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Q: Why Chinese can't read a map?

Happened many times., was like they were looking at a Picasso painting.

Even with GPS in the car, when they figure out how to use it, most of the time it's just listening to the directions, but if the place is not were indicated or there's need to figure out a detour due to traffic jams or road construction, I never seen anybody attempting to read and draw an alternative route.

10 years 15 weeks ago in  General  - China

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I think its a culture thing. Sounds stupid but here me out. China doesnt have a car culture. Its all new. The majority of people here couldnt name where they are right now. Sure they know the name of their garden or building, but ask them what street they live on. Crickets.

There is no idea like we have in western culture where " real men dont get lost". They only need to know what bus station to get off at.

No idea of street names. North, east, south ,west. So what good would a map do?

Its changing as the car culture grows. My best friend is chinese. Since the day i have known him ,he has been able to find anywhere. Maps, GPS and automatics are all for women. Theres hope!


This makes sense.  Much of western culture is DIY (Drive it yourself), so we are used to following maps.  Chinese get on train, get on bus, get on moto.  Just like the rest of their lives that run on automatic.  For a society that was engineered to produce grown up children, maps are to complex and unnecessary.

10 years 15 weeks ago
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I actually experienced exactly this in New York City on Long Island back in the 1980's. I was going to visit a client and called to get directions. No one could give me directions by car as they all rode the subway and had no idea how to get to their business by car.

10 years 15 weeks ago
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I can buy that.


I really don't have much sense of geography beyond subway maps either...other than observing which streets taxis take.


I bet if I had a car i'd have a much better sense of direction.

10 years 15 weeks ago
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@expat. for sure. if you had a car withindays you would know your city. i dont have gps but i manage geting around all the cities in guangdong. its wierd how your brain map of your city goes from subway lines to streets real quick

10 years 15 weeks ago
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10 years 15 weeks ago
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Yep. It's puzzling to me too.
* People in China don't use map much, it seems. They ask someone who might know the direction.
* Maybe, I just say maybe : most people in China, until recently, did not leave their familiar surrounding, their village. No need for maps if you spend your whole life in the same valley, taking the same roads to do whatever you need to do.

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10 years 15 weeks ago
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any solution? can we train a few of them?

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Because in their mind China is the center of the world, they can't agree with the idea that Earth is round and thus no country is more central than any other.

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10 years 15 weeks ago
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They only use ancient maps to show what has been China since ancient times.

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Well, it has to do with their AMAZING geographical and directional skills...


One of my theories is that Chinese actually believe they at the center of all things. So, when you are in the center of all things you take on an ignorant attitude like... I don't need to know where things are or who is where... they should all know where/who I am. 


This explains their line cutting, not waiting for you to get out of the elevator, basically all of their "me" culture. So, if you had this kind of mindset for most of your life... you only really care where YOU are, because you are so DAMN important. Everything, everyone and every other place... is simple not important. 


Which is kind of why I think Chinese geography (consecutively from person to person is just about the worst I  have even seen. That and a great ole helping of CCP education.

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10 years 15 weeks ago
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How many Americans do you know who actually know how to read a map? I'll give you a hint: I'm one of those who can't read one.


Oh, you meant a GPS? That's totally different. My wife can understand and read GPS devices better than me, so... I don't know.


I absolutely love maps!  I used to collect them.  Give me a map and I can go anywhere.  When I travel somewhere for the first time, I look at the city map and plan my attack.  I seem never to get lost.  Maps are the greatest.

10 years 15 weeks ago
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I used to collect them too Xinyuren.  I had maps of Scotland dating back to the 1920's.


I would spend hours pouring over them planning my next adventure on my pushbike.


When Nokia maps came out back in 2005 I was almost first in the line outside the shop to buy an N95.  

10 years 15 weeks ago
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Maybe it's an Asian thing, I've never had any success asking directions (even barring language barrier) anywhere here, even with a map and locals who have been there their whole life. Except with Indians, they have it down.

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10 years 15 weeks ago
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Back home, most people who read maps well are those who have served in the national defense. Why would modern man read a map, use a GPS. 


Another thing. With present development. A printed map would be outdated the day it is printed. 

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10 years 15 weeks ago
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as part of studying Geography at school, we all had to learn how to read maps.

I also enjoyed Orienteering during the summer.

using distinctive land-marks is useful

in china, even though i am not able to read the road names all the time, i learn the routes i need to know

However, it is more challenging because there are fewer distinctive buildings when compared to European countries.


Did the same in the UK Sorrel except mine was in a boys organisation. We used to go hiking & orienteering with map & compass. Was great fun as a kid and gave you a sense of direction. 


Also so used to ride all over the UK on a motorbike & spent 6 months driving round Eirope many years ago, before the days of gps. Used to plan the route before setting out, make a few notes on road & junction changes to put on the dashboard & off I went. 


I use gps for for some driving in china but once I'm comfortable with a route I turn it off. 


My chinese friends who drive find it very hard to go anywhere without using gps. 

10 years 15 weeks ago
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Picking up the phone :

"So, where is it already?

- Well, you just go straight.

- All righ... er, wait a minute, how do you know which direction I am facing right now?...

- What? Just go straight and turn left.

- But... [Repeat 2 and 4 until bored]"


Love those ones.

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10 years 15 weeks ago
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aren't google maps screwed, they are at home?

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10 years 15 weeks ago
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Why was the Long March the Long March? Because nobody had a fecking clue where they were going !!!

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10 years 15 weeks ago
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A: Good question!  I'd say, if you study at Uni in China beside
A:Good question!  I'd say, if you study at Uni in China beside working full-time as an E.T. with Residence permit, you don't interfere with your full-time employment.It's your free time and you can do anything you want, with respect to the Chinese laws and customs. Have a look at terms of Z visa/Residence permit and ... ".. you cannot work (and earn monies!) with another employer ..."That's all it is! Your RP sponsor title is written on the RP stamp in your passport, I think. It's in Mandarin, so I've heard about that from someone ...At I.D.-ing by cops, they know where you work and than more details about you are just a phone call away ... and it happened in person ... LOL ... during the day-time stroll through Wulumuqi, Xinjiang, 2012/13 semester. Now under RP, you're free to surf Internet, jog, ... and study, too. I suggest, you look and ask at the Uni, you plan to study in the future. Have a detailed look at requirements for studying and attending chosen Uni.Good luck! -- icnif77