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Q: What's up with crimochina lately?

Is it just me, or is he spewing more venom than usual these days? What's the deal? Too many bad China days? I miss his snarky remarks, now it's all just anger. Is he trying to get banned?

12 years 46 weeks ago in  Relationships - China

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Wouldn't be the first time this place made someone crack . Sometimes I think I'm next !

That being said his comments don't bother me, even the ones I disagree with . I've noticed a progressive trend since the situation with the little girl . I'm sure that really got to him . Not gonna lie , it got to me , too , and changed my view of things/people here a bit .

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12 years 46 weeks ago

Before you judge someone walk a mile in their shoes, that way you're a mile away and you have their shoes!

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which comments are we talking about?


comments about tonguekissalion was just for fun

12 years 46 weeks ago
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12 years 46 weeks ago
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Is this like an intervention?



i have grown addicted to this site, but i havent had a lot of free time

12 years 46 weeks ago
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12 years 46 weeks ago
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He did this before, but about ten times worse. He was nothing but a pure 100% troll at first, who flamed everyone he saw. Then he got banned a while, then he chilled out but is slipping into those same old patterns. Once a troll, always a troll.


actually i owe you an apologize a few weeks ago i realized (from 2 of your posts) why you are the way you are and i vowed to myself not to knock you. i had forgotten that, so im sorry, i will knock say mean things to you, i understand what you had to go through in your life and what you continue to go through

12 years 46 weeks ago
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12 years 46 weeks ago
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I don't mind him at all. If that tonguekissalion douche didn't get banned for racial slurs and vulgar insults then I doubt the cat will ban crimo for bad China days or whatever.


Because he kisses your ass and is trying to turn himself into your little metoo? Source:

12 years 46 weeks ago
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kchur, I think you will find that most people here have no issue at all with's mostly just you.

12 years 46 weeks ago
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Kchur. I'm gonna have to ask you to turn the volume down on that bitching please. Thank you.

12 years 46 weeks ago
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kchur if would make you feel any better , in my opinion you are the most overly sensitive , overly medicated poster on this site. hands down no contest you lapped the field

12 years 46 weeks ago
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12 years 46 weeks ago
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There was a discussion I recall, and Kchur slandered Crim as being a racist (although, the comments by Crim were fairly intelligent - they often are!)

IMHO, Crim just bagged out too much (by one person in particular), and has just had enough...

(not ruling out RL stuff as well, of course, but.... just a 'coincidence'???)


my comments are often intelligent wow, i'm flattered . you are aware often is way north of 50%

12 years 46 weeks ago
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Sorry - sometimes? Occasionally?? Once or twice??? Is that better? :p

12 years 46 weeks ago
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40% is a good number , but if are saying my jokes are intelligent as well then 60% is about right. but then i would think you drink as much as i do

12 years 46 weeks ago
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Maybe that's it...some people like to post drunk (like me 1/4 of the time) and others don't. Those that don't maybe don't get it?

12 years 46 weeks ago
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Shining: I've taken more shit from crimo than I've taken from anyone else in my life. He is the biggest frigface I have ever encountered,  but now that his sleazbag possy has either been banned or quit, he doesn't even have the balls to back it up. Frig you, mother frigger. (profanities self-sensored for crimo's delicate feelings).

12 years 46 weeks ago
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kchur you know you took more from your daddy during those "late night visits" but you grew to like that but .... what was my point again?

12 years 46 weeks ago
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12 years 46 weeks ago
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i havent been posting while drunk in a long time maybe thats the difference but i dont want to be banned again. please no more mr cat


Well I vote for the drunk Crimo to come back. The alcohol induced creativity is always welcomed here.

12 years 46 weeks ago
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I vote for drunk Crimo too... you have been hating on everyone, worse than before.

12 years 46 weeks ago
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12 years 46 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77