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Q: What's your relationship like with your neighbours?

  I've just spent the last forty minutes listening to someone banging away in bed with his girlfriend. And all I can say is, she is not coming back. That was the most monotonous shag i've ever heard. At first I thought it was one of those dance tracks you hear in the clubs (i'm not a fan) that just go on and on and on, but no, I realized this would a second.....then get back to it's monotonous rhythm. I felt sorry for the girl, 'cause we've all been there, usually in our teens when we don't know better, just banging away without reward, the poor girl lying there looking at the clock, but if that was a teenager, his folks must have been far out of town, because that was a racket.

  So anyway, that's upstairs, then downstairs i've got an opera singer. A really good one, and truth be told I enjoy listening to her sing, she's got the voice of a pro. But then next to her there's a flat-full of screaming teenage girls who stay up all night yelping about.....I don't know......Jay's latest cover picture or whatever the Hell teenage girls in China get excited about. And it wouldn't bother me but i've got a two year old in the room above them, and they have no idea how close i've come to filling his water-pistol with piss, leaning out of my window, and drenching their entire washing line.

  The apartments are set so closely together I could reach out of the kitchen window and borrow a cup of sugar from the woman next door, or lean over my balcony and light the cigarette of the guy opposite. We're moving next month, and this is one place i've lived that I will 'not' miss.

  So what of your living situation? All rosy, happy and accommodating, or do you want to kill someone?

11 years 21 hours ago in  General  - China

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The apartment above me, I dunno what they are doing, but it constantly sounds like someone is dropping a marble on the floor, it bounces like twice, then rolls.. pretty creepy actually. Downstairs has a yappy little dog that goes mental every time someone enters the building..


I have that exact same noise! I wish I knew what it was, it usually happens when I am in bed as well. Very strange.

11 years 9 hours ago
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  Probably the neighbours playing some kind of board game. I used to think we had problems with our pipes in one place, there was a huge rattling sound almost twenty-four hours a day. It turned out to be a Mahjong den in the next building.

11 years 7 hours ago
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This is the 2nd apartment that I've rented that has "the marble sound". Weird - Very Weird!!! 

11 years 7 hours ago
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S**t!! hahah I also had the marble sound. I thought they had someone with mental problems or something like that. It happened so frequently. Kind of funny there's more people who also had it.

It makes sense, should be maybe chinese checkers or some game.

11 years 6 hours ago
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Maybe one of the (marble) balls they're constantly rolling in their palm slipped, and fall on the floor?

11 years 6 hours ago
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hang on, when we sleep at the MILs place we get the marble sound in the guest room.

11 years 6 hours ago
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May sound odd, but had the same thing (marble sound) when living in Shunde. I had a couple of elderlies in the apartment above.

11 years 3 hours ago
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OMG! I can't believe you all get the 'marble sound'!!! angry

10 years 52 weeks ago
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Hey, i got the same voices in Yiwu or here in Shanghai. wtf is that ? 

10 years 52 weeks ago
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Marbles?  Yep, me too.

10 years 51 weeks ago
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11 years 9 hours ago
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Where I live it is mostly older folks, there are very few young couples and certainly no houses full of teenage (most likely in their late twenties but, hey, chinese girls) girls screaming all the time.

The only thing that annoys me really is the crappy parking situation.

The place is 9 years old (old for China) and there is barely any room for the cars that everyone has now bought.

Fortunately our neighbours mostly keep to themselves and seldom bother us. It could be because I have been distinctly unfriendly towards them. I don't want to be friends, I live here because my wife chose it and I have no choice.

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11 years 9 hours ago
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We can't really hear anything from the neighbors. There are only 4 apartments per floor and the master bedrooms are at each corner of the building. So I've never heard any nighttime doings while in China. During daytime, it's mostly when people go to the elevator lobby they can be heard, spitting, yelling, beating their children or whatever makes them happy during the 45 seconds it takes for the lift to show up. 


I do say hi to the newest of our neighbors, also when I meet them e.g. at the supermarket. They are very unusual, e.g. they will both cook most evenings, and it looks like they are having fun doing so. We can see their kitchen window from our kitchen window, so while I am happy cooking alone or with my wife, I can see them having fun too. It was actually my wife that commented on that first, it doesn't stand out that much to me as my parents are still doing that after who know how many years together. (I guess I should know)

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11 years 7 hours ago
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Here in Stalag 17 the neighbours are quite. But previously, the neighbours upstairs had very noisy *** for a couple of hours every night. One one side i had an apartment renovation going on for about 4 months - they started at about 5.30 every morning and finished some time after mid-night. And below there was a family with a mentally disturbed teen-age daughter who would wake and cry at randomly several times a night.


  That reminds me of a place I lived in Beihai (i'm on my 13th move next month); me and the wife found a really nice place on the 20th floor, but didn't question them when they asked us to come and view it at lunch-time. Turned out that was because outside the lunch-time period the whole building sounded like a scene from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Seems only half the apartments had people in them and the other half were still in construction. Noisiest place i've ever lived. Nice view though.

11 years 5 hours ago
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11 years 5 hours ago
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nothing special. We say nihao to each other, but in my heart I hate them for blocking all the way from elevator to door with their 4 ebikes !

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10 years 51 weeks ago
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Don't really have a relationship with them. They practice the piano all day everyday we say nothing, we have a house party on a Saturday and they've called the police on us within 2 hours, that was 11pm. Our BaoAn is great though. Very friendly, wishes us a good day. Lets us hang out next to his electric heater when we've forgotten our keys and are waiting for another flatmate to come back.

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10 years 51 weeks ago
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10 years 51 weeks ago
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Nobody speaks English, and I rarely meet somebody. Neighbour above me had something slamming whole night, and I just told Chinese teacher next day, and they sort it out among themselves. No banging, or any other noise after 10pm.


I have apartment on the bottom floor with small garden. All Chinese owners (but mine!) constructed roofs over their gardens, so anything comes out of the windows above, stops on the roof. After, I found first empty bottle on the garden floor, I told FAO neighbours must stop trowing garbage over their windows or, I will empty my garbage bag every time at the different neighbour's entrance doors.


I have 1 empty bottle, plastic bag, empty pack of cigarettes so far (since May) in my 'Garden collection'. Pretty dissent, I think! No marbles in my place.


You're so lucky to have a garden! My little dog would love that!

10 years 51 weeks ago
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It is my 2nd exit point. Some 15 m lower on the street, neighbour has 2 small (battery-charged-size) brown dogs. 

I saw one of the dogs in front of my railings few days ago, and I am guessing, it was chasing feral cat, sitting in my garden. Next time, I'll defend 'my' cat.

10 years 51 weeks ago
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10 years 51 weeks ago
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A: Good question!  I'd say, if you study at Uni in China beside
A:Good question!  I'd say, if you study at Uni in China beside working full-time as an E.T. with Residence permit, you don't interfere with your full-time employment.It's your free time and you can do anything you want, with respect to the Chinese laws and customs. Have a look at terms of Z visa/Residence permit and ... ".. you cannot work (and earn monies!) with another employer ..."That's all it is! Your RP sponsor title is written on the RP stamp in your passport, I think. It's in Mandarin, so I've heard about that from someone ...At I.D.-ing by cops, they know where you work and than more details about you are just a phone call away ... and it happened in person ... LOL ... during the day-time stroll through Wulumuqi, Xinjiang, 2012/13 semester. Now under RP, you're free to surf Internet, jog, ... and study, too. I suggest, you look and ask at the Uni, you plan to study in the future. Have a detailed look at requirements for studying and attending chosen Uni.Good luck! -- icnif77