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Q: ever attempted to advise your wife/girlfriend that all that oil is not required?

8 years 5 days ago in  Food  - China

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Oil based lube will make the condom damage faster.


Try water based or silicon based when you cook.

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8 years 5 days ago
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my wife truly freaks, when I use vinegar to kill mold and then spray some on my salad .. who is more nuts?  

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8 years 5 days ago
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Fucking christ I was about to post this. I try to encourage her not to cook with oil everyday day, But she cooks with oil, lunch and dinner and sometimes for a mid night snack. Then I say use olive oil it's healthier.

God, it's like talking to a wall. Chinese have 0 intelligence when it comes to nutrition. I'm gonna have to have a heart attack before she wakes up. 


Yesterday my gf told me you can only get diabetes if you only eat nothing but sugar, and things like McDonalds etc... doesn't cause diabetes! Whats worse is that she's a nurse a supposed to know about these things.

8 years 5 days ago
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Chinese education

8 years 5 days ago
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how does mopping the well travelled parts of the floor (white marble) equate to cleaning the house?


8 years 5 days ago
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8 years 5 days ago
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I have found that the proof is in the pudding... or dish in this case.


When you cook some things that aren't dripping oil and the wife / girlfriend tries it, you might find you have a convert. Worked for me.


so I should let her in the kitchen while I cook?  you have to do this, do that, do this..... I hate stress ...  walk away, here you do it......which she gleefully will do..  but  then I do not get the meal I had in mind.     best to keep her out of MY kitchen!!!

8 years 5 days ago
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Oh god no, I hate people bothering me in my kitchen too.

No, I mean when you serve up something awesome that isn't swimming in oil, the next time she tries to 'advise' you, you can point out that minimal oil use is actually pretty good and have some proof to back you up.

8 years 5 days ago
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8 years 5 days ago
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Oil based lube will make the condom damage faster.


Try water based or silicon based when you cook.

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8 years 5 days ago
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I'm fairly certain many posters here may think you could have stopped halfway through your question


Yup. I tried to advise my first wife and my second wife.


I keep my advice to myself now wink

8 years 5 days ago
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8 years 5 days ago
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