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Q: What is the worst racist incident your partner has suffered ?

A follow up to the other question due to that  stupid Bitch mouthing off on the Bus the other day

it happens from time to time from both camps

there have been a couple of incidents reported this year about Aussie's attacking other nationalities with a fowl mouth


We get reverse raceist stuff here too, like the Burger King guy in Melbourne who went nuts because a customer  wanted Bacon on her burger ,but instead of being sacked he was counciled


So far there has not been anything said to or about my wife or kids and if there was I probley will end up on the news for causing  harm to them.

I get it all the time in China and it does not bother me in the least, but my family is another story


Has your Partner or friends had to deal with this type of abuse in your home country ?



10 years 12 weeks ago in  Relationships - China

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My wife lived in Scandinavia for several years, we did discuss if she'd ever felt anything racists towards her, and she hasn't. There is plenty of racism there, but nothing for her. I am sure it helps being attractive. 

Racism back home is mostly targeted people from the middle east, not sure why racists can't be fair and be a-holes to all that look slightly different.


Racism towards Arabs or Muslims comes from the fear that some of the extremist have caused. Some extremist would blend in and then launch a terrorist attack. 

10 years 12 weeks ago
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@enlteachted.  Thanks for the info captain obvious!  Real insightful!

10 years 12 weeks ago
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10 years 12 weeks ago
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She spent 2 weeks in a France, nothing. In a train, a lady started to talk with her, assuming she was French ^^ My wife thought Parisians in the subway were courteous. Everything is relative, they say... We also spent 2 weeks in NZ. People were really nice with her, smiling at my accent but not batting one eye for my wife. No angry look, nothing. I hope she won't have to face this...


NZ is so multi-cultural and accepting, they have Chinese (students/immigrants, etc) working in the Japanese sushi shops!

10 years 12 weeks ago
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I'll bet you that there are Chinese working in sushi bars in Japan too.

10 years 12 weeks ago
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I come across Chinese working in Japanese stores all the time in the U.S.

10 years 12 weeks ago
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Yeah, that's an old classic, most sushi restaurant are run by Chinese in France too. Ho the irony :D

10 years 12 weeks ago
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So the sushi in restaurants may be real, or they may be "Chinese sushi".  Really?

I know that the Korean food in China isn't.

And any other non Chinese food isn't either.


10 years 12 weeks ago
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japanese pay better, accordingto an old chinese student friend. he worked for japanese and koreans, despite his typical nationalist misgivings.

10 years 12 weeks ago
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@coin. This double standard is better. China is oh so great, but no one would ever want the Chinese if a foreign alternative is available. Cars, shoes, mosquito repellents, prostitutes, prostitute customers, pizza, bosses, healthcare, anything is better when not Chinese, even to the most nationalistic twats. 


A guy I am forced to hang with once in a while, can't stop about how great China is, he said to me he thought it would have been better that my wife had attended university in China.... he then carried on to say that in China, people don't learn anything in university as most already have a job, and people pay their way through. At this point I thought he'd stop and think about it. I changed subject to his German car....

10 years 12 weeks ago
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@Scando: ......and the Winner for the Nobel in Patience is........

10 years 12 weeks ago
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10 years 12 weeks ago
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I don't know about the Melbourne bacon incident, but you know as well as I that the employment laws in Australia, in some ways, suck arse! SO frikken hard to get fired these days - no matter how bad something is. I worked with people in a call centre, and even though they had full evidence (recorded, and was being monitored at the time), when a girl told a customer to 'fuck off' or something similar... all she gets is a talking to and maybe a black mark on her folder! No instant dismissal :(  However, a guy was let go cos he was picking up girls off the calls!!


Workplace relations.  You can blame the deals done with the (purportedly) moribund unions for not being able to sack employees.  And the sweetheart deals they have forced upon the employers.  And the fukn lawyers. Disclaimer: I'm a lawyer. No I'm not. Even people who are lawyers don't want to be. Unless they're arseholes, or in a position to decide for themselves.


10 years 12 weeks ago
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Some nerdy looking nerd was soooooo disgusted that a 40 something year old White man was with a Pinay, mid-20's...   he sat there at the bar making snide remarks.  I actually just got a nice laff,,, cute seeing some nerdy nerd (white guy, Canada or US by speech, looked maybe 21-24) admonishing us (under his breath to his buddy) why different ages together was sooooo bad...  :-)  but she sat there and told him to go fk his hand while he was about it (I suspect was his first encounter with your typical strong-willed Pinay)  Pretty darn amusing event added to an excellent evening enjoying a couple frosties and some slo rhythms all in all...

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10 years 12 weeks ago
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Yes. My wife has been referred to as a "Chinky little asian!", a "chink," and other things, in the Northeastern part of the U.S.

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10 years 12 weeks ago
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But the worst racist incident she experienced was in China. My wife is not a Han Chinese; she's an ethnic minority, and her mother was forcibly sterilized by the CCP.


The CCP doesn't want minorities getting too big. The family-planning police have raided their house several times.


And when we tried to get a marriage visa for myself so I wouldn't have to go to school anymore, they threw the passport at us and refused to help. They didn't want it to happen because she's an "<insert ethnic minority here>."


They almost denied her a passport due to her ethnicity; they already denied her brother one, if I recall correctly. The only reason they allowed her to get one was because she was with me, and I presented an invitation letter and my passport for processing.


Now that she's in America, she's pretty much equal to the rest of us. America may have a screwed up government that spies on it's own citizens, and is retarded at almost every level, but it's a great country. It's my favorite country.


Forcibly sterilized... 



10 years 12 weeks ago
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You've never heard of that? Forcibly sterilizing people is one of the CCP's favorite past-times.

10 years 12 weeks ago
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I'm not trying to hate on the US, but to be fair, they have a rich history of sterilizing minority women as well. Native American women were forcefully sterilized up until the 70's. 30% of Puerta Rican women were sterilized by the 60s, and currently they are illegally sterilizing women in the prison population.

10 years 12 weeks ago
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I didn't believe you, "another fucking wumao," I said to myself. So I did some research. Unfortunately, you're right.



10 years 12 weeks ago
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@Robk. There is a documentary from last year (I think) called "Mothers" where you see the people employed with finding candidates for sterilization. Their work is based on quotas rather than e.g. people having had tons of babies. ! This goes on today, right now !

10 years 12 weeks ago
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The eugenics movement was a thing...after world war II, after a giant human BBQ, racial purity became seen as 'kind of a bad thing'

-I'm puzzled by one thing though...officially, ethnic minorities are exempt from the one child policy...your story seems to indicate otherwise...

10 years 12 weeks ago
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In China.....not everything.... is done..... according to....anything.

China is the epitome of the emporer with no clothes.

And I feel sorry for so many Chinese people.


10 years 12 weeks ago
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why do you think c-sections are so popular in China?

apart from the financial bonus doctors get, there is the added advantage of performing sterilizations at the same time - if required

10 years 12 weeks ago
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Bullshit. My MIL is a baby officer. Absolute bullshit.

10 years 12 weeks ago
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No bullshit.  My acquaintance is an obstetrician and she has told me that that's what they do...sometimes.  She has also told me that caesarians are the choice...easier for everyone.  Esp the deliverer.  And it boosts the bonus.  That's what she told me.

And the stats that devulge the high caesar rates in China support her.

A recommendation for a caesarian section without foundation won't get any opposition from a community that's deprived of knowledge.




10 years 12 weeks ago
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My last girlfriend was forcibly sterilized by the CCP after giving birth to a boy. They did something to her during the c-section.


Sorry, but it's likely your MIL is a crazy psychopath without you actually knowing it.

10 years 12 weeks ago
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many girls i spoke to were so frightened (by their family, medical staff etc) of child-birth as unbearably painful they will automatically opt for a c-section, no questions.

Ask any woman with more than one child and they will tell you that although there is pain involved in giving birth, it did not deter them from having a second or more children: there are modern drugs etc to make it easier.


10 years 12 weeks ago
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@Harpo, sadly the sterilization of minorities wasn't limited to the US in the west :(

10 years 12 weeks ago
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@sorrel. There are so many lies in the Chinese society that is there to "govern" behavior. And sadly, the doctors aren't in on it, they are just poorly educated so they give the wrong advice. The list of "good" reasons for c-section is so long and no one ever mentions the benefits of natural birth. 

10 years 12 weeks ago
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My wife and I are going to Australia for a month shortly and I'm curious about how that will go.  

I'm not worried at all, and neither is she...except her for her perceived English skills.  But I'm sure she doesn't have to worry about that either.

Perhaps the major worry will be how she reacts to all the beer drinking reunions that'll go on.  

But I'm cognisant of that, and a lot more mature than I was before. 

The big test might come from another field....enlightened



royceH biggest horses patute on echinacities :)

10 years 10 weeks ago
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Hahahaha.....good one mate. You got me there...   Now, get fucked!



10 years 10 weeks ago
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10 years 12 weeks ago
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Apparently the U.S. is still forcibly sterilizing people in some places, notably minority women:


We aren't any better than China... I'm sickened by this. Both governments can kiss my red ass.



I'm not looking at  your links Hulk...but the USA is indeed a special country.


10 years 12 weeks ago
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How much did she cost?


What website did you find her on ?


She only wants your passport..


What is the reason for your visit to the UK?


Can you speak English?


Is your boyfriend Chinese?


How do we know you will leave the UK if we let you in ?


Ahh.... your boyfriend is Scottish.... how do you communicate with him?


Have a guess at how many of the above questions were asked at Heathrow, and how many were asked in a hometown bar.


My wife is far from being a looker.  We are well suited in that way. 


My wife had been through Heathrow at least a half dozen times on business visas with no problem. But her first time on a tourist visa was her last.


Never again.


Scotty, I don't get the gist of your reply.

 I am drunk, admittedly.

Can you clarify for those of us who don't speak Scottish?  Well...for me at least?

Did they accept your wife?

10 years 12 weeks ago
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Sorry, especially after many of my students talk about their friends who go to the States on a tourist visa and never come back but after many years they were able to obtain citizenship, I will never criticize what Chinese have to go through for a  visa.

10 years 12 weeks ago
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Ahh the Airport

a couple of years back we were waiting a customs when one customs agent asked my wife where her tour guide was,

  I answered gruffly Im right here !yes

he soon backed off apoligising as he retreated 

10 years 12 weeks ago
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Errr, yes, the 2 policemen committee (who were looking ashamed of doing that) waiting just at the exit of the plane, because she is traveling on her own, not with a tour. To me it's nationality-based discrimination, not racism :p On a HK or Taiwan passport, she would have been fine. We had that in France, but not in NZ.

10 years 12 weeks ago
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Yeah. she got in... but not before more than a few tears in an interview room.


Of course, the immigration people are just doing their job, as directed by their populist agenda political masters. 


But what I don't get.... why not do all the questioning at the visa application stage?


After all, how hard can it be to check on the status of a school before issuing a student visa? With all the work and effort that goes into getting a UK visa for a Chinese national, why are they then put through the Spanish Inqisition by the border guards?


The answer, is of course politics. Because the UK Government has made drastic cuts in foreign and ex-pat staff who are supposed to be doing the checks.  Because the typical voter does not see the work of the backroom staff, they only see the border guards. So why not save money where it can't be seen?


I can't figure this out. A visa for a foreign national to visit the UK costs a lot of money. If you were to do a profit and loss sheet for a typical visa office they should be making a healthy profit. Say 4 staff at 25 quid an hour plus overheads. Say 200 quid an hour as an estimated total. One spousal visa costs about 700 quid. So that would suggest it takes 4 staff about 4 hours to process one application for it to be a loss making enterprise. So a combined 16 hours of work for a spouse visa and it's still questioned at the border.


Just guessing at my numbers there....


Governments are just too wasteful with our money.





10 years 12 weeks ago
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A while ago, some customer in a shop referred to my 1-year-old son as Za Zhong, which translates into "hybrid breedbastard". Luckily I wasn't there, or I might have lost my cool. Apparrently, the shopkeeper was complimenting my son on his looks, and the father felt that his pretty daughter was being left out of the praise. Hence his desire to even things out with a bit of interracial discrmination.
When people discriminate, it's hard to stay calm when your identity is being attacked, but if you manage to, you've already won. Chinese think like playground bullies, so they may not agree. But honestly: Who cares what they think?
Most of them are a bunch of bitter, misinformed cowards. Just watch your back and don't get involved in their idiocy.



They are so bitter that they have shitty lives or that someone from an obviously inferior country (anywhere but china) has a good life.

Although it is better not to react and just smile and remember you are better than the bigot, it ain't easy.

10 years 12 weeks ago
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I would have gone off my Nut yes

At least our kids are toilet trained and can speak Chinese  and English

and have table manners plus can leave China ay time they want too.

10 years 12 weeks ago
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The worst racism my Pinoy wife and son experienced was in the PSB office.

Excuse me sir. Can we have a short visa extension (legit extension on an L visa)

Officer says. Let me look at your passports. He sees Philippine on the cover and says, with a wry

But its a legal extension...I have the regulations here....why?

Officer. No reason.

Theres no point arguing with a racist system. A racist system = a racist society.

My family were thus, in effect deported and forced to get a new visa (without problem). China loves splitting my family up. Even had it on Chinese airlines where theh seat us at opposite ends of the cabin despite being on the same booking...


Yeah I don't get all the hate Filipinos' cop from mainland Chinese

10 years 11 weeks ago
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Chinese in the Philippines are engaged in a class struggle, segregated in their closed community, living like Jews but without manners or social skills. Are they better or worse than the Pinoys - that's what they are always focused on. One of the worst, most arrogant chinks I ever heard of came from the Philippines: Amy Chua, author of those books glorifying "Tiger" parenting as a source of Chinese superiority. She feels innately superior to all non-chinese, and holds up her university job as proof, that she could achieve so much in Canada, coming from a "humble" multi-milllionaires' family. Her aunt was killed by a Pinoy burglar, so she hates poor people with a vengeance. Anyway, the Philippines is currently in conflict with China over fishing territories, and Philippines is backed internationally while China is wrong in its claims. Chinese resent that Filipinos can speak good English, and travel and participate better in western society (though filipino contributions are questionable, to be honest). Worst of all was an incident in 2010, where a bus full of HK tourists was hijacked by a disgruntled ex-police chief, who was deposed after a change in government. The guy demanded his job back at gunpoint, and Chinese/HK authorities implored the Philippines to handle the hostage situation carefully. Philippines just brought in the military to shoot the entire bus to pieces, including most of the hostages. Suffice to say, Philippines and China are 2 asshole countries that mistreat eachother regularly. Too bad for your Pinoy wife, as she may be one of the few innocent Pinoys. But what can you do?

10 years 11 weeks ago
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That pretty much sums everything up

10 years 11 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77