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Q: Why are there "leftover women" in China?

The ones who are past a certain age.


Is it because they have great education and a good job?

Because they're ugly?


Given that there are so many more men than women in China now, I don't see any reason for this to be such a problem

11 years 49 weeks ago in  Relationships - China

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First of all, China has always had a gender imbalance. The "more men than women" is not a direct result of the One Child Policy, and even historically there has been a gender imbalance in China because of the practice of female infanticide and tendency to not feed daughters during famines.


Secondly, some people prioritize other things over finding a mate. China has a lot of people, and demographically a relatively young population, so they will have a lot of people who are single just because of this.


The lack of freedoms also must have an impact. China has long working hours for many people, which means less time for dating. Some people who live in company provided dorms are actually not allowed to even fraternize with the opposite sex. Hell, even one teaching job I applied to told me during the application process that I'd be in a dorm where I was NOT ALLOWED to bring my girlfriend over.


One last point I'd like to make is that I have a hard time attributing this phenomenon to sex drive because we aren't measuring or counting virgins or the sexually abstinent. We are counting people who are unmarried after a certain age. This doesn't mean they aren't having sex.

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11 years 49 weeks ago
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11 years 49 weeks ago
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Leftovers???? Hmmm enlightened Nothing better at 3am!


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11 years 49 weeks ago
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because chinese men are seriously insecure. they do not want an educated experienced woman because she will know exactly how much of a pathetic wimp of a loser he is. which is why they like women who look like 12y/o boys and want them to behave like petulant little children ("sajiao"). 

an older woman would be wise enough to know some things about sex and be demanding (women reach their sexual peak at around 30). 

an educated woman would not allow herself to be put down and treated like a 2nd class person.

in general, chinese men are small, weak and barbaric and refuse to change.


-Uh...even though I agree with your idea don't you think it would be better to say

"Chinese culture and modernization has led to a profound imbalance. Educated woman, with their own career, or not interested in catering to every desire and whim of their husband, which was the case when women had no say in their own future. Yet, men, usually raised as only children, are unable to change and believe that a wife should do everything for them, exactly as their own parents and grandparents have.

-I have a theory that says in cultures in which prostitution is common, (this includes A mistress) men actually have little incentive to demonstrate any 'values' to women other then money. Since most women expect to be married to an unfaithful man, they are willing to trade happiness and idealism for money.

-However some women are not, and thus end up as the sheng-Nu. Other sheng-Nu are simply SO materialistic that they overvalue themselves, even though the market is in their favor.


11 years 49 weeks ago
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ras: i sell the truth (as i see it)  raw and uncut. also i do not believe in making excuses for people. chinese people are just as capable as anyone other ethnic group. but mainlanders choose to be lazy , cut corners and try to lie cheat, scam their way to success. this creates a dumb society. by pushing your brain and forcing yourself to become the higher standard of a man fit for these women then and only then would the men be fit to wear the title of "man". 

(my brain is fried i hope this makes sense)

11 years 49 weeks ago
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I seldom disagree with you. What I disagree with is that you phrase things in such an aggressive way that it borders on racism. The same thought, if expressed in less emotional words would convince more people

Let's give an example

-Russian are drunks! (True, but not going to make you friends)

-Drinking in Russian culture has a long and difficult history. Drinking is considered a sign of machismo, but also a way to solidify bonds among Russian men. Also the miserable weather, and diet (which is pure dairy fat) means you can drink quite a bit before getting tipsy. In addition, the Russians are proud of their vodka, as it is a national pastime. Learning to hold your liquor and behaving is part of growing up. However the facts show, that the Russians life expectancy is far higher for women due to alcoholism, and accidents due to alcoholism.

-In other words, try reading a Peace Prize speech by a man from around here who is in jail right now. It shows you how to disagree but be fair.



11 years 49 weeks ago
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i actually agree with you. i dont take the time to shape my postings into an intelligent convincing arguments. because who am i going to convince??????? most of the people i 've encountered (china and usa) are ideologues, they're not rational people who base their opinions based on facts, reality or principle. it is based solely on nationalism, dems vs rep rhetoric or religious zealotry. rational thinking people who can be swayed after evaluating news information are a dieing breed and aren't enough to make a difference. if anyone promotes a progressive idea in america (such as free education for citizens) they are branded as socialist or commies. if anyone tries to promote a progressive idea in china they are branded as an american influenced trouble maker. the govs of usa and china are behind closed doors laughing at how gullible and stupid their citizens are. your friend that you mentioned (he who shall remain nameless) is a perfect example, the only people he reached were people who were already reasonable but just didn't have the info. and they are not enough to effect change. this at the cost of his freedom . mid way through college i realized the world is doomed and there is nothing we can do about it . govts figured out that the best way to control people is to create sides and people will willingly support ideas that go against their best interest. and are therefore immune to intelligently sugar coat reasoned arguments. so why even bother?

11 years 49 weeks ago
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Here we go again, what a pathetic little  bully you are.

11 years 46 weeks ago
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Exactly. Not that those women are leftover, it is those men are not choosed by us women, they are not good enough to be with us. I know many brilliant women, they are well educated, indepedant, they brought their own house. Why would they accept an insecure loser wants to treat them as a slaver?

4 years 27 weeks ago
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11 years 49 weeks ago
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Hmmmmmm need to find myself one of these left over women i think

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11 years 49 weeks ago
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First of all, the phrase "leftover women" is disrespectful. I think that crim is right about Chinese guys (So. Korean as well) being very insecure and threatened by a gal with some smarts,education and desire for a career. This is 2012!!!!!!!! Wake up!!!!

Second, there are many beautiful Chinese gals OVER the age of 25!!!!!!!! (into late 40's+)

Third, regarding Chinese women and's a fact that women in their 40's have a ahem..renewed enthusiasm for sex! 'Aint that great?! Smile

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11 years 49 weeks ago
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First of all, China has always had a gender imbalance. The "more men than women" is not a direct result of the One Child Policy, and even historically there has been a gender imbalance in China because of the practice of female infanticide and tendency to not feed daughters during famines.


Secondly, some people prioritize other things over finding a mate. China has a lot of people, and demographically a relatively young population, so they will have a lot of people who are single just because of this.


The lack of freedoms also must have an impact. China has long working hours for many people, which means less time for dating. Some people who live in company provided dorms are actually not allowed to even fraternize with the opposite sex. Hell, even one teaching job I applied to told me during the application process that I'd be in a dorm where I was NOT ALLOWED to bring my girlfriend over.


One last point I'd like to make is that I have a hard time attributing this phenomenon to sex drive because we aren't measuring or counting virgins or the sexually abstinent. We are counting people who are unmarried after a certain age. This doesn't mean they aren't having sex.

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11 years 49 weeks ago
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Here is my understanding:

 - It's 'mostly' a myth that there is a significant gender imbalance in China. And more a myth that this is because of 'one-child' and then consequent abortions or infantacide of girls in favour of one boy.


My understanding is that there IS, statistically, a certain age group (and it does coincide with new access to ultrasound) but a certain age group 10-20 years old in SOME cities and SOME regions.

        In these cases it's just a % point higher than the variation one can find naturally. Remember, its never going to be exactly 50-50 at any given moment in any given country.

Sometimes, by sheer chance it might be 49%.


Now here are other factors:

- In some regions, its been observed that a single woman was less likely to answer the door to a census taker than a single man. This doesn't sound like a lot but it can add up to showing 'less females' by a % 


- At this time, it is far more common for Chinese men to work abroad now. This is increasingly common. 


- Chinese males are more likely to be...  dead. Some surveys say this is true for young Chinese men who, statistically speaking work in the most dangerous life-threatening jobs (construction, gas and oil, mining, police, military etc),


Older men are more likely to die before their older wives. they are more likely to kick off in a heart attack after 60 years of chain-smoking, working in brutal toxic factories or high-stress jobs and probably drinking far too much after work. And being lazy heh.


But yeah, there is a huge problem with a generation of Chinese women who decided they will only marry a man who already bought a house and has some status for them. Since this is mathematically impossible it means a lot of Chinese women will be waiting a long time and eventually earning nothing for it. 

Gambling is the worst I say.




 Interesting comments. "But,...................................earning nothing for it." That's THEIR problem. I can understand Chinese women wanting security. Everyone wants that. But, many of them are incredibly PICKY! :( I have seen this aptly demonstrated in many of their personals ads. I say if they are SO PICKY stay single!!

11 years 48 weeks ago
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I agree with you Lar and some observations might be made that the same PICKY Chinese girls don't seem to want to trade it for anything. The day after the wedding they are wearing old 'granny panties' and now decide they don't do anything. They nit-pick, hen-peck and criticize and aren't necessarily 'trophy wives' in just appearance alone. 

       So, I really don't know what they are expecting but maybe they should stay single and 'marry' Korean romance movies and TV series.

11 years 48 weeks ago
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11 years 48 weeks ago
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  Where are all the leftover women? In my basement. They're all in my basement.

  Gee that's a load off.


  Ahhh, so you've changed the question to 'Why are there leftover women in China?' now have you? Jesus, give me a minute will you, I haven't finished eating the ones in my basement yet.

11 years 46 weeks ago
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Where to find one (and only one) !!!!!!!!!!!!!cool

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11 years 48 weeks ago
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cause something was eaten and left overs occurred?!!!!!!...seriously now......i think every country has this kind of girls......i guess we foreign guys need to clean up the left overs like some stupid chinese think.........nothing is a leftover it is just different taste and different stories that causes shit like what the chinese call it ''leftovers''...every girl in this world is special in her own way...............maybe a girl did not find real love....or a real man ''foreign guys''.or maybe she concentrated on her job or study's not always because a girl is ugly or old..........Thumb me down ''chinese''

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11 years 46 weeks ago
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Some women go for foreign men


Like You?  

Foreign Perfumes, Foreign Clothing, Foreign Music, Foreign cars and loads of other foreign the men must be foreign as well..

You were absent from here for a bit..Did you score  few dates here and there?

11 years 46 weeks ago
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11 years 46 weeks ago
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Judging by my Chinese friends, they are too picky. They dont want a girl over 28, they dont want a girl with her own career, they dont want a girl with more schooling than they....

Mind you, most of my Chinese male friends are not exactly models themselves....

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11 years 46 weeks ago
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6 years 48 weeks ago
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The Chinese Women's Federation created the term Chinese term for 'leftover woman' as a way to shame or coerce young women to marry by 27. The government was concerned too many young women were choosing careers rather than marriage, and further skewing the gender imbalance created by the 'One Child' policy and Chinese predilection towards male progeny.;_ylu=X3oDMTByb2l...

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6 years 48 weeks ago
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Another half decade old question! But still valid today. I think it has to do with the myth that the man should be smarter than the woman so the guys in China are looking for woman who aren't as smart as they are. This is becoming almost impossible in China as more women become higher educated.

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6 years 48 weeks ago
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I totally agree these old questions are worth resurection. Has anything changed?

Unfortunately not... 30 years is still the cut off point. Big arse, spotty face, a fan of monty python...

Mums of spoilt boys dont care.. they dont want anything less than photo perfect subservient baby making machines. Will it ever changel

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6 years 30 weeks ago
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A Iot are faking their divorces’s just a divorce on paper so they can buy property elsewhere

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6 years 30 weeks ago
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Let's tax all those selfish bitches and bastards under 40 who refuse to get married and work themselves to death for children, and give it to the fornicators making future selfish blood suckers to feed. how dare they not follow the rules?

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5 years 46 weeks ago
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Second hand, slightly used but do you really care. One man's hottie is another mans play toy.

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5 years 23 weeks ago
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Lets not forget some the woman who are regarded as leftover women left their mate because he was using her and may have been inadequate where it counts. I have heard many stories from these so called left over women. Many local guys actually seekout these women because they are well educated, have good jobs, and own their own home, as well as are organized enough to take care of the daughter(Drunk that the ex refused to take resposibility for.

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5 years 23 weeks ago
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No why

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4 years 27 weeks ago
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