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Q: Have you ever tried traditional Chinese medicine ?

What is the best Chinese treatment for the flu?

8 years 43 weeks ago in  Health & Safety - China

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And searching for questions before posting the ad nauseum repeat...


Time? Really? If it is all you know! why do u reply!

Your answer isn't helpful at all!

I'm looking for an answer and i don't need your typical criticism!

What's your problem?!!

8 years 43 weeks ago
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Actually, I know a lot more.... for instance - HeGu (strong manipulation) and BiTong are standard points for colds and flu. TaiYuan - for later when the mucus turns yellow (indicating the Cold Damp has turned into Heat).


LieQue is also common for congestion (in the lungs - if you have that - ie, coughing up phlegm - aka Cold Damp).


FeiShu for expelling Wind (and anyone who knows anything about the Eight Pernicious Influences knows that 'flu' or 'cold' is usually caused by Wind Cold!).


Because of the Cold, ZuSanLi is often prescribed, with strong manipulation (perhaps using Moxa as well). It also helps to move Qi, thus avoiding stagnation of Phlegm/Damp.


Pinching ChiZe... but it's probably a bit late for that if you've already got your cold (but if you're just starting to feel it, you might get some affect)


KongZui once you start getting that sore throat (ie, PlumStone Qi - and an indication the Damp is starting to turn to Heat).


And, Bleeding the cuticles (lateral and medial corners as well as centrally of the first, second, third, and fourth digits) can bring some relief - again, depending on the cause and stage of your Wind Cold attack....



Why do I know this?


Well, if you had've USED THE SEARCH ENGINE on here before posting, you'd know!

8 years 43 weeks ago
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I was wondering, is there anything for 'flat  feet'? On search or otherwise....

8 years 43 weeks ago
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@ Shining_brow

u didn't get the point ! if i was looking for these kind of info, I can find them  easily! Thanks anyway for sharing them!

I'm looking for a medicine that some people actually tried it and they think , it is a right treatment !

not general info about Chinese medicine!

That is the difference between asking people and searching online!

8 years 43 weeks ago
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8 years 43 weeks ago
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Hot water. For cancer and ebola too.

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8 years 43 weeks ago
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And searching for questions before posting the ad nauseum repeat...


Time? Really? If it is all you know! why do u reply!

Your answer isn't helpful at all!

I'm looking for an answer and i don't need your typical criticism!

What's your problem?!!

8 years 43 weeks ago
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Actually, I know a lot more.... for instance - HeGu (strong manipulation) and BiTong are standard points for colds and flu. TaiYuan - for later when the mucus turns yellow (indicating the Cold Damp has turned into Heat).


LieQue is also common for congestion (in the lungs - if you have that - ie, coughing up phlegm - aka Cold Damp).


FeiShu for expelling Wind (and anyone who knows anything about the Eight Pernicious Influences knows that 'flu' or 'cold' is usually caused by Wind Cold!).


Because of the Cold, ZuSanLi is often prescribed, with strong manipulation (perhaps using Moxa as well). It also helps to move Qi, thus avoiding stagnation of Phlegm/Damp.


Pinching ChiZe... but it's probably a bit late for that if you've already got your cold (but if you're just starting to feel it, you might get some affect)


KongZui once you start getting that sore throat (ie, PlumStone Qi - and an indication the Damp is starting to turn to Heat).


And, Bleeding the cuticles (lateral and medial corners as well as centrally of the first, second, third, and fourth digits) can bring some relief - again, depending on the cause and stage of your Wind Cold attack....



Why do I know this?


Well, if you had've USED THE SEARCH ENGINE on here before posting, you'd know!

8 years 43 weeks ago
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I was wondering, is there anything for 'flat  feet'? On search or otherwise....

8 years 43 weeks ago
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@ Shining_brow

u didn't get the point ! if i was looking for these kind of info, I can find them  easily! Thanks anyway for sharing them!

I'm looking for a medicine that some people actually tried it and they think , it is a right treatment !

not general info about Chinese medicine!

That is the difference between asking people and searching online!

8 years 43 weeks ago
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8 years 43 weeks ago
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Stuck me full of needles.




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8 years 43 weeks ago
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Got tricked into eating penis of beast one time.  Not funny Jan.


How bad was your symptom ?!

8 years 43 weeks ago
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No symptoms.  It's just that the lady had only experience with Chinese men and it seems they cannot have sex more often than monthly and then only for a minute or so.

I'd like to say I set her straight, but I didn't.

8 years 43 weeks ago
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8 years 43 weeks ago
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Recently I had what must have been a dodgy BBQ meal with some friends. My stomach wasn't good for about a week. I tried all sorts of meds but finally, at the insistence of my Chinese wife, I went to see the village witch doctor nearby.


He gave me a half a dozen packets of grass, sticks, leaves and bark. A few hours later I was a right as rain. I was surprised to say the least. He is our first port of call for any ailments nowadays. He's a funny old coot but so far appears to know his stuff.


(In this case, for me at least) TCM scores a point.


'Stay away of the doctors (of any kind)' is my life rule.

Once, you feel you ate something wrong, you must stimulate your stomach to process food faster. In West, 'prunes soaked in water' can do magic to fasten digestion.

In China, I regularly add sesame seeds to the food to achieve that. It works like magic, but not as 'get diarheactic'. Just normal, faster, regular digestion. Most of the time, I add sesame seeds to the meal, or I drink it mixed with milk and some honey for the taste. Once daily, at least.

Three diff. colors (white, brown, black), packed in some 20g bags (10yuan), and they are tasteless, crunchier, if not cooked.

8 years 43 weeks ago
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Ahhh, good tip. I'll give it a shot (no pun intended)


Remember, I have a Cantonese wife. All sorts of crazy going on there when it comes to remedies. Sometimes it is less drama to just go with the flow.


Without testing further, nor wishing to, I have a sneaking suspicion that you just recover by yourself coincidentally at the time you resort to the local tea or soup. But it keeps her happy. When she is happy, my life is easy.

8 years 43 weeks ago
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Sesame seeds are a super food and I recommend everyone to eat them with as many meals as possible. Whilst researching for natural ways to replace vitamin tablets I noticed that these magic seeds contain over half the stuff in your average multi vitamins.

8 years 43 weeks ago
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In Xinjiang, I usually ate naan bread with sprinkled sesame seeds on the top. I think, they soak them in sugary water, and then seeds stick to the bread. I'm sensitive to sugar (diabetic), so I just bought seeds and mix them with yogurt. I had similar feeling in stomach as when I eat beans, but no farthing, and bloated feeling is very short, some 1/2 an hour after consuming. Next day, first thing after the wake-up is going to the can. No diarhea, just normal 'unload'.

Since then, I empty 20g bag in 2-3 days. I mix it everywhere, when I remember, cooked or raw. I have bag by the cooker as not to forget to add it to the meal I'm cooking.

I've never read or research nutrition value of sesame seeds. I must check glucose several times per day, and if no increased blood sugar, I can eat it. My digestion is blast, after the meal with sesame mixed in it.

8 years 43 weeks ago
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8 years 43 weeks ago
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I never been sick a day in my life (59 years of it) except for self inflicted over indulgence from time to time.

A cold, cough, flu or whatever people call "sick" is nothing and goes away all by itself in a day or 2 or 3. no medicine required.

I did spend 10 days in a coma one time with a fractured skull ...... ah and then I did it again, another 10 days, but no coma. brain damage, nah. I totally enjoyed the nursing students practicing their cafeter expertise with me as a boy toy.

Oh and then their was the H1N1 that did keep me from going to work for 5-6 days in 2009  ..  my first trip here and I barely survived it back home.

I have tried numerous concoctions of  teas, silly twigs and seeds and acupuncture and and and....  YOU GOTTA BELIEVE!!!  your own body will fix it!  .. or maybe your time is up!


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8 years 43 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77