they can.


Absolutely! Probation periods work both ways but employers don't usually like to be reminded of this!

7 years 30 weeks ago
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the truth..thanks for the opportunity but im afraid this job is not for me.

7 years 30 weeks ago
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7 years 30 weeks ago
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I'm offered with a new job again. It's an international sales manager job to lead the whole sales team. The company just started it's plastic material trading business a year ago and everything is in a mess and the boss fired most sales he hired for being inexperienced as he told. He told he hope that I would join his company and I told him that I will decide on next Thursday or Friday. he told I can discuss payment with him if I decide to join the company.


Maybe I will lose this job again if he hire sb else. But still I want to take some gambline as there's one job interview  I feel more interest on next week. It's a business manager job for customers in overseas and it's a company hires both Chinese and foreigners. Maybe I can meet cute guys too:))))And this company seem have branch in other country . And a foreigner with a cute voice will interview me on next week:)))) It's not the job I like, but if there are many white cute guys. Maybe I might be into it. I think I wanna check it out too.And two some other international sales interviews from companies have offices in other countries from next week.



And I have a production management job interview from a US company, it's not even the job I like and I consider it as boring job, but the pay is very attractive, it's between 15K-20K rmb a month. Maybe I wanna check it too, maybe ppl can do job they don't like if the money is too good. The HR really shouldn't call me for this interview as I did all sales related job with main focus not on production. Stupid HR

7 years 30 weeks ago
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7 years 30 weeks ago
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The truth, that I want to take another offer.


If you are tempted to feel bad for them, just remember you are still in a probation period and could be let go any time. You aren't properly employed there yet and to my way of thinking if someone wants to put me on a probation period then it works both ways - they are also on my probation period and I can pull the pin at any time just like they can.


Absolutely! Probation periods work both ways but employers don't usually like to be reminded of this!

7 years 30 weeks ago
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the truth..thanks for the opportunity but im afraid this job is not for me.

7 years 30 weeks ago
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7 years 30 weeks ago
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I'm offered with a new job again. It's an international sales manager job to lead the whole sales team. The company just started it's plastic material trading business a year ago and everything is in a mess and the boss fired most sales he hired for being inexperienced as he told. He told he hope that I would join his company and I told him that I will decide on next Thursday or Friday. he told I can discuss payment with him if I decide to join the company.


Maybe I will lose this job again if he hire sb else. But still I want to take some gambline as there's one job interview  I feel more interest on next week. It's a business manager job for customers in overseas and it's a company hires both Chinese and foreigners. Maybe I can meet cute guys too:))))And this company seem have branch in other country . And a foreigner with a cute voice will interview me on next week:)))) It's not the job I like, but if there are many white cute guys. Maybe I might be into it. I think I wanna check it out too.And two some other international sales interviews from companies have offices in other countries from next week.



And I have a production management job interview from a US company, it's not even the job I like and I consider it as boring job, but the pay is very attractive, it's between 15K-20K rmb a month. Maybe I wanna check it too, maybe ppl can do job they don't like if the money is too good. The HR really shouldn't call me for this interview as I did all sales related job with main focus not on production. Stupid HR

7 years 30 weeks ago
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7 years 30 weeks ago
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The truth... "I've been offered something better" (like the above, but drops the subtle hint that the current job isn't good enough for me).


Of course, if this is a job here in China, the response is more likely to be "Because you guys suck arse, your admin is incompetent, and your marketing people keep lying through their teeth - which I find unacceptable!"

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7 years 30 weeks ago
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The reason I gave my last boss was, "You broke SAFEA laws and regulations, I have sent all the proof, you owe me 20,500 RMB. Also you broke international laws by copying my passport and will be arrested for committing a felony if you step foot on U.S. Soil again. The aforementioned Felony you committed is impersonating a retired military officer."

I got my money, laughed it up in my new office, and haven't gotten a message from my VA representative as of yet because she's too afraid to go back to the U.S.
(unless she can pay a 250,000 dollar fine and stand 25 years in federal prison)


 The funniest excuse I have heard. Good for you.

But what if your new company does a background check with your previous employer? Don't you worry they might say something bad about you?

7 years 30 weeks ago
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7 years 30 weeks ago
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I have discovered that our hosts do not realize the probation period works both ways as evidenced by watching the proliferation of these periods in contracts over the past three years. Before signing the contract you should have something written into the contract regarding this issue. I started to do this. A few schools didn't like this so I didn't get the job. I made it clear that should I quit, or be let go, I would be paid out within 48 hours. This is important for many FTs. Many fly into China from wherever and live on campus. If you are let go for whatever reason, you have no place to go. You will need the money to go where ever, or stay somewhere. This clause will also weed out the not-so-desirable recruiters and schools.


Many employers act like a dick because they hold the right to hire or fire somebody because they have money.

7 years 29 weeks ago
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7 years 30 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77