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Q: Why do the foreign men only look for a Chinese girlfriend?

It seems so many foreign men in China are interested in Chinese girls only.   I've been dating for a few weeks, and all the men I'm interested in are only interested in finding a China girl.  I'm attractive, fit and easy to get along with.  But yet, not quite as attractive as the Chinese girl.  I don't get it.  I would love to know the reasons.

10 years 5 weeks ago in  Relationships - China

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Because, we're in China! There're no foreign women in my city.


Other thing I'm taken here is most of Chinese women in my city wear minis with high heelers. 

The most attractive are ones riding vespas. I've never seen such a thing in West, not even in Italy, capital of undies, I mean 'vespas'. 


I was forced to change my pick-up line! Can you believe that?

Now, I call out: 'Can I have a ride?' (pron. slowly), or when I'm in the 'attack mood' I go with: 'I can see your undies!'…. (as a song with 'la-la-la..' in the end)!


However, it's lenghty process to learn that sentence in Chinese. I have problems with correct pronunciation, buTT....I won't give up!


Post Striptum!


Since you post anon, you could be anybody.

I suggest, you sign in with your handle! Posters're hitting on each other here like there's no tomorrow.

CDC has handle on Ebola, so I'll just wait few more days.

10 years 5 weeks ago
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10 years 5 weeks ago
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I have heard a lot of white men told they found Chinese girls attractive.And they prefer chinese girls.I believe you are attractive,you seem confident.But sometimes men like women who looks diffrent,it doesn't mean those women are more attractive than you.Because in China,women look diffrent back to home,it is a curiosity to men,they want to go to have a look.It makes sense that they do not want a good looking girl that they can find back in hometown.

And most Chinese girls like white men,they spend lots of time to get close to white men.That is the reason i saw the white guys i liked become some average looking Chinese girls' bfs.I likevwhite boy,but i did not keep chasing on the guy if he does not seem care about me.Butbu have no idear about many other chinese girls.They will keep bother white guts till they get it.Horrible,I witnessed the ways how they keep chasing guys persistently.
In China,it is hard for you to win even you may better looking.
I am better looking in Chinese,I even can not win the guys i like sometimes.I have my pride,if i do not chase white guys.White guys sometimes go for other girls.The guy i used to like is going to marry a nothing attractive chinese girl.I got shocked and it hurted my pride.But now i understand.
That girl kept bothering him and even touched him in school.I could not act that gross,but some chinese girls could do that gross things and they got the man.
But I would say may be most are for sex.I do not think most Chinese girls can communicate with white men very well and get alone very well.


Once again Vicky has come out as better looking.

10 years 5 weeks ago
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Not ur business.You monkey

10 years 5 weeks ago
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10 years 5 weeks ago
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Statistics, based on estimated population of foreigners in China

* Probability to meet a Chinese in China : 99.99%

* Probability to meet a non-Chinese in China : 0.01%


Before meeting my wife, I met only Chinese people, because hu... workplace ? All Chinese. I go outside ? All chinese...


Also, expat scene is very transient. When traveling inside China, in remote Sichuan, I met a German girl, she blew my mind (cultivated, funny, elegant, beautiful, and so on), but well, I was with my bro, she was with a group, we were going in very different ways, so nothing happened. While hanging out with a girl living close from where you live is far easier.


So there's that, and then the social & cultural, hum... perks ?


You better go for the German girl if she is beautiful and good personality. I met many westerners have the average looking gfs and many of these girls are boring.

10 years 5 weeks ago
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Was she blowing upper or lower mind?


Man has two minds, I mean 'heads' 'layman's'.

10 years 5 weeks ago
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10 years 5 weeks ago
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What do you expect? Looking for an American girl friend in China? Does that sound reasonable to you?

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10 years 5 weeks ago
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"But yet, not quite as attractive as the Chinese girl."


I wonder if your question, therefore, is rhetorical...


FTR, I'm hoping to start dating a 'western' girl... I seriously have to put that in quote marks, cos she's really Singaporian, but has an American mother - so is now a yank. However, she doesn't make it easy!


And I think that's the problem - do you make it 'easy' for the guys? Or difficult? Personally, I prefer "Would you like to go on a date with me?" Ans: "Sure". Not, "Well, let's see now.....". (obviously, this comes from Chinese and non-Chinese alike, but I suspect Chinese girls are more hungry for the foreign guy than the non-Chinese girls)


The best of luck. You are one third way through The Great Emporors famous words "Vidi, vici, veni"

10 years 5 weeks ago
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10 years 5 weeks ago
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'Veni, Vidi, 'you mixed the words'angel, but I like it better your way..... Any Ro-man-iac around?

10 years 4 weeks ago
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10 years 5 weeks ago
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Its probably a numbers game for most. lets face it, there are a lot of girls in china that are good looking, and there are not a lot of western girls period, I think most outsiders in china arent necessarily obsessed with chinese girls, they are obsessed with girls. And in china, that means chinese girls. I was in Korea for a few years and the expat community was made up of guys and girls, and I dated western girls during that time. Not because I only wanted to date western girls, but because there were in my social circles and so meeting them happened naturally. In china, the expat community is mostly men. 


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10 years 5 weeks ago
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Because we are in China, a number of foreign men come to China not because they can't find a job back home but because they like it here and they often like it because of local girls.


Let's be honest, young urban Chinese girls are very attractive, they have nothing to envy from foreign women, they dress sexy and are totally open about the idea of starting a relationship with foreign men or even just having casual sex. Most of them can hold interesting conversations, know how to have fun, are great partners, ... And they are often easier (in a good way) than expat women, less demanding, more friendly too.


Girls live in Shanghai usually dress quite sexier.You will like it.

10 years 5 weeks ago
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Not really, I used to live in Shanghai, Shanghainese tend to be flat compared to girls from other provinces, I'm not into big breasts and big butt, however I have rarely seen women as flat as in Shanghai, many almost have male bodies.

10 years 5 weeks ago
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10 years 5 weeks ago
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And Chinese dudes are not all over goodlooking foreign girls ? ? ?


They like to look.  But they have zero game.  Not sexy.  I rarely see an attractive Chinese man.  It's really too bad!  For me!

8 years 51 weeks ago
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@Op, ''Youv'e only been dating a couple of weeks?'' -- Are you 12 years old?,,,,,''not quite as good looking as Chinese girls'',,,, you posted anonymously because you are a Chinese girl and probably named Victoria.

BTW my last trip was Philippines and I look for Filipino women, they are nicer than Chinese women.


I could go to Shanghai, get a cheap hostel and have free women but their giant butts make them look like giant ants. VICKYS Comments were removed 

10 years 5 weeks ago
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I seem to manage 60,000 some months but usually 30,000 is enough.


10 years 5 weeks ago
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I did not post anonymously. 

8 years 51 weeks ago
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10 years 5 weeks ago
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@ Ted 

For me a guy's personality wins out over looks every time.

to the OP, because you post anonymously, like Ted i think you are defiantly a Chinese girl because you care about superficial things like your own looks. None of the foreign girls i meet in China are so shallow.

you sound like so many Chinese girls who when asked to describe herself always begins:

"I'm a optimistic, kind girl" 


@Victoria, please do not use generalisations when talking about people from other countries. I work with a couple of Filipina's and they are kind, generous and hard-working. Not at all superficial or 'cheap'.


Vicky would slap Ted with anything, 'cause Ted is expensive! I don't like that either. And tiny lab doors! o2,o2

Vicky just had a look at the map very quick!angel

10 years 5 weeks ago
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I thought most Chinese women say,, ''I am simple traditional girl'' . Vicky says ''I am the best looking girl in China and forget quarters, you can bounce a spare tire off my butt''

10 years 5 weeks ago
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You are work with them not live with them.How do u know they are notcheap and superficial ?Plus i think ur superficial as well.lolMany same kinds of birds flock together.

10 years 5 weeks ago
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10 years 5 weeks ago
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Off the top of my head I can think of three foreign / foreign couples I know who met and hooked up here. Two of those couples are now married.


Another foreign girl I knew through mutual friends had several western boyfriends here, she never really had to try because the guys would approach her.


A Canadian guy I worked with hit on basically any foreign women he met, as long as she was more or less in his age group and at least semi attractive. He ended up marrying a local girl but it wasn't for lack of trying to find a western wife.


Some guys here have no interest at all in dating local girls.



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10 years 5 weeks ago
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perhaps,chinese girls,just like food,short/thin,tall,slender,various different kinds for them to choose from,.no worries,once they get bored,they will flock to chase you.i think another reason is most men here has a yellow fever,lol i dont know if this makes sense.

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10 years 5 weeks ago
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Why is everyone obsessed with BF/GF stuff?


It only leads to marriage......and babies......


Yeah, fill your boots. The payment for your fun comes later


Man, is that ever true..

10 years 5 weeks ago
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Ha ha. Yeah. I get foreign guys showing off their long legged stunning girls. Look what I have !!!!!!!


Yeah. I know what he wants, and I know what she wants. She will win.

10 years 5 weeks ago
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10 years 5 weeks ago
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Because we got the big one baby, Haha, but really let's be honest Women technically have more choices and doors to walk through because we hunt for them by our true nature and they get many choices, I can honestly say money and security might be the only benefits a woman sees in a Chinese man, yes I'm sure there are a few magical stories about "I chose him because he's a nice man"...but I've never seen one related to that, marriage because of money and security I've seen 4 times.

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10 years 5 weeks ago
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What made a man attracted to a Chinese girl:

1. Thin
2. Beautiful smile
3. Adorable cute small eyes.
4. Very soft and different feeling skin.
5. Different and unique butt shape.
6. Looks amazing wearing shorts and tight clothes.
7. After giving birth to a baby naturally everything is still tight and feels great again, no loosy goosy problems.
8. Less fighting, more love, more flexible relationship.
9. Most Asian girls that old still look young.
10. Long beautiful black hair.

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Because they want to feel the foreign countries....

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10 years 5 weeks ago
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For me I don't care where the girl comes from , the most important thing that we share the same love, ideas , lifestyle and responsibilities . My girl is Chinese not because she is Chinese !

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10 years 5 weeks ago
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