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Q: Is the day your visa is stamped your first day or the day after?

Lets say you have a 30  day visa..

Your entry date says you entered China on the 10th.

Does your 30 day countdown begin on the same day your visa is stamped?

Is that considered day #1 ?


Or does your countdown begin on the day after?

In this example on the 11th ?



11 years 5 weeks ago in  Visa & Legalities - China

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If your referring to a 30 day Z visa, the visa isn't stamped, but they do put a stamp on one of your passport pages. After your company applies for your Resident permit, they will stamp "Canceled" on your Z visa.

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11 years 5 weeks ago
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The visa I am asking about would be a F visa or L visa. ~ Thanks. 

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11 years 5 weeks ago
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Sometimes when we talk, the way we do confuses others.  No intention to do so, but it happens.  For example, your visa is not stamped, but one page of your passport will be applied a red ink stamp indicating the date you came in.  Now that we got the "lesson" out of the way, let's go to your question.

The way it works is if you come in on the 10 of August, 24 hours later will be day one, or on August 11. And on August 12 will be your second day, and continuously so. So, 30 days if entering China on August 10, will fall on September 9.


The lesson was not needed, but your answer was the Right One according to the information desk at the P.S.B. / exit and entry bureau in Beijing.

11 years 5 weeks ago
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Bili: If my "lesson: bothered you, my apologies for that. It was a combination of a jest and a small project of mine to get foreigners to refer to the things they talk about China correctly. So, please ignore it, do that as a favor to an old wise man. And I am glad your PSB confirmed the information, I made the same mistake many years ago, and learned to count days properly then. I also learned that it is not a month, but multiple of 30 days.

11 years 5 weeks ago
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11 years 5 weeks ago
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the first day is the day 1  , coz  i got lesson on it. when I went to HK for U-turn , I was caught for almost 1hr, coz I did not count the first day as day 1, they did so. I was just only "warned" that time.


Many of my mates have made this mistake, its really confusing.

11 years 5 weeks ago
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11 years 5 weeks ago
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