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Q: Who do you think you are?

War you want, war you get.

When a foreigner comes to China, they are a guest. They need to act like a guest. When you enter a host's home you do not criticize the decoration and suggest changes that suit you.

Who are you to tell China what it needs or how to change?

Let me give two quotes from the same westerner:

I don't know if China's ready, but you betcha it's time!
And I never said anything about what's best for China.

At least this explains your preoccupation with psychological services.

Since coming to China in 1978 I have seen so many like you crash and burn, leaving a mess for the rest of us foreigners to clean up and live down.


13 years 8 weeks ago in  General  - China

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You want me to be a sheep, approve of everything you say. I have my opinions, and I won't change them for a bitter man obsessed with somebody who don't agree with him.

Do I remind me of your ex-wife or something? Did she keep the house, thus the reason you're studying Law?

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13 years 8 weeks ago
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You just do not get it but you will. I just hope it is not too late for you.

You are just another ugly foreigner in China, not wanted but tolerated because of some misguided sense of need, just like the rest of us.

Your femmanazi opinions just make you uglier and the tolerance will evaporate quickly.

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13 years 8 weeks ago
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You must have been in China for decades, Mr know-it-all-about-China. If they tolerated you for all this time, then it's safe to say Chinese people are very tolerant.

You're bitter, Martin. Very bitter. Be careful not to fall into depression, because according to you, suicide will be your only option.

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13 years 8 weeks ago
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Yes I am bitter because so many like you have refused sound advice and end up in a morgue somewhere.

Just last week a 32 year old Brit killed himself needlessly. He was a good and decent young man who insisted on marrying a local. Several of us warned him but he married her anyway. 30 days later he learned she was a prostitute and he could not handle it.

I advised you to just cover your cleavage and you insulted me so do not expect any further courtesies or niceties from me.

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13 years 8 weeks ago
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So basically, it's a "wear a burka or die" kind of thing?

I get it, you're bitter because you see younger people full of enthousiasm, being productive and being an asset for society while your best years are behind you and you can't get any. So your hobby is to give advice to younger people, because you strongly believe if they don't listen to you, they'll kill themselves?

I won't wear a burka because of a pig and an old geezer. Again, I haven't encountered any problem in China so far, except for that pig I talked about earlier.

Maybe you'll be a happier man if you move to Saudi Arabia.... think about it. Think strongly. Maybe the place is more suited to your needs...

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13 years 8 weeks ago
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Someday your ignorance will catch up with you.

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13 years 8 weeks ago
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Ooooh, now it's karma? You're a philosopher, Mr-know-it-all-about-China. You're not giving me a lecture about religion? You're the type to survive by hating other people, so it's a pleasure to add a few years to your bitter existence. But you could at least thank me.

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13 years 8 weeks ago
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Martin, it was nice of u by saying Mr. 'Merican bullied me. But what r u doing now with Pustuluterine, I cannot see difference.
Obversely she is new here and she is young, u must know much more and much better about China than she does. To convince people is not only about the truth, also about how u put it out. Let's say, God thinks he is good and he is the truth, what He does is if someone don't follow him and disagree with him, he just simply kill them all, I think if that's the case even he is the truth and the only life I would love to go to hell with Satan.

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13 years 8 weeks ago
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sorry to say but i am not a guest here .. i paid for everything i am using so i have every right to criticise the hotel

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13 years 8 weeks ago
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wenna 7 I tried to help her but her arrogance and ignorance got the better of her.

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13 years 8 weeks ago
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You are a hotel guest?

You can demand what they offer to the fullest and you have every right to complain if they do not deliver.

You have no right to demand anything beyond the star value of your hotel.

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13 years 8 weeks ago
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When did u first come to China? 1978something?
I should say, u r here much earlier than I am. So maybe u know China much better.
Just hope u can be nice to her, everyone wants to be talked nicely. Smile
And sunilsah2050, Martin is right, if u paid a lot and get bad service u should complain, but I guess everyone knows China is cheap, so u get what u paid for, or maybe in fact China provide u more than u paid for.

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13 years 8 weeks ago
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"Let every moth follow its path to the moon, or be burnt up in a ball of flame"

Let people discover things for themselves. They will learn from their mistakes. If they do not, then you have absolute liberty to ignore them.

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13 years 8 weeks ago
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Although I don't agree with PoutineDuFion methods, it is true a bottle of wine could calm you down.
Why is it always about war? It wouldn't surprise me if you're wearing a military uniform when writing to me. One thing that I'm sure of is that I don't want to turn into a bitter old person like you, who think "My generation was better than what I see now" without even trying to understand people.

So calm down, chug some alcohol and please, for god's sake, leave your wife out of all this "war" you're talking about.

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13 years 8 weeks ago
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You live in your own little arrogant and ignorant world. Ignorance is bliss so you should be very happy.

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13 years 8 weeks ago
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I actually am very happy. China is a wonderful country. People are nice, hospitality is quite good. Food is delicious. But you seem the type to live on people sadness, bitter old man. Does it make you sad that I'm having a wonderful stay in China?

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13 years 8 weeks ago
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If you are having such a wonderful time in China why are you wasting your employers time posting so many complaints here?

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13 years 8 weeks ago
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I'm happy in China, so you can't bully me about that. So now it's time to attack my work, uh? So predictable, Martin. So predictable. Good thing I haven't found a boyfriend here in China yet, or else you'll be targetting him.

You're a bully, admit it. But you can't show that side of you to your student, so you come here, pick someone you don't like (maybe i ressemble your ex-wife?) and bully that person as much as you can, just so you can feel alive.

What, they usually cower in fear when they here you teach Law?

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13 years 8 weeks ago
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Grow up and stop your childish speak

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13 years 8 weeks ago
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You're answers are getting shorter, Martin. Out of ideas to bully me? I thought you were better than that, you could only harass me for a hundred post. Or maybe you're starting to realize how wrong you are, how cruel you can be.

Have you heard about the story of the Ring as told by Socrates? There was that ring that would turn people invisible. When people wore it, the impunity would make them commit the worst crimes. Well you must have heard about it, Tolkien took the idea.

Well the story applies to you. You're anonymous here, and you want me to get out of China, because I don't agree with your ideology. But you can't hurt me behind your screen, so you hope for "something terrible" to happen to me. Think about it, Martin, think about what you are.

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13 years 8 weeks ago
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Why am I NOT surprised that you do NOT have a boyfriend?

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13 years 8 weeks ago
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You followed my posts since the beginning, Martin. You didn't start and harass me yesterday. So you might remember that I only arrived here in China a few weeks ago. Take the time to settle, find an apartment, get to know the city a bit more and adapting to your new job doesn't take a day. I would have thought you would know that, Mr-Know-It-All-About-Expats-In-China.

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13 years 8 weeks ago
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It would also NOT surprise me if you did have a girlfriend.

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13 years 8 weeks ago
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Ah! the angry lesbian argument! I never thought you would go there, honestly. I thought you had more respect than that, but i was obviously wrong.

Care to elaborate more on why i'd be a lesbian? But be careful, Martin, you're showing less and less tolerance, and you're starting to demonstrate blatant racism

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13 years 8 weeks ago
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Lesbianism is neither bad nor is a reference to it racist.

Better to let people think you a fool than to constantly open your mouth and prove them right.
You look more foolish with every post you make.

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13 years 8 weeks ago
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