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Q: Why do Chinese women expect so much?

I don't get the whole thing about Chinese women all acting like little dolls that need to be cared for, pampered, etc...

It just seems like the trend here is for women to act like girls...helpless, cute, demanding, sulking, etc...I mean seriously, why can't they be a little more independent?

We're not your caretakers.

13 years 13 weeks ago in  Relationships - China

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I think this is a big social problem that's going to continue to get worse in China.


I see a lot of marriages in China that are nothing more than a business relationship. It's not true love at all. Basically the deal is the man pays for everything and in exchange the women makes the man look good by having a wife and kids.


A serious problem I see with this is the number of men in China who now struggle too get a wife. Good honest hard working men who would make great husbands but end up single simply because they don't have enough money.  This causes many people to snap and I do believe it will lead to more cases of people raping and abusing women as a result.


As far as why this is the case in China. There's many reasons but I think the unbalanced ratio of women to men plays a big part. Simple supply and demand, the price goes up when the supply is lower.

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11 years 27 weeks ago
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It kind of changes when the couple gets older, then she becomes his caretaker or even his nurse so I guess it kind of balances out in the end...

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12 years 3 weeks ago
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Because there are lot of delivery boy..who can deliver up to their expectation

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12 years 3 weeks ago
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Their list of requirements grows shorter at each and every birthday.  Parental programming makes them focus on all the wrong things.  In 1988, China's divorce rate was only 9%. Today with all the " new wealth" there is much more to argue about and as a result the divorce rates today exceed 35%.

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12 years 1 week ago

Every problem has a solution. If you are a teacher with problems, contact the CFTU

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I am curious, does anyone know what perecentage of divorced women in China remarry?


That depends on their age. the % goes down with every extra year, just like it is in just about any country.Franck3

11 years 31 weeks ago
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12 years 1 week ago

Every problem has a solution. If you are a teacher with problems, contact the CFTU

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It depends also on the nationality of the man friend. Most Chinese women think that most Americans are rich when the opposite is true. Most Americans don't own very much. They are paying on their car, house, refrigerator, furniture, everything is leased. When they get out of a job for two weeks they are in the poor house. The average savings of the average American when they are working is 2%. Not too encouraging. The tax system is designed so that the average citizen is encouraged to spend, don't save.  Franck3


Spending is the engine of economy, right ? 

11 years 31 weeks ago
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11 years 31 weeks ago
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I think it has something to do with supply and demand. Yes, I agree their behavior is not acceptable. However, there are like 30 million more men than women in this country, so they can act a fool and someone will put up with it.

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11 years 27 weeks ago
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Because a lot chinese man are submissive with woman, so chinese woman think that every man must take care.

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11 years 27 weeks ago
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I think this is a big social problem that's going to continue to get worse in China.


I see a lot of marriages in China that are nothing more than a business relationship. It's not true love at all. Basically the deal is the man pays for everything and in exchange the women makes the man look good by having a wife and kids.


A serious problem I see with this is the number of men in China who now struggle too get a wife. Good honest hard working men who would make great husbands but end up single simply because they don't have enough money.  This causes many people to snap and I do believe it will lead to more cases of people raping and abusing women as a result.


As far as why this is the case in China. There's many reasons but I think the unbalanced ratio of women to men plays a big part. Simple supply and demand, the price goes up when the supply is lower.

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11 years 27 weeks ago
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If women are strong and independent, guys here wouldn't appreciate them. Why? Cuz they're hard to control, and guys like to be in charge and control women . Given by a recent research in GZ, nearly 50% men still think that undereducated women are the good ones. 90% guys think women should stay home and be with kids, obey to husbands and follows their instructions. They recognize the gender equality on abilities, but they still accept or happy to accept the inequality on social roles or status. Well-educated and independent women are not so welcome. Only very few real men would like to choose such women to be with, others will prefer to be with those who are easy to control and more obedient.


Women are never born to be weak, somehow sometimes some of them may appear to be weak because guys expect them to be.




Good points Su. "GZ" ?



11 years 16 weeks ago
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11 years 23 weeks ago
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They act that way because they get away with it, we allow it, we encourage it by having relationships with them, we show them that we want them despite, and so they do. All they have to do is to be cute little dolls to get what they want. It amazes me what people are willing to put up with for sex.    

It angers me to read here so much about the cultural differences and all kinds of excuses for their ridiculous behavior. "Oh poor them, it is because of this or that or something else, they are so deprived and Chinese men are so bad to them...etc."  that is all bull.... It is all about you being a foreigner and thereby attractive because you must be rich. Does not matter if you weigh 500 pounds or are 70 years old. Doesn't that disgust you about a person, what values do they really have?  They are good at making you feel sorry for them to manipulate you. Look around the world everywhere you will find good and bad relationships and people who cheat and others who don't. These women are cute dolls on the outside and they use it for to their advantage, women at home don't have it any easier, in North America it is not always easy to be a woman. Not everyone is rich, many families struggle.  I find women at home are caring and willing to carry the burden and you can relate to them in a different way.This is just a different world for many and what is going on here seems unreal and most western men would not get away with it anywhere else.

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11 years 22 weeks ago
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I can't comment on Chinese women in general, but I was engaged to a woman from Beihai. She had this little game she played in which I was supposed to do everything for her--it didn't always involve money or buying her things--yet she would do as little for me as possible. It was like she was keeping a scorecard and was intent on winning. Her demands were a test to see how much I cared. I told her no a few times, and that seemed to cancel out everything else I did for her. However, the same test did not apply to her--if it did, she would certainly have failed. Perhaps she just didn't love me as much as I loved her. I suspect she would never allow herself to truly love a man; that would put her at a severe disadvantage. Some of my friends who are involved with Chinese women say this is common. I think Chinese women are often treated bad by Chinese men, so they become resentful toward men in general and want to get even. Also she told me Chinese men do not want women over age 30 (she was 41). Her Chinese husband dumped her for a younger woman 10 years ago. So I think she became bitter towards men (not just Chinese men) and quick to write them off. I think this might be common among divorced women her age. So it's probably the ages-old battle of the sexes, and I got caught in the crossfire. Beware.


In a way, it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy: "Men are pigs, so I will get as much as I can from him and give as little as possible in return". Then, when the man gets fed up and leaves, they complain "See??!! I was right! He left me! I am so glad I did what I did....".

11 years 21 weeks ago
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Everything you said here describes my GF to a tee although she is 10 years younger and never married.

Interesting theory.

11 years 21 weeks ago
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11 years 21 weeks ago
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Yes, Guilinraf, I believe you are exactly right. When you expect the worst, that's usually what you get. GuanFen's husband did dump her. I didn't, however. I did finally lose patience and give her a piece of my mind, which gave her an excuse to go back to China. In retrospect, I believe she was mainly just using me to get into the US, and when she found out the US wasn't as wonderful as she expected had no further use for me. But she also felt she needed a husband to save face with her family, to not be sheng nu (leftover woman). I'll never know what really went on in her mind. I suspect for many Chinese women relationships are like a poker game; they are constantly bluffing and never willing to show their hand (i.e., their true feelings).

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11 years 21 weeks ago
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im here just want to say there are soo many girls in china, and everyone thinks differently.

there are many independent girls also many good girls who regard love is more important than other things. but you just cant have chance to meet them. because there are so many girls who dont speak enligsh and dont like foreigners. so how can you know their thoughts without understanding them?

i dont think that western guys are richer than chinese guys. the life is much harder to live in other countries for me. people have to lose lots of things(their family, friends,food...) to be with their love from other countries.

if the girl only want money from the marriage, its much easier to get a rich chinese guys instead of western guys.


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11 years 21 weeks ago
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Because of human nature.

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11 years 21 weeks ago
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What a bunch of unfounded generalizations. Seems to be a common trait found in idiots. Sounds like a bunch of bitter rants to me. As if submissive and spoiled housewives derived from China. Women all over the world are treated as secondary and were never in position to be breadwinners. That's not to say women are unable to now in most 1st world countries, but it's no question this is a patriarchal society we live in. I think we all know how hard it is and how much time it takes to progress from these toxic paradigms. Besides the point -- this trait can be found in all materialistic women, no matter the race. To single out just one race is absurd. As if "Western women" are all entirely independent and non submissive. Any race can perpetuate any stereotype, haven't you all learned by now? Western movies and entertainment portray the exact same bullshit! Women in the western world(and all over the world) were also primarily housewives! Just think about the shows on TV today. There are even sites that cater to meeting sugar daddies and sugar babes. This is not a matter of race -- which you all keep implying. The lack of understanding comes from ignorance and the inability to see things with another perspective. Sure, some Chinese women exhibit these "spoiled bitch traits" (apparently the majority you've met) but to say it is only founded in Chinese women is ignorant. There are plenty of independent and caring Chinese women, just as there are Western women(they're usually taken by good men though). Either way, don't like em, don't date 'em; let alone marry 'em. Simple as that.

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11 years 16 weeks ago
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Well, I'm a Chinese guy, so let me throw in my two cents. First of all, this is not a one way problem. Chinese men are expected to be the breadwinners, and take care of their women in every way possible. In exchange for what you might ask? Sex..This might sound shocking to anyone who's raised in a western culture, but Chinese women consider having sex with guys doing them a favor. I'm serious. So Chinese men, us, were taught from a very young age to do everything we can to "beg"(for a lack of better word) the girls to have sex with us. 

Secondly, I'm pretty sure you don't know the Chinese culture well enough...Chinese guys love, LOVE, to be depended and relied upon. We love it when our girls are "little girls that are needed to be taken care of by us"...and in a way, we want them to be that way...why? because it makes us feel powerful, to be in assume "ownerships" of our girls..(this goes back to our 5000 years of Chinese culture)

oh fyi, if some Chinese guy tells you that Chinese guys like independent girls? he's lyying..


Do I think it's fair that girls are treated this way or for us guys? nope, absolutely not..but some of us simply don't have the option to choose advice? don't get the prettiest and if she wants to go shopping on the first date? good luck my friend...

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11 years 12 weeks ago
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Well, I'm a Chinese guy, so let me throw in my two cents. First of all, this is not a one way problem. Chinese men are expected to be the breadwinners, and take care of their women in every way possible. In exchange for what you might ask? Sex..This might sound shocking to anyone who's raised in a western culture, but Chinese women consider having sex with guys doing them a favor. I'm serious. So Chinese men, us, were taught from a very young age to do everything we can to "beg"(for a lack of better word) the girls to have sex with us. 

Secondly, I'm pretty sure you don't know the Chinese culture well enough...Chinese guys love, LOVE, to be depended and relied upon. We love it when our girls are "little girls that are needed to be taken care of by us"...and in a way, we want them to be that way...why? because it makes us feel powerful, to be in assume "ownerships" of our girls..(this goes back to our 5000 years of Chinese culture)

oh fyi, if some Chinese guy tells you that Chinese guys like independent girls? he's lyying..


Do I think it's fair that girls are treated this way or for us guys? nope, absolutely not..but some of us simply don't have the option to choose advice? don't get the prettiest and if she wants to go shopping on the first date? good luck my friend...


Thumbs up for your honesty ! a rare comomdity

11 years 12 weeks ago
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That sounds like some sage advice my friend.

8 years 36 weeks ago
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Good question although it is 2 years old. Just as applicable today.


"but Chinese women consider having sex with guys doing them a favor."


Perhaps it is because they do not enjoy the process, because the guys are lousy in bed, one reason being they are never properly educated in this area, the "best" stuffs they learn is from watching garbage porn movies or magazine which are way off........


To be fair, this is not limited to PRC chinese. Plenty of morons all over this planet are like that.


But this "sex = doing a favor in exchange for house, care, atm...." is little more than hookers, making them in reality manipulative prostitutes.



8 years 36 weeks ago
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11 years 12 weeks ago
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I actually disagree. No car... crappy apartment... I think you'll have an easier time in China than you would in the States.

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8 years 36 weeks ago
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Yeh, me too! I've been teaching College for some years now, 18 - 21 yr olds. Have had some really smart, pretty , funny & sassy girls in my class...a delight to interact with. BUT, meet them with their boyfriends (usually nirdy, she boys..oops sorry about that!) they turn into these gushing, inane dolls or mother hens. I seriously dont get it...

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8 years 36 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77