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Q: Do advertisement hander-outers skip over you because you're a foreigner?

Noticed this recently. Most of them will full-on hassle Chinese and then will completely avoid eye contact with me. Is this because they don't think I'll be interested in their service, or are they instructed to do so? 


Not that I'm complaining though.

11 years 17 weeks ago in  General  - China

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Some of them skip me, but some of them, they don't. 


I accept advert if somebody is persistent, and then I always hand it to another person with the same adverts. Sometimes I add and point: 'Other guy told me to hand it to you!'

Most Chinese accept 'my' advert, and smile.

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11 years 17 weeks ago
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with the exception of those handing out adverts for properties, I would say most seem to let me slip by silently. the property advertisement hand-outers will run after me screaming "HELLOOOOO" like some 5 year old kid. 

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11 years 17 weeks ago
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They probably realise that most foreigners couldn't read the advertisements anyway.

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11 years 17 weeks ago
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The advertisement hander outers can be beneficial. On one occasion I was with my girlfriend and received a flyer from a certain distributor. It had glossy pictures of bedrooms. I asked my girl what they were advertising and she said it was for a love hotel. 

I said "That's more fun than shopping!! Is it far?" 




11 years 17 weeks ago
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11 years 17 weeks ago
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No. I can never have enough paper for emergencies. Reminds me of Sears catalogues in my grandparents outhouse. Hopefully some Chinese guy will read it when I'm finished with it.

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11 years 17 weeks ago
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No, Not really! I usually avoid them and avoid making eye contact with them. I don't care much about the advertisements.....(Drunk!!

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11 years 17 weeks ago

There are cookies, bookies and too many rookies for me to sit here trying to be a hooky! Looky Looky don't call me a wooky. Touchy Touchy Feely Feely Spicy Spicy Nicey Nicey & that's what the doctor Ordered!!

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Usually yes, thank you Jebus! 

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11 years 17 weeks ago
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Actually, all the people handing our flyers around my side of town are picky who they hand out to.  Usually they are preying on the tons of old people who live in my neighborhood, so if you don't look a year over 50, they will usually ignore you.


If it is food flyers, I get handed one everytime, but they do give me nervous looks, or feel embarrassed to hand me something written in Chinese.  Of course, the girls are usually more likely to jump out and hand me something than the guys, so they can giggle about it with their friends later.


And of course the pesky fitness recruiters will run across a busy street for the chance to sell me a gym membership.  Their laowaidar is quite accurate at finding white skin.

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11 years 17 weeks ago
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