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Q: Who pays for the Medical exam cost?

I have happening at my new place, and I am looking for the opinion of the posters, who experienced similar matter.


My School is some 4-hours bus ride away to the bigger city's Hospital, where foreigners must have ME, before RP is granted.

My ME required 3-days School's absence, beside traveling to the Hospital and return back to my city and ME was with 'all clear' result. 


Salary for that month is 700 Rmb short, which is what I don't agree with. 


Owner refunded bus tickets and overnight Hotel's stay. She paid all other fees, also.


700 Rmb pay cut is, because 'I had to pay replacement teachers for your 3-days missing of the classes' was the owner's reply, which is what I don't agree with.


IMO, that all could be shown as an 'operating non-taxable cost', but certainly it can't be my expense.

I explained to the owner, she should write notification on the Contract 'about visa/RP fees is party B's responsibility' or in other words, my Contract doesn't stipulate I should bear any of the RP cost.


Would you agree to take pay cut for ME?



8 years 9 weeks ago in  Business & Jobs - China

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You should be cut, go on an off day, if you work only weekdays why did you need 3 days? 2 at the worst. Travel the evening before get it done in the morning. Someone from the school should have gone and picked it up.

Workout all the details beforehand in writing, you know that.


I wanted to travel next day am, but boss said arrival to Guiyang at 11:30am is too late. She demanded I travel afternoon with sleep-over in Hotel, which she booked and paid.

Originally, it was discrepancy of 1700 Rmb, for which accountant made mistake and posted beginners salary, i.e. 1000 Rmb less, so actual deduction for ME is 700 Rmb.

It isn't point in 700 Rmb less that much, but I don't think School is entitled to do that.

I am not in the mood to go through changing of RP sponsor again, so I'll might take a pay cut.

8 years 9 weeks ago
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Dude! Ring SAFEA!


And the report could have been posted!

8 years 9 weeks ago
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OK, it was like that: ''I completed classes on Tue., and traveled to Guiyang afternoon. 

ME on Wed., with return to my city in the evening. I announced my return to rep. and he replied: 'You can rest tomorrow, and come for scheduled classes on Friday.''

So, I was missing classes for two days.

Now, I can't tell about exact deductions out of ATM, till I don't see pay slips for both salaries, but roughly I get shorted for around 1200 Rmb: 

- previous pay - 9800 Rmb

- today's pay  - 11915 Rmb

I received in total 21715 Rmb. Tax is around 550 Rmb x 2 = 1100 Rmb + 21715 = 22815 Rmb. 

Last no. should be 24 000 Rmb, so it's around 1200 Rmb short. waiting for the pay slips.



8 years 9 weeks ago
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"'You can rest tomorrow, and come for scheduled classes on Friday.''"


That's rude!!! If they're deducting money because they told you not to go to classes, that's them cancelling the class!


And, we have the fact that they could have re-arranged the schedule so you didn't miss classes, if it was so damn important!


This is definitely a job for SAFEA! (can you shine a light up into the clouds, and they'll come??)

8 years 9 weeks ago
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After I saw pay slips, actual deduction in previous month is 550 Rmb. 


I am talking to two persons in the same time, similar as two bosses: 'owner, in charge of the pay' and School's 'Head teacher, who's arranging my schedule'.

I was assuming, they both talk, but how it looks, they don't. Head teacher is very efficient and helpful, and owner, she's in Guiyang all the time. They own two other Schools, I don't know where.

At my beginning, they thought if they cancel my classes, I am not entitled for pay, similar as Chinese teachers aren't. That was all planed, IMO: 'hire FT with 25 classes/week and 12k salary, then cancel the classes and pay less'. However, I was very clear at their first try of classes cancelation.

The most interesting to me at this Contract was I can skip part-time gigs. I have enough hours per week, so I won't need to bother with looking for the part-time.

So, Head teacher granted me rest day, and now I have to pay for it.

I sent an email to the owner, that I can live without 550 Rmb, but she isn't right with that deduction. I won't bother FEB, because of that, but I am thinking 550 Rmb is equal to ME cost. Chinese are inventious, aren't they?

I am just not comfortable with any pay deductions, since I never miss classes for any reason, so I don't take pay cuts easy. Oh, well ...

8 years 9 weeks ago
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'Workout all the details beforehand in writing, you know that..'


ha ha, I try to figure out pay date, when holidays salary (July, Aug. and Feb.) will be posted to my account.

My working month starts on 12th and ends on 11th next month. Pay date is on 25th or 14 days after month was completed.

After '77' emails to the boss, one of her replies:


'your salary period is start from every month 12th end of next month13, and you will get pay before 25 th , so your vocation pay will be paid 25th too.'


Salary deposits pattern is '14 days later', however holidays salary will be posted 25 days later. I didn't get July's holiday pay on July 25th, so my guess is 'it will be posted by Aug. 25th'.

It looks, School's accountant works only for few days around 25th of the month. And....I got everything and more in writing.....

R hand to the L pocket (around arse).... 


8 years 9 weeks ago
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Get your shit together and stop working for shitty schools.

8 years 9 weeks ago
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It's easy to say that, but it doesn't really work that way in China!

This place isn't shitty, really. I hate when they start to master me 'leader-way' or 'modifying' the Contract to their advantage.

I am bound by the Contract, and that's it.

However, I can see through their real intentions. My Contract could turn into 7-8k pay in a heartbeat, but I only accepted, because of 12k for 25 classes/week.

Boss bought plane ticket from Henan to Guizhou for me. I just asked her to book it, and I'll give her cash at arrival. She paid for it, and now with that ME deduction, she's taking it back. We're even, buTT....'watch yourself from now on...' TIC, man. 

8 years 9 weeks ago
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8 years 9 weeks ago
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Could you clarify 3 school days absence for the ME.


As you have written it you stated 3 days away to a place that was 4 hours away.


I would have expected that the usual FT ME is a day trip at best, or is it a mornings only type of place?




Most hospitals want you in at 9am, because the urine test needs to be fresh and first thing in the morning.


However, I too am lost as to why it's 3 days...  unless he's in the middle of bumfuk where they only have 1 bus a day (or similar), and so transport options are very limited...

8 years 9 weeks ago
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Yeah, early morning hours Hospital was the reason I had to travel on Tue. afternoon.

ME was on Wednesday, and I returned to my city in the evening. I guess, it was 2 days absence, not 3.

Accountant here is mess, so I am not really certain what deduction will be, because I didn't receive pay yesterday. Last month pay was late too, because 'he forgot'.

Salary in Q (last month's) was 1700 Rmb short. Answer was 'because of missing classes for ME'. 

Then, I got boss phone call, that accountant posted 1000 Rmb short salary and it was mistake. 

I went up in the air, because of the 1700 Rmb short with explanation 'ME'.


I asked Q here, to show owner what foreigners in China say about it.

8 years 9 weeks ago
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8 years 9 weeks ago
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Are you on a monthly salary with stipulated minimum hours that you haven't done? 


Are the other teachers on a salary that includes maximum hours that they've hit?


Or are both on an hourly wage?


If it's the standard monthly salary for X hours, the boss is full of shit! The boss will be paying the same amount of money anyway!


If paid by hourly wage, I get that they'll need to pay the other teachers, but that does NOT affect your pay!!!


What sounds really shady about this story is that you haven't yet bothered to contact SAFEA by searching for their contact number.... Tongue Dude, this is clearly a violation of the contract. Ring them!


 Thanks for the advice. Is there a thread with SAFEA's address and contact no. somewhere ...? Now, where's 'expat-wife'?


I have Contract with 25 classes/week and fixed salary (12k), however Chinese teachers here are paid per completed classes. 

When they canceled my classes for three days some month ago, I asked them about working elsewhere. They said 'no, not necessary'. 

I told them, I'm entitled to receive full pay, if classes are canceled by School's wish.

They can deduct payment only when - I ask for the leave; - I am sent home, because drunk-Contract violation; or - I am 'no show'.

Now, they understand that, but boss insists, she can deduct pay for the missing classes, because of ME.

The other thing is 'she didn't pay replacement teachers same as she pays me'.

It was promised today, last month's salary will be posted afternoon with all shortenings from previous salary, so I'll edited real short pay for ME as soon as I see ATM.

We are on very friendly terms here, so I suggested to boss, she could dial SAFEA, and ask them, if she can deduct monnies, because of ME.

'add-it': She doesn't want to call FEB, but she insists on deduction for missing ME classes/days.

I am sure, I am right (as usual), but when I dial SAFEA, I am already on half way out of the School, so I didn't dial FEB yet, because here everything is c&d for now.

I wanted to know, if anybody else's taking a pay cut for ME.

8 years 9 weeks ago
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What sounds really shady about this story is that you haven't yet bothered to contact SAFEA by searching for their contact number...


lol....have an upvote

8 years 9 weeks ago
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8 years 9 weeks ago
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You should be cut, go on an off day, if you work only weekdays why did you need 3 days? 2 at the worst. Travel the evening before get it done in the morning. Someone from the school should have gone and picked it up.

Workout all the details beforehand in writing, you know that.


I wanted to travel next day am, but boss said arrival to Guiyang at 11:30am is too late. She demanded I travel afternoon with sleep-over in Hotel, which she booked and paid.

Originally, it was discrepancy of 1700 Rmb, for which accountant made mistake and posted beginners salary, i.e. 1000 Rmb less, so actual deduction for ME is 700 Rmb.

It isn't point in 700 Rmb less that much, but I don't think School is entitled to do that.

I am not in the mood to go through changing of RP sponsor again, so I'll might take a pay cut.

8 years 9 weeks ago
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Dude! Ring SAFEA!


And the report could have been posted!

8 years 9 weeks ago
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OK, it was like that: ''I completed classes on Tue., and traveled to Guiyang afternoon. 

ME on Wed., with return to my city in the evening. I announced my return to rep. and he replied: 'You can rest tomorrow, and come for scheduled classes on Friday.''

So, I was missing classes for two days.

Now, I can't tell about exact deductions out of ATM, till I don't see pay slips for both salaries, but roughly I get shorted for around 1200 Rmb: 

- previous pay - 9800 Rmb

- today's pay  - 11915 Rmb

I received in total 21715 Rmb. Tax is around 550 Rmb x 2 = 1100 Rmb + 21715 = 22815 Rmb. 

Last no. should be 24 000 Rmb, so it's around 1200 Rmb short. waiting for the pay slips.



8 years 9 weeks ago
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"'You can rest tomorrow, and come for scheduled classes on Friday.''"


That's rude!!! If they're deducting money because they told you not to go to classes, that's them cancelling the class!


And, we have the fact that they could have re-arranged the schedule so you didn't miss classes, if it was so damn important!


This is definitely a job for SAFEA! (can you shine a light up into the clouds, and they'll come??)

8 years 9 weeks ago
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After I saw pay slips, actual deduction in previous month is 550 Rmb. 


I am talking to two persons in the same time, similar as two bosses: 'owner, in charge of the pay' and School's 'Head teacher, who's arranging my schedule'.

I was assuming, they both talk, but how it looks, they don't. Head teacher is very efficient and helpful, and owner, she's in Guiyang all the time. They own two other Schools, I don't know where.

At my beginning, they thought if they cancel my classes, I am not entitled for pay, similar as Chinese teachers aren't. That was all planed, IMO: 'hire FT with 25 classes/week and 12k salary, then cancel the classes and pay less'. However, I was very clear at their first try of classes cancelation.

The most interesting to me at this Contract was I can skip part-time gigs. I have enough hours per week, so I won't need to bother with looking for the part-time.

So, Head teacher granted me rest day, and now I have to pay for it.

I sent an email to the owner, that I can live without 550 Rmb, but she isn't right with that deduction. I won't bother FEB, because of that, but I am thinking 550 Rmb is equal to ME cost. Chinese are inventious, aren't they?

I am just not comfortable with any pay deductions, since I never miss classes for any reason, so I don't take pay cuts easy. Oh, well ...

8 years 9 weeks ago
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'Workout all the details beforehand in writing, you know that..'


ha ha, I try to figure out pay date, when holidays salary (July, Aug. and Feb.) will be posted to my account.

My working month starts on 12th and ends on 11th next month. Pay date is on 25th or 14 days after month was completed.

After '77' emails to the boss, one of her replies:


'your salary period is start from every month 12th end of next month13, and you will get pay before 25 th , so your vocation pay will be paid 25th too.'


Salary deposits pattern is '14 days later', however holidays salary will be posted 25 days later. I didn't get July's holiday pay on July 25th, so my guess is 'it will be posted by Aug. 25th'.

It looks, School's accountant works only for few days around 25th of the month. And....I got everything and more in writing.....

R hand to the L pocket (around arse).... 


8 years 9 weeks ago
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Get your shit together and stop working for shitty schools.

8 years 9 weeks ago
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It's easy to say that, but it doesn't really work that way in China!

This place isn't shitty, really. I hate when they start to master me 'leader-way' or 'modifying' the Contract to their advantage.

I am bound by the Contract, and that's it.

However, I can see through their real intentions. My Contract could turn into 7-8k pay in a heartbeat, but I only accepted, because of 12k for 25 classes/week.

Boss bought plane ticket from Henan to Guizhou for me. I just asked her to book it, and I'll give her cash at arrival. She paid for it, and now with that ME deduction, she's taking it back. We're even, buTT....'watch yourself from now on...' TIC, man. 

8 years 9 weeks ago
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8 years 9 weeks ago
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Look at the (partly) good side. At least they reimbursed you for the expenses. My company only reimburses for the first med exam.


Not a biggie but it has been 3 months ongoing debarcle trying to be reimbursed for my RP because the PSB only accepts wechat pay nowadays in this neck of the woods. I have given them a bank statement showing who was paid, when, and for what (kudos to the bank for the detail) but this is something new and we know how "new" is managed, don't we?


Yeah I agree, it isn't biggie. They paid for everything at RP transfer, even the photosangel. I asked them to give me photos, because they are my photos.

But, when boss received photographer's bill, School's rep. asked me for the remaining photos. All 4! He said, School must fill some Gov. doc., and they need all my remaining photos.

I solicited two photos, because I need them for the Nepal's tourist visa next week.


I've never paid for Z/RP/WP fee cost since I am in China. So, I'll most likely won't dial FEB for that, but School is wrong.

Once in Fujian, I got Dismissal letter, because I refused to pay 50 Rmb for my-Broadband-transfer fee, while I had to move from apartment with constant noise. I shape-up! I am getting better.

8 years 9 weeks ago
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Indeed, you've just gotta brush that shit off or you will go nuts here

8 years 9 weeks ago
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8 years 9 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77