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Q: Will Trump Tweet from China?

It is banned after all.

It is a serious question. Because we do not know for sure the legality of VPNS etc. Is tweeting via VPN illegal in China. We dont know.

If Trump tweets from China, that must mean its legal.

6 years 47 weeks ago in  General  - China

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He is president of the US.


Therefore, like all high ranking politicians in China, the law is completely irrelevant! (except, obviously, removing your political enemies)

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6 years 46 weeks ago
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So, If Trump tweets during his upcoming visit, they will either have to unblock twitter or arrest Trump. Catch 22

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6 years 47 weeks ago
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I hope he does.


Mueller's investigation seems to be moving forward and he has filed charges. I think it's going to be an interesting week in American politics and if the Donald is up at 3 a.m with a case of Beijing La Duzi rage tweeting it'll be even more of a spectacle. angel


sometimes I feel sorry for the ol' guy,,, has to sit there @ the big State Dinner smiling 24/7 eating/tasting everything they put in front of him and then going on and on about how great it tastes, all the while he's sitting there thinking, 'jeez, can't I just get a steak, or at least a BigMac??'


I hope he jokes/tweets some dumb joke like 'hey, is this shit dog or something??'   haha,,, lmfao,,, 11 sitting there with that big fake smile he always carries,,, haha,,, Donald dogging him out Queen's Style !!   haha,,, suk it 11! 

6 years 47 weeks ago
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Trump will never be impeached, Americans are too polarized and totally illogical. 

6 years 47 weeks ago
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Yeah it would be awful, I wouldn't want to go to that dinner either but oh well, that's what he signed up for when he took the job.


I'm sure the Chinese side planned it well and they'll have food Donald can eat but it would be funny as hell if they rolled out the pig intestines, congealed duck blood and chicken feet for him devil


I'm almost certain he'll tweet or say something that offends - it's just the way he rolls. Maybe he'll get confused and say he's in Japan or something....

6 years 47 weeks ago
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hahahaha,,, can you just seeeeee the look on his face,,,,  Mr President, I offer you some Pig Intestines with a side of Congealed Duck Blood.   lmfao!!  no way he wouldn't say something!  gotdamn!

* I'd pay a million Kroner for him to tweet... 'Melania and I are very much enjoying our visit here, the Japanese are such wonderful hosts.' hahahaha. WWIII. bring it !

6 years 46 weeks ago
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Ummm - you seriously think the elite CCP actually eat the same crap as the rest of the plebs? Intestines? Blood?? That crap is only for the poor and powerless... it'll be lobster, caviar and steaks all around!

6 years 46 weeks ago
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To be honest I never gave what they eat any thought at all. I mean, I know they eat clean food - no gutter oil, poisonous additives or food grown on toxic land for them, they eat stuff specially farmed for the elite but I assume they still like their traditional Chinese dishes.


And when you're entertaining foreign presidents I dunno, I would have thought you'd give them a cultural experience and lay on some traditional food for them.


The big question is... assuming they don't serve up a steak or hamburger of course...  will they give him chopsticks or bring out a spoon for him?

6 years 46 weeks ago
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@ diverdude.  To make the night perfect they could force him to ganbei baijiu with everyone at the table during dinner, take him to listen to Beijing opera and finish up with him singing the theme song from Titanic at a KTV place while everyone films him with their iphones.

6 years 46 weeks ago
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@Stiggs,,,,  that's one reason I can't get ahead here,,, I won't go out with colleagues because I'm not into drinking and I darn sure am not into smoking.  They think it's rude I refuse their toasts,,, one after another after another after another after another,,, ad nauseum....   I tell them that I think it is Rude to pressure a non-drinker into drinking for some stupid-ass reason.  

but I'm not complaining,,, It's my decision not to play the social game.

yeah, I thought the 'represent my country' deal meant busting out some 'Traditional' dishes too....

6 years 46 weeks ago
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6 years 47 weeks ago
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You seem to not fully understand what you're talking about., as usual.


1. The intent of the banning is that Twitter can't do business in China. Finding a way to use Twitter is not illegal. 

2. There's been talk about making it illegal to use Vpns, but there are exceptions certain companies and dignitaries. 

3. My guess would be the president has a special phone for security purposes that doesn't utilize local networks. (Your the engineer, you should know better if you can learn to use logic.)


The bottomline is this, it's not illegal to use Twitter in China and it's not illegal for dignitaries to use VPNs even if its illegal for locals to.


I do understand. Thats the point.

6 years 46 weeks ago
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So, foreigners are above the law in China?

6 years 45 weeks ago
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VPNs aren't illegal. 

6 years 45 weeks ago
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Depends. Will his access to cocaine also be impeded?


Only if he goes to certain clubs & gets piss tested...

6 years 46 weeks ago
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He is president of the US.


Therefore, like all high ranking politicians in China, the law is completely irrelevant! (except, obviously, removing your political enemies)

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6 years 46 weeks ago
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And she was sacked. Wow

6 years 45 weeks ago
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She doesn't care, her name must be 'Pierre' 

6 years 45 weeks ago
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Scots: stop telling half truths, she was canned for using that photo on her social media profile, she worked for a government contractor. 


I don't support those types of clauses in the contract that allow employers to do this. 

But both sides do this unfortunately, how many people lost their jobs just because they quietly donated to groups that didn't support gay marriage

6 years 45 weeks ago
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I didn't know there's a 'story' behind 'she was canned ...'. I wasn't following .... (so what ...? she'll get another, new gig...).

BuTT .... both sides inflate every good or bad thing on Trump-a. I am sick of it! Problems in society all around, but 'she showed the finger ....' is the main thing. OK!


Nobody talks 'how&why Trump-a flip his pre election stance and why Killary isn't jailed yet.... if 'Law applies equally to all ..'

6 years 45 weeks ago
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6 years 46 weeks ago
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Has he tweeted yet?

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6 years 45 weeks ago
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If President Trump tweets from China, Chinese will ask why he is allowed to when they cant.

The big news in China today seems to be Japanese trains breaking down in the UK. Diversion and all that.

If President Trump tweets from China, It will be why him and not us?

Is he above the law? Are you above the law?

He wont tweet from China.


You're an idiot. many Chinese use Twitter, legally with permission from the govt, so how would that make him above the law?

6 years 45 weeks ago
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Yeah, 'tits' is right! He won't tweet 'cause POTUS can't use tweets like he's a tourist ...  

Imagine he tweets 'I was in Yingkou, they sell alive maggots in piles like potatoes on outdoor market .... and recipe for maggot's risotto next ....' 

6 years 45 weeks ago
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6 years 45 weeks ago
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''Tits' & moi were wrong ...." Business Insider reports:


Trump is reportedly using 'special equipment' to bypass China's Twitter ban

Trump's team brought "special equipment"  to China that enables the president to get around the country's internet firewall, according to an unnamed senior White House official speaking with NBC News' Peter Alexander.

It's unclear what type of "special equipment" that's being used; there's a wide variety of hardware and software tools that exist to circumvent internet blockages like the one in China. 

Since arriving in China last night, Trump has tweeted once. His latest message was sent on Wednesday morning:

"On behalf of@FLOTUS Melania and I, THANK YOU for an unforgettable afternoon and evening at the Forbidden City in Beijing, President Xi and Madame Peng Liyuan. We are looking forward to rejoining you tomorrow morning!"

Trump-a's kissing ass here ....

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6 years 45 weeks ago
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Yeah, T-Man will throw down some tweets for sure...  In fact, utilizing the latest in Top-secret CIA technology I have just intercepted and decoded his latest......


" Damn, what in Hell am I doing here !   I could be home living Bigly consuming on some Serious Steaks and Mickey D's, but Nooooo,,, stuck here in this hell-hole, eating some kinda oily garbage with sticks!  yep, you heard me right,, they try to eat with sticks !  LMFAO,, all the while listening to the Japs screech on & on !   Tired as hell and they still drug us out on the sight-seeing tour,, some Disney place called Forgotten City or some such shit,,, made us sit through something called Peking Opera,,, Jesus H. Christ !  WTF?  some freaky-ass lookin dudes screeching their fkn heads off!  what a nitemare!

That does it!,, I'm outta here,,, You can take this job and shove it!

Melania, get your coat...


   Make Donald Great Again


I just saw on the news... they did take him to see the opera.


6 years 45 weeks ago
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6 years 45 weeks ago
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I saw a video of Trump getting the foreign dignitary treatment and actually found myself feeling sorry for him and everyone involved.


Pictures of everyone - American and Chinese - watching opera, seeing various displays of art and old cultural stuff and trying to look suitably interested and impressed and pretending to bond with the others (smile for the camera so the world can see how great a time you're having...  ok can we do that again... and yet again... can we do that again with everyone not looking pissed off this time..) when they probably just wanted to talk about whatever they needed to talk about then get the hell home for a beer and TV actually had me laughing.


I'm glad I'm not any sort of diplomat.



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6 years 45 weeks ago
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