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Q: What's your most and least favorite things about Chinese girls/guys?

10 years 9 weeks ago in  General  - China

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For girls,
Most favorite = they look sweet and demure when you do not know them
Least favorite = they MAY (I said MAY, in case someone thinks I'm trying to use racial overtones again), not be sweet and demure after all but vicious and attention seeking (use your imagination).

For guys,
I don't know because I don't usually observe guys....

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10 years 9 weeks ago
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Good question.


But you could leave out the "Chinese" bit and just ask what we don't like about people in general .


But given you asked about a specific group, here goes.


Guys:  Too keen to get married before they are 30.


Girls: Too keen to get married before they are 29.


Guys and girls: Too keen to get married.


I find, in general terms, that girls have a bit more get up and go about them. Go to any tourist spot and it will have lots more girl groups than man groups.  Girls seem to want to pack more in before they get married than the guys do. The guys just seem to want to sit about in the house waiting for their future wife to be delivered to them.


It's as if the whole meaning of life is to be married and have a son.


Such a shame, because they are too busy worrying about their future generations that too many forget to enjoy their own life .



agree completely


with 100 ancient surnames used for 85 percent of the population, who in the hell is going to remember you in a country of a billion, its illogical narcissism behavior, worry about a future generation of a billion more behaving the same way. the idea that your a grain of sand on a vast beach and you are the most important grain of sand on that beach is bizarre indeed.  

10 years 9 weeks ago
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I married a Chen Ambi.


It would be a very short game if I was to try to guess your wife/gf's family name .

10 years 9 weeks ago
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"du" yes very short, lol

10 years 9 weeks ago
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10 years 9 weeks ago
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For girls:

-Most favorite: They look hot and are easy to approach.

-Least favorite: The manly behavior of some of them.


For guys:

-Most favorite: Competition from local guys is non-existent.

-Least favorite: Local men looking at my crotch.

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10 years 9 weeks ago
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For girls:

Most favourite - They're a stone-throw away. Plenty around. Cuties all over the show and easy to talk to.

Least favourite - No sooner than they're with you they get a phonecall and the next minute they f-off.


For guys:

Most favourite - Very friendly and welcoming.

Least favourite - When it comes to women they are ruthless and selfcentred and wouldn't think twice about leaving your ass in a ditch.

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10 years 9 weeks ago
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For women:

Fav; so many of them, at home I live outside of a town of 4000, used up my quota long ago. When I first met GF and she asked Y U not married, I said my home is not like China and I pointed at girls going by on scooters,  ''pretty girl, pretty girl, pretty girl'', I did that every time I stood on a street corner for weeks.

 Most Chinese women have the physical features that I find attractive. I like the qentle, sometimes innocent nature, usually soft spoken, never heard  whiny TEEEEDDD


Least Fav: Often a little irrational, never listen, never answer question, they have strange beliefs.


For Guys: I have a special coating on my glasses lens, filters UV, turns dark in bright sun, dust and dirt do not stick and they filter out men but unfortunately not fat chicks.

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10 years 9 weeks ago
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I don't like to answer this kind of question when the OP doesn't offer an opinion of their own.

It feels like they are fishing for information rather than engaging in a discussion.


aprilg: care to share your favourite and least favourite things about Chinese guy's/girls?


Don't answer a question with a question. You know you're the resident female voice on this forum you might have something to add different  than the comments left by the rest of these knuckle draggers on here.

10 years 9 weeks ago
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but on a question like this, i also like to hear the OP express an opinion.


Least favourite thing about Chinese guys and girls:

immaturity and narcissism (i am talking about most of those i have met)


What i like most of the few i have got to know quite well is their generosity and kindness.

10 years 9 weeks ago
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10 years 9 weeks ago
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since men do most of the smoking in china, it is rare to see any chinese man put a cigarette butt in a trash can or garbage and not throw it into a urinal or the floor.

if i had to give 100 rmb to any chinese man that actually discarded a cigarette butt like a civilized human being, my salary would safely remain in my pocket.

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10 years 9 weeks ago
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-The eternal mind numbing brainwashing of education, Maoism, xenophobia, ultra nationalism, combined with a total lack of intellectual curiosity, a refusal to take personal responsibility, a disrespect for the environment or their fellow man, an absence of mature life experience, a hatred for logical thought, a tendency to over generalize (all foreigners are the same, no, all Han Chinese brought up on state sponsored education ARE the same)

-A complete lack of hobbies besides eating, shopping or online gaming, a disinterest in both domestic and international news or politics, a love of family that consists of domineering narcissism on the part of the parents and a fawning love so as to get the house and car on the part of the children, a refusal to see that happily married people in the REAL WORLD don't buy half million dollar homes when getting married.

-A lack of table manners, civility, or charity. The drive to push elderly people out of the way to get a seat on the bus. The rampant numbers of mistresses, the girls who trade sex for money, and think this is a good economic plan, the wives who accept it, the men who do it...

-A parochial view of the world, which extends to not knowing the names of authors, such as thinking Conan Doyle is Japanese, or De Gaulle was American, and a total lack of geographical training whereby the majority of students do not know which countries China borders.

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10 years 9 weeks ago
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A: Good question!  I'd say, if you study at Uni in China beside
A:Good question!  I'd say, if you study at Uni in China beside working full-time as an E.T. with Residence permit, you don't interfere with your full-time employment.It's your free time and you can do anything you want, with respect to the Chinese laws and customs. Have a look at terms of Z visa/Residence permit and ... ".. you cannot work (and earn monies!) with another employer ..."That's all it is! Your RP sponsor title is written on the RP stamp in your passport, I think. It's in Mandarin, so I've heard about that from someone ...At I.D.-ing by cops, they know where you work and than more details about you are just a phone call away ... and it happened in person ... LOL ... during the day-time stroll through Wulumuqi, Xinjiang, 2012/13 semester. Now under RP, you're free to surf Internet, jog, ... and study, too. I suggest, you look and ask at the Uni, you plan to study in the future. Have a detailed look at requirements for studying and attending chosen Uni.Good luck! -- icnif77