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Q: Why often suggestions to dial Provincial SAFEA?

I usually seek an advice and help of Provincial Foreign Expert Bureau as soon as I can't reason with the School on Contract violations.

I usually warn School first, I will dial FEB and ask for an advice, and if still no positive solution from the School, I ring a bell.

I dialed SAFEA in Zhejiang (F visa), Liaoning, Xinjiang, Jiangsu, Fujian, and in Henan (all RP) last week, and I always received prompt resolution of the problem. In every Province listed, officer answering the phone speaks English.

School in Henan demanded plane ticket show in order to issue refund for return flight ticket at the completion of the Contract. School also didn't want to pay 6 working days in February and 10 working days in July, as that is already covered by holiday salaries. I receive 3 x 5000 Rmb for winter and summer recess.

After, I dialed Henan SAFEA last Friday, I asked officer for her email address, and offer detailed explanation of the problem through email.

On Monday, School served me with official letter in Chinese, that 'return plane ticket will be reimbursed only after I'll submit actual ticket'.

I tried to speak to the officer today, but she will be absent from the office for a week.

After my afternoon's class today, Principal offered me salary for 14 working days in Feb. and July. School canceled classes for this Thu. and Fri., but by schedule I should be working till July 10th.

After I told Head again, return ticket cost over 10 000 Rmb, and that I would be happy with 6-7000 Rmb lump sum, he'll have a talk with Financial Dept. about it.

I tried to convince School several times about Contract violations to no avail. However, after FEB's talk to the School's Principal, everything is cool&dandy.


So, c&p: ''enter 'SAFEA' (often) in search above for address and contact numbers in your Province...."


9 years 12 weeks ago in  Business & Jobs - China

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I took your advice the other day & contacted Guangdong SAFEA about my job transfer issue (Guangzhou rule about having to get new Z visa even though I'd been in Chins for 3 years & 2 pervious work permits, current Shunde one still valid)


I explained the issue and he called me back later. His advice "phone Guangzhou labour office to talk to them"!  Waste of time as it was Guangzhou labour office who told I needed a new Z visa!


My call wasn't, in the same time as yours.

Was tempted to dial your FEB, but I don't know much about except you aren't FT. So, I really didn't know what to ask in Guangzhou.

I just don't let it go easy. Today, I was checking if FEB agent got letter from the School about ticket refund, and I was bothering the guy for so long, he promised me after my 3rd call, she'll (Friday's agent) call me back as soon as she returns from the business trip next week. 

And at the School, I could tell FEB guy called the Head today, and  ordered him to accommodate me, so I'll go off the FEB's phone lines.

How and why would I advertise SAFEA? They don't want to work and solve problems between FTs and schools. It's my real experience.

9 years 12 weeks ago
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poop i tried to post my first picture... it didnt work

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9 years 12 weeks ago
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I'm just wondering why you appear to have moved around a lot? Run out of town by angry principles??


Did you talk to my mum? She asked me the same Q.

Not really. I would rather stay than move. My principle: 'if I respect Contract, they must do the same!' Can't take 'this is China' BS.

I hate packing and mailing, and after 6Y here, I have some 4 boxes to send, one being priceless (bike - no 'caution handling' in China mail), beside 2 luggage cases.

Few times I resigned (Liaoning), in Xinjiang school didn't have Gov. support for 2nd Contract/salaries, and in Jiangsu, SAFEA told me they won't extend my RP, because I'm Non.

Then I ate some manure in Fujian (being dismissed before the start of semester).

Now, in Henan I renewed Contract few weeks ago, but I made contact with another school in Zhejiang. Will see, I'm not sure what I'll do next.

9 years 12 weeks ago
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9 years 12 weeks ago
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I took your advice the other day & contacted Guangdong SAFEA about my job transfer issue (Guangzhou rule about having to get new Z visa even though I'd been in Chins for 3 years & 2 pervious work permits, current Shunde one still valid)


I explained the issue and he called me back later. His advice "phone Guangzhou labour office to talk to them"!  Waste of time as it was Guangzhou labour office who told I needed a new Z visa!


My call wasn't, in the same time as yours.

Was tempted to dial your FEB, but I don't know much about except you aren't FT. So, I really didn't know what to ask in Guangzhou.

I just don't let it go easy. Today, I was checking if FEB agent got letter from the School about ticket refund, and I was bothering the guy for so long, he promised me after my 3rd call, she'll (Friday's agent) call me back as soon as she returns from the business trip next week. 

And at the School, I could tell FEB guy called the Head today, and  ordered him to accommodate me, so I'll go off the FEB's phone lines.

How and why would I advertise SAFEA? They don't want to work and solve problems between FTs and schools. It's my real experience.

9 years 12 weeks ago
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9 years 12 weeks ago
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Well my point in the other thread is that so many people teach here and never have any issues, and then other people just have problem after problem after problem.


Maybe you really have had a run of really really bad luck, but you know so many people can teach for years in the same school same city what have you. Figure out what those guys are doing right and start doing that. 


Cause it definitely seems like you consistently have a lot of employment issues. I'm not trying to be a dick. I feel bad, I really do cause that absolutely sucks and must be really stressful. I hate moving. I'm just stating there is probably something you can do differently and not have this issue.


Good. Here are my issues:

1. Zhejiang: working with F for 2nd extension, despite School promised HK Z, after expiration of 1st F. SAFEA sort them out for the last pay, and other Chinese law matters;

2. Liaoning: quit for School's disrespect of Contract (School assigned few more hours than per Contract). In real, mill sucked big time, apartment 25m2 tiny hole, unfurnished except kitchen, bed and one chair, and it was on 19th floor, with elevators constantly in repair. Access to the school/classes was also through the elevators with huge queue in front. Students loved me, and school didn't want to let it go. I needed SAFEA to get last pay, RL and FEC Cancel Cert.

3. Xinjiang: 'school didn't pay salaries for winter recess, and tried to charge me some 500 Rmb for garbage disposal, despite housing was free per Contract. School didn't know, what to do at the end of the Contract documents wise, so I asked SAFEA to coach school on that;

4. Fujian: 'dismissed before I stepped in the classroom, what was permitted by Contract'. However, School wanted to cancel my RP in 7 days (as per 'gross FT violations'), but since I was dismissed without valid cause, I was permitted to stay in the apartment 30 days after dismissal. SAFEA told them rules, and made them give me RL and FEC Cancel Cert.;

5. Henan: 'you know the story!'

Tell me please, what would you do? Under which no. would you just take it up your butt, or would you rather 'enter SAFEA in search'?

In Hangzhou, I told my Chinese GF: 'If I don't get my last pay (5000 Rmb), I'm moving to Vietnam! You'll visit me there.' I was looking for an advice of posters here on Vietnam at that time.

I respect Contract to the letter, and I demand School does the same! Simple as that!

9 years 12 weeks ago
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No I would totally leave if I wasn't being taken seriously and was unhappy.


The problem isn't that you were unhappy once, can chalk that up to bad luck, it's that it's a consistent problem for you. 


I mean i'm sure SAFEA has been helpful to you, but you should be asking why you always need their help.


Theres gotta be schools that people are generally happy working at. Tons of teachers on this forum, why not ask who is happy with their schools and see if they're hiring. Gotta be lots of ESL specific forums out there. Gotta be good reviews of schools.


I remember you saying you aren't from a native english country. I don't know what that means, but I realize it might be harder for you. And that sucks. But you gotta keep in mind the Chinese have a right to set the standards for hiring/issuing visas. You're really lucky the demand is so high that a lot of places will bend the rules to bring in expat teachers. That's cool and i'm glad for you. But it means you'll have more problems than the average teacher if you choose to keep doing ESL in China.


9 years 12 weeks ago
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And let me assure you, it's not bad luck or Non-native teacher, and consistency is only on Chinese side by violating the Contract!

It is the difference between the 'size of the balls' or 'taking it up the arse'.

Should I think, something is wrong with me, because of all described troubles? Me is only 'size.....', not much else!

If I have to 'take it up....' you must be really good, and I assure you, you'll be sorry for that.

Chinese do the same thing to every FT in every Province. It's their way of life. They call it 'negotiating'. In real 'get that laowai, because he makes loads more than us'.

Many of you 'taking it up in silence....' (LOL), and I dial FEB instead.

The funniest is how you turned my suggestions on FEB: 'get another job', 'Non-native', and what not.

How come 'listen and follow my advice' never crossed your mind? Still waiting for Hot's RP detail.

I hope you didn't think, I'm asking anybody for help describing FEB thingy. I'm advising and showing possibilities of different/better outcome.

9 years 12 weeks ago
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9 years 12 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77