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Q: Chinese women extravagant on the outside, shy on the inside?

Something has been bugging me for some time. I look at women here, and they all have fancy shoes, fancy bags. They really stand out from the crowd, it's very original! Yet, when I talk to them, they are usually shy and feel almost intimidated. I would have thought that they dress funky to draw the attention, yet their attitude shows the exact opposite.

Is there something I'm missing?

13 years 7 weeks ago in  General  - China

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I suppose that's grossly accurate. The fashion sense for women here is completely crazy, and yet it's true that many women act subdued and calm when you actually talk to them.

In part, I think it's just part of the culture, where very strong-willed women just aren't in demand...they frighten guys! it's an Asian thing! My mother's exactly like that.

But then again, it's also true that the really flashy (read: tawdry) dressed girls you see walkin the streets of Beijing or Shanghai aren't shy at fact, when you start talking to them you often wish they'd just shut it! Wink

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13 years 7 weeks ago
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In our culture, women should always nice behaved, decent, that means to be intimidate I guess.
I don't like to see young girls dressed like hooker and think that‘s fashion then talk like idiots. I know what do u mean alva.

To answer this question, I would say, no, if a woman have fancy shoes, fancy bag and she is not intimidate, she wants to be outstanding. What do u wear shows ur personality, like I only wear casual clothes, even go to bar with friends I wear shorts and loafers.
Obviously I don’t know fashion.

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13 years 7 weeks ago
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So there really is two faces to China? One is more traditional, the other all extravagant and going wild, and then there's those in-between the two. It's totally fascinating!

I the end, it's not that different from LA, if you exclude the porn industry.

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13 years 7 weeks ago
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