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Q: Why do foreign men love Chinese girls?

Did we move here because we love Chinese girls....or do we love Chinese girls because we moved here?

Is it their love for money and consumer goods? Their trepidation of (or fascination with) foreign penises? Is it sa jiao? Or is it because they are just so damned cute?
Or are we just into women and would be regardless of whether we were in Beijing, Johannesburg, London, LA, Rio, Melbourne or Manila?

12 years 50 weeks ago in  Culture - China

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It's an interesting question, maybe because they are so different to western women, they certainly have attraction appeal. Oriental woman have always facinated western men you only have to read history to find that out. They are real woman, strong, but yet so feminine Love , Westerm women don't know how to be feminine anymore because of the stupid left winged feminists! Puzzled


I agree, Chinese girls revel in being feminine, while in the west being feminine is looked down on.

12 years 50 weeks ago
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I agree western girls have forgoten how to be ladies and dont want to be treated as such Chinese girls are more lady like except for the spitting and some other things that arnt to attractive

12 years 50 weeks ago
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12 years 50 weeks ago
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Because I moved here. I had no special interest in Chinese girls before I arrived. I only started to notice some nice ones after I got to China.

I find that most of them have boyish bodies, and achieve their girlishness through obvious affectations. Maybe one in a thousand is really that attractive to me.


They really do look like girls half the time, well atleast in shanghai.

12 years 50 weeks ago
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12 years 50 weeks ago
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Because there are not enough russian girls for all the foreign men.

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12 years 50 weeks ago
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Ok I'll give a serious answer. I came to China to meet my Ebay purchased GF. She wasn't as advertised so I sent her back ( you're right they do lie). I really do live rural, but grew up in a city and I'm in a city at least once a week. I do not know any Chinese women at home. I see them in Chinese restaurants.
I like a slim, delicate woman with dark hair. I also like prissy.Try and find that if you're over 40. I can not remember the last time I saw a woman at home wear a dress.
Now my first day I China I walked around the corner to the main down town intersection and just stood there. OMG there was a sea of cloned women that any one of which I would find attractive.The Chinese woman dresses nice, even sexy. I don't find most Chinese women to be sexy, more cute. I found most not to wear makeup and none to wear perfume.
So I say I love Chinese girls but never realized it until I was exposed to an immense herd of them in China. I see masses of white women, mostly blonde and shapelier at home and they do not affect me like China did. I loved the China woman demure.
Women at home are materialistic. Who can blame the China woman who probably doesn't even have a frig. The China woman is maybe younger and less mature than you would be associating with at home and or less worldly. No biggy. Think back, at home when you were young if you had a fast car, a bike, money and you were a partier, you always had hot GFs. Most girls creamed themselves if you had a Vette. I had a Vette at 22 so I know.
The China woman finds you attractive just because you have a nose bridge ( how cool is that ) and so you can buy.. like you weren't going to anyway?
I hope this was helpful 'cause somebody said I'm not. You have no idea of how much smart ass I did erase. Smile Smile

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12 years 50 weeks ago
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I think men just like women. But, those men that zero in on Chinese women seem to be extra creepy.


yes, because while in china we should zero in on african women

12 years 50 weeks ago
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Great point...for the record...nevermind....what do you really mean by that? 70 year old rich dudes buying young Chinese girlfriends? Or normal people that dig Chinese girls?

12 years 50 weeks ago
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I'm talking about the old men AND the young men will tell you they "came to China cause they like Asian women." Creepy. If you came her for work and such and happen to like Asian girls, fine, but to turn your whole world upside down and move to another country cause you "like the women" is odd. Especially if you've never been before.

12 years 50 weeks ago
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OK fair enough. While I came here for work, if some young guy back home has difficulties getting women, and they figured they would have better odds here (as opposed to picking up Chinese girls in Van), would you not cut them slack? I think it is more about intentions, and how they treat women...regardless of motives. Asshole womanizers are's not just expats in China.

12 years 50 weeks ago
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Depends on the guy. I do cut slack for completely hopeless guys who come here and get laid for the first time. But, that slack ends when they suddenly turn into complete womanizers. I've seen guys that you could tell had never even kissed a girl before getting of the plane in China suddenly talk about what a mac daddy they now are. Then they start using naive Chinese girls and being dinks. THOSE guys I can't stand.

12 years 50 weeks ago
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OK, now that makes sense. And I knew an old rich guy (executive at my old company) that came here on business and bought mistresses (long term companions as opposed to normal whores) all the time. He WAS creepy. Personally for me...back home its always a challenge ( I mean it takes a lot of effort) to pick up girls (any race or culture), but here it is stupid easy, and I don't even have to try. That being said I had my fun for a few months and I am now committed to a girl (3 months now).

12 years 50 weeks ago
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Back in Vancouver I had a boss who was such a friggin' creep. One day there was a good looking girl who just happened to be Asian walking past our office window. I said something like "Hey hey, what's this?" And he saw her and then started into some creepy diatribe about how he likes Asian women because of their "skin tone." Turns out he had been disciplined by the company once for sexual harassment AND went to Thailand at least once a year. He was fired after I left, god knows why.

12 years 50 weeks ago
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12 years 50 weeks ago
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This is a similar question to one asked earlier about men who like Chinese women being creepy. It depends on how you look at it and what attracts the man to the Chinese woman. It may be as others have stated that they like slim, smaller breasted, feminine, dark haired women and I will add to that my favourites, soft smooth flawless skin with great eyes and smiles. There are many women worldwide who have these traits and the one I found happens to be Chinese. There are also countless others with these traits in China and at I would think a much larger percentage of the population (and obviously a greater population to start with) than Western countries. So if a man who is after either a long term relationship or plenty of casual flings and is attracted to similar traits in women, then Chinese women would be within the demographic of his interest and he may even then say that he is attracted to Chinese women per se. Those in this category are not creepy at all.
The second category are those who are attracted to Chinese women for sexual reasons only. Note I said only because those in the first category also have a strong sexual attraction(as do most relationships between all types). If they are attracted to Chinese women simply because they know that they can find a much younger attractive woman than they could in their own country and then justify that by thinking that the woman is mainly physically attracted to them rather than the economic advantages of having a westen boy friend, then they are a little creepy. To spend time on an internet forum boasting about the fact and their numerous conquests, then thats a whole new level of creepy. Actually sad really...

So to sumarise there a many different reasons for attraction, some valid others just taking advantage of social and economic conditions that women are subjected in China and in many other developing countries.


It is true that there are creepy men in China like nevermind says. My question was more about why we find them attractive (in all ways, not just physically). Everyone is here for different reasons...job, women etc. Personally I have learned to like Chinese women (ok I call them girls here because everyone else does) for much more than looks. And I can also understand how people married or seriously involved with a Chinese woman would take offence to a lot of the shit talk on this site. But remember that some people on this site like to exaggerate or make stuff up for fun, or for reactions. And some of it is funny, and some is just f+*ked up.

12 years 50 weeks ago
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12 years 50 weeks ago
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Many guys come here with at least a little taste of Yellow Fever. The ones that don't... well you have the chance to see so many Chinese girls on a daily basis that it becomes an acquired taste for them. I could tell you that I care nothing for a red wine, but if I was surrounded by it everyday, taking in the aroma and sampling it every once in awhile... well it would not be long before I could express the subtle nuances of the wine that being me great enjoyment. Sure not every expat here is going to fall head over heels for a Chinese girl (actually I stopped being a whore with Chinese girls in 08 and kept serious relations with European girls I've met in China since), but each expat will know there's a little something that they do enjoy about the fairer sex of the Middle Kingdom.

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12 years 50 weeks ago
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As many have said. It is the femininity. Asian girls ooze it. It seems Western women are trying to shed it. I appreciate women from everywhere, but what I like most about them is that they are different from men. I can open the door and the jar tops for them Tongue . I can console them when they cry. Many western women want to change this traditional view of women. They open their own doors and jars. They don't cry in front of us. They don't need men as much. In China, a woman HAS to have a man (preferably by the age of 23). I'm not here for the girls. I am a student of human nature, I am here for the society. But the girls here are unique in all the world. the more I learn, the more it puzzles and amazes me. Almost reminds me of America in the 1940's and 50's.


Very true, and the reasons you listed are the same as what I have felt. I would definitely the 50's...or maybe early 60's even.

12 years 50 weeks ago
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Can you think about what was wrong back in the forties and fifties, back when we didn't have any sense of equality?

12 years 50 weeks ago
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I'm not talking about equality. I am talking about women who appreciate gentlemen...nothing more. Feminism...while playing an important role in women's rights, has also all but destroyed the female traits that turn us on, and make us feel like men (at home in the west).

12 years 50 weeks ago
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I agree. I grew up thinking we should attend to a woman, open doors etc. It's not even about what we should do, it's about how we feel for a woman. Careing, gentile, protective. The feministic movment took that away. I think women want to look and dress like men at home. I found the China women to be just so cute. Their demure is just so appealing. I often chuckled at them, but they make me feel so good. And i can be attentive, careing etc, without hearing " I can open a door myself " ,like thankyou and good manners are gone. That always annoys me. BTW I like the 30s, I read and listen to 30s stuff. It started because I have a 38 and a 33 Chevy.

12 years 50 weeks ago
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But have you held the door open for a local women who wasn't your partner/spouse, if so i bet they appreciated that gesture.

12 years 46 weeks ago
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I hold the door open for all women, regardless of our relationship. Yes, they notice the difference immediately. Many, in fact, do not know what to do. Chinese men never do this.

12 years 46 weeks ago
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I do too, it's a hard habit to shake in a place where it's not used though. I'm usually taken aback when i do get a quiet "thank you"

12 years 46 weeks ago
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12 years 50 weeks ago
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women all over the world have good qualities and drawbacks. each person has their own damn mind and preferences. if someone only likes latin women who am i to knock them? i like to sample, but my favorite is chinese women. because i love their features and mannerisms. maybe i'm open minded because i grew up in a mixed part of the united states. or maybe because i'm 34. but i dont have this idea that someone is creepy because they have their own preferences. many of us believe in individuality is the key to happiness . i'm not going to live my life adopting someone elses idea of what a man should be. i love sampling and i think latin women are the best in bed. but if i am going to marry someone it will be a chinese women because i am not going to be a married guy who complains about being married. if that makes me creepy then i will be a creep with a smile and a great wife at home

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12 years 50 weeks ago
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life is a journey and i believe we are here for a particular reasons.everyone have his or her plans so dont really believe most people are because of the women.....

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12 years 46 weeks ago
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I do not like at all
they chew with mouth open, fart and burp on the table, has strange points of view.
I rather have a brazilian girfriend, cute marvelous and funny


i would rather have 2 brazilian gfs but i'm in china

12 years 46 weeks ago
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12 years 46 weeks ago
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For me, it's just that since very young have been attracted by Asian history, culture.
But I would say, I don't think the question can be so specific to only Chinese girls, you can extend it to Asian girls in general (at least from South-east Asia, Japan, Korea and China). I believe, as a foreigner, we've always seen Asian women as graceful, sweet, beautiful, delicate as they were maybe shown on movies, books, etc. We fantasize about these features so much and together with the exotism an Asian girl brings to your environment, you feel that you're completed and happy with it.
Or maybe it's also because for some people, Asian girls look like more easy to deal with and providing more attention to the boyfriend as opposed to Western girls.
But like a beautiful fake Ming potery, it's look very beautiful from outside, you just crave to have it. And then, you realize the inside is fake. I don't mean that all Asian girls are like that, what I mean is that as a Westerner, we often just want to see the appearance which is beautifuly and attractive and close our eyes on the inner part. At least at the beginning, but when you start to get into a serious relationship, the inner part is sometimes more important than the outer part. Isn't it?

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12 years 46 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77