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Q: Why are we blaming China for their pollution problems?


I am not saying that we shouldn't point at China in certain areas to enforce some environmental laws, but just want to make a point that most of the world is using China as their factory.

So many large (and small) companies are having pieces or everything made in China, and then we buy it.

The American or Japanese companies have things made in China are aware of how they operate, and they choose to have it made in China because it saves them money which means more profit to them, and China is left dealing with the environmental drawbacks firsthand, (then the rest of the world).

Spending money for manufacturing in a more environmentally friendly way usually butts heads against profit for these Chinese factories/ Chinese economy. But the customer doesn't care about that, their concerns are money.

So should we blame American, Japanese, European companies as well? After all, they are the ones fueling the fire. And on top of that, they are giving jobs to the Chinese over their own people.


11 years 16 weeks ago in  Business & Jobs - China

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Hello Jungle life:


It's fine. At least for me. China deserves to be blamed because China could have done better than this. 


1) Chinese government and officials should take a major responsibility of this blame. It's their absence from duty and greed of ill-gotten money that made today's environment so bad. If they had fulfilled their duty and been strict with the enforcement of rules of environment protections, invested more in clean energy and factories instead of the real estate bubbles, I believe most major pollution wouldn't have happened.


2) Many Chinese people should take the blame as well. They are not enough aware of the importance of environmental protection. When they start a small factory , all they care about is how to get rich regardless of how much it pollutes.  In daily life the used batteries with heavy metals should have been collected at least by themselves.  But I think many Chinese just throw them in soil which causes massive dangerous pollution to the soil, the crops, and underground water.



Both Chinese officials and Chinese people should have done better. So if being blamed by foreign countries could help them improve, the blame is worth to be taken.


I also want to say, that Chinese people are not American people's or European people's enemies.  It's the Western multi-national cooperations that moved their factories to China and other cheap labor countries, for the sake of exploiting more. It resulted in today's western people's unemployment but it's not Chinese people's fault,not in my opinion.

Blaming China's demographic policy is another thing. But if you condemn one child policy and blame Chinese big population at the same time, really, what do you want?



While some westerners condemn China that Chinese should be more grateful because it's the WEST that gave Chinese the chance to develop their manufacture industry,they should also realize that it's their greedy enterprises that <>came here for only one single purpose: to earn more.



It outrages me that the former colonist countries constrain China today and portrait themselves as legitimate. I'm not saying China or international community shouldn't be based on rules of laws. It's a great idea and probably would help China and our world get a lot better. I'm just saying that, the laws are passed by lawmakers, and lawmakers are people, and people can be greedy and selfish when they make law! How could it be justified, that a group of wolves making laws for sheep members?


Of course I hope the big companies, for example Apple, could give more to the poor diligent Chinese labors. They work 70~80 hours a week, in poisonous working condition, having one or two days off per month, and only get paid 2000~3000 Yuan a month.  Not even enough to buy an iPhone. While at the same time, the super rich CEOs and big shareholders take away more than 50% of the profits, buying sailing yacht that worth a billion $$$.I hope they would distribute more profit to Chinese labors and plants, to improve their life level and reduce pollution. But I'm afraid it's just a bubble dream.


Who are western people's real enemies? What is the original reason that caused their unemployment? I hope people in the west can have a good think about it, and don't put that much pressure on Chinese people instead of Chinese rich officials and greedy merchants, the latter of which are now immigrating to your country and getting well treated by your service, just because they got some guilty money in China.


Dude, you seem very intelligent and are actually making some good points there but please don't write entirely in italics. It makes big chunks of text, like you just took the time to write, extremely difficult to read.

11 years 16 weeks ago
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Thanks MissA and I just edited the font.. Sorry for the uncomfortable reading experience.

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11 years 16 weeks ago
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Now you are right that companies do decide to bring their companies here for manufacturing and all. However, there is one important thing that you left out or forgot. You forgot to mention how the companies themselves make products that at times won't last. So although it is cheaper to make in China it's not particularly the best quality. 


Besides, this the pollution could also mean different things. I've heard that some people were taken advantage of when they decided to use the manufacturers here. If there was nothing patented on the item a lot of the times the person would make one of their own and call it their own company. 


That's happened before. I saw an episode of Shark Tank. A lady made a product decided it would be cheaper to make in China and her distributor/manufacturer decided to make the same product and profit off of her idea. 


It works both ways in all actuality. If the companies want to make their factories here China could simply deny them by having the legitimate excuse of saying that their country is already polluted we do not need any more factories and flat out deny them of making any factories that would have left the place more polluted then it already is. 


the companies don't want quality most the time, they want to make a quick buck. Or they want a product that will last throught the warranty period. They want a product that will sometimes fail shortly after warranty, so that they will get return business; engineers of the top OEM dealers in the world are tasked with this.

11 years 16 weeks ago
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11 years 16 weeks ago

There are cookies, bookies and too many rookies for me to sit here trying to be a hooky! Looky Looky don't call me a wooky. Touchy Touchy Feely Feely Spicy Spicy Nicey Nicey & that's what the doctor Ordered!!

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  It's a good point. Got sod all to add to it because I don't really give a shit, but it's a good point.

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11 years 16 weeks ago
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China can't say 'no'? China cannot implement some environmental protection? Blame China. 


Now see, you have hurt the feelings of the Chinese people. 

11 years 16 weeks ago
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11 years 16 weeks ago
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Liao Xuegang, Director of the Anhui Provincial Environmental Protection Authority, was reported as saying this a few days ago.


It's been doing the rounds on China Weibo, and most Chinese netizens reject Liao's claims. Chinese environmental groups also reject it.


For 30 years, the Chinese government have known about the causes and effects of pollution, and ignored it. Now, when they realise that the problem is beyond their capacity to deal with, they seek to blame everybody else.

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11 years 16 weeks ago
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This reminds me... I'm a Native American Indian, and I spent the majority of my life living on a Reservation. Do you want to know what 95% of the population does? They sit around collecting welfare, talking about how the "white man" is always keeping them down when whitey was the only reason these lazy bums still have food on their table. They also sit around drinking and doing drugs... and it's all whitey's fault.


This is China, the land of BLAME WHITEY. It's like a large-scale indian Reservation on crack. Even the smallest cities without factories are heavily polluted compared to the largest American cities which have more vehicles, and more everything else.




It's not the west's fault that Chinese vehicles have basically no emission requirements, and constantly let out horrific amounts of black smoke in favor of rapid development. It's not the west's fault that China has pursued rapid economic growth and money at the expense of everything else.


It's the Chinese people's fault for not rising up and doing something about it. It's the Chinese people's fault for pursuing money at the cost of everything else, and not doing more to protect their environment. It's China's fault for worshiping money. It's the Chinese people's fault for not installing the necessary equipment to curb emissions since they'd rather save money.


Seriously, I have to tell Chinese people to stop pucking (thanks crimo) worshiping money quite often. This is why "Made in China" is crap quality: they don't care about safety or anything, they only care about making money at all costs. If it would cost them money by putting in a few things to protect others, but it rose the cost of the item by a few RMB, they'll opt to save the few RMB and let everyone die from their poisonous crap.


You have to realize this is a country that still blames Japan for everything. If someone makes a mistake here, they are called a "temporary worker," and let go, even if they had been working there for several years. They blame everyone except themselves. It's all "me, me, me," and "me." Nobody cares about responsibility here... that's why little kids keep getting ran over multiple times, why people are being dragged to death by cars, etc. They just pin the blame on everyone else. No responsibility. All blame whitey.


This is a country where the worst mass murderer (in terms of body count) in human history, who also happened to be a disgusting pedophile, is a glorified hero, whereas people who have done far, far less damage than him (Japan) are considered the devil incarnate. Yeah, it's the west's fault... not.



11 years 16 weeks ago
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Thanks for the blame, Hulk. Well said.


Did you know that China's last Dynasty, Qing, was established by a minority tribe in northeastern China?


A minority tribe(满族, Ethnicity 满) of 1 million population in total, with at most 200,000 soldiers that could fight, successfully ruled the Han Majority, which had at least 80 million population?


Did you know, Mandarin got it name from the pinyin Man Da Ren, which means Man tribe, My Highness?


What happened to the Native Indians could have happened to Chinese as well.

11 years 16 weeks ago
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It did happen.

The Manchu ordered all Han men to adopt the Manchu hairstyle or be executed in order to stamp out the most visible Han cultural characteristic (their long hair). In other words, Han now had to look Manchu.

11 years 16 weeks ago
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Great response. As I was reading the question I saw this was going to be another "everything is the West's fault" post, so well said!

11 years 16 weeks ago
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Manchu killed at least 30 million Han majority during war time(It's said by some people that the kill number is up to 100 million). This single hairstyle thing caused more than 10 million executions.  It somehow terribly destroyed Chinese people's spines...

11 years 16 weeks ago
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You guys need to stop blaming the past. Blaming the Manchus, the Japanese, the foreigners...

11 years 16 weeks ago
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Not blaming the past, Hulk. Just feel a lot of pity for the loss. 


Today is a new day. But today doesn't come out of nothing. Today is the continuation of yesterday.

We are living in today. But when we are facing difficulty, we often turn to our memory, to seek wisdom and determination. Today is so thin, so strengthless.


In order to keep the society "harmonious", Chinese students are not taught about the slaughter by Manchu and the Mongolians (Mongolians killed at least tens of millions of Han majority too.) 


If all the people with a little spine and courage got executed, it might indicates that many Chinese people today  have cowardice ancestors.(highly sensitive and not political correct)..... Every living creature has the most fundamental impulse: to survive, to have offspring. If standing up means immediately death, a nation would eventually learned how to be obedient.  This has very likely happened in history. Many many times. The Mongolian and Manchu invasion , the hairstyle execution, the literature jail, the cultural revolution....


Finally our history burden is too heavy to move on, and we can no longer walk out of the past. 





But yeah, people are living in today and should focus on today, and stand up to make the world better. I hear you..

11 years 16 weeks ago
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The jews are a good example of a people seriously screwed over worse than China ever was. They lost their homeland, their country, and were evicted several times. Hitler tried to exterminate them during the holocaust, and nobody really wanted to help them.


What did they do? Did they sit around crying and complaining about the Germans? The Japanese? The... foreigners?  No. They remember their "shame," their tribulations, etc., and they worked their asses off.


More than 20% of all Nobel Peace Prize recipients (before it became meaningless when they gave one to Obama just for being black) are jews. Jews have developed technology that has helped China considerably, including the drip-irrigation method -- free of charge. Yet, China does not recognize Judaism as a religion. Way to be a bunch of backstabbers.


Oh, and we pretty much saved your asses from the Japanese. You repaid us by siding with North Korea during the Korean War. China lets no good deed go unpunished.

11 years 16 weeks ago
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Because, it is their own fault. Their country,  their rules. If they let us run roughshod over them (which we dont!) then they only have themselves to blame.

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11 years 16 weeks ago
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Who sets and enforces environmental laws and regulations in China?  I know I tend to oversimplify things....but come on....

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11 years 16 weeks ago
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Yeah, yeah. I totally remember when we forced China to start industrializing. It had nothing to do with the communist party becoming a maffia of corrupt pricks using politics in the worst way to to stay in power over a country of 1.3 billion people. All those guys had no choice but to murder dissidents, ignore regulations and just do whatever they wanted simply because they could. Yup...had nothing to do with them.... it was all our fault. 


Go away. 


No, not all our fault, but we share the blame.   Who do you think taught China how to industrialize?  Who encouraged it?  Were the western nations being altruistic when they decided to make China the world's factory?  And lastly, do you think they emphasized the environmental costs of such a strategy (or did they kind of gloss over this problem to maximize profits)?  Without a doubt, China made the decisions and should take responsibility for this mess, but don't believe for a minute they didn't have accomplices who were more than willing to transfer the environmental load and costs to their greedy and largely ignorant neighbors.

11 years 16 weeks ago
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The market made China the manufacturing capital. It wasn't some finite decision made, China made itself open and available.

11 years 16 weeks ago
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precisely.  the market.  And who is China's market? And who you think lobbied to China's government in behalf of that market? Don't shift the blame on some mysterious market. China was set up to be a source of cheap labor and manufacturing and the environmental impact was not on the minds of those who were engineering this trick.

11 years 16 weeks ago
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China was set up by the Chinese for this. If they want to make their country a place where all this can happen, it is their decision, no one else's. Just like now Bangladesh and Vietnam are doing the same thing. 

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double post.


You better be sorry, how dare you double post on my question. Heehee

11 years 16 weeks ago
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did american workers let politicians develope factories in china at the expense of american workers and the workers did not say anything as their income fell because they had cheaper shoes, tv, computers , etc                        guilty as charged


did chinese workers let their government run roughshod over their land, water and environment to show the world they can be rich also at the cost of their values and culture

                                                                               guilty as charged

did both countries go to  the the dance,  like a couple dancing at a club or did one rape the other and drag them to the floor

did one country lower their standard of living for another in the hopes of a more peaceful world and did it work                                              jury still out


was this a grand scheme, because two democracies have never had a war with one another,  and the middle class in china could lead to democracy, will the grand scheme work                                                                        jury  still out


did the workers of both countries get screwed       guilty as charged

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11 years 16 weeks ago
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I am completely with Hulk on this. They are just whining because they want to have their cake and eat it. 


If any of the countries that are in deep shit because of the financial crises made a government level decision to create jobs at the expense of the environment, you would not blame those who bought the outcome of the jobs. Say Spain allowed some heavily polluting industries, to generate income for the country, you would not go an point at little Jimmy who bought the toy from those factories would you.

If I buy a bottle of Russian vodka, get drunk and piss myself in my sleep, I do not go know on Putin's door to bitch about my own inability to take care of basic cleanliness. 

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11 years 16 weeks ago
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I understand your points, but I still think there needs to be more blame on the companies that are choosing to have things manufactured in China to make more profit but knowing that the factory is making the stuff in a more unfriendly way to the environment. They are the ones making the choice, they are the ones creating who are saying, ''screw the environment, let's make it in China and save money.''

Let me put this another way. It is like having a house and a family and therefore garbage that needs to be taken out all the time. YOu have 2 companies to choose from who will do this for you. 1 company will take all your trash and refuse, sort it out, recycle what can be recycled, and the rest disposed of in the proper place. they charge $1000 a month. '2' company will pick up your trash more frequently, and even anytime you call them they will come asap to pick it up, (they really treat you good), but they dont sort the trash, and just throw it all away in the nearby lake, or out in the forest because it is quicker and easier do it this way, but only charge $10 a month.

Now you the customer are totally aware of how company 2 disposes of your trash, Who will you choose??? And if you choose company 2, like the many companies, you are to blame in part. In my opinion.

And just so you know, almost every car, heavy- equipment, machine, toy company, etc are having things made in China, at least some of the parts.

I am not disagreeing with your statements, I am just saying, hey, there are some other people to blame here, and they aren't Chinese, and they are as greedy as shit.


Companies are inherently scummy. It is up to governments to keep them in line. China chooses not to do this. Then, on top of that, to take the extra step of pretending they can't do anything about it so they can blame this mythical place called "The west" while all the corrupt twats in power get rich. 

11 years 16 weeks ago
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Plenty of "corrupt twats" in the West also got rich too.  This is the global environment, not some isolated situation.  We are all in this together.

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As is usually the case, there are many culprits in this problem.  Western nations have shown a lack of responsibility in the caretaking of the world's resources.  Are we really to believe that this is only China's problem?  As if their pollution problems don't effect everyone else?  The truth of the matter is, China's environmental problems are the world's  problem.  China's government's lack of resolve to protect the environment was surely encouraged by the West (at the very least tacitly) because western corporations cared about profits more than the damage being done.

The big companies looked the other way while giving money and tech to China to build it's industrial monster.  Like a drug dealer supplying to it's addicted customers, western nations have played a key role in perpetuating China's pollution.  There is greediness on all sides of this issue and plenty of blame to go around.  Sure, China is negligent and weak.  But the West has taken their fair advantage of the situation and the whole earth is suffering for it.


Well said

11 years 16 weeks ago
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