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I'm talking like as in rent and teaching jobs, pollution ect.
I would say Nanning, but salaries are extremely low. Also they're dog eaters so I'd advise only eating meat from KFC/ Mcdonalds
Why avoid the pollution? The smog makes a great FB photo.
Zhanjiang is the place to go.
Sichuan, Meishan is one of the better places I have worked and lived in.
another is Qingbaijiang which is about 60 km NE of Chengdu city.
Thes might be more like 4 teir cities but many parts are less than a decade old
Yangzhou, Jiangsu is great. The museums and culture is wonderful. Never a dull moment.
I would say Nanning, but salaries are extremely low. Also they're dog eaters so I'd advise only eating meat from KFC/ Mcdonalds