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Q: how do I sell a used car in Beijing?

I have a 2008 Zhonghua car with very very low mileage (kilometers). But with Beijing's lottery license system, can I sell it to anyone?


12 years 21 weeks ago in  Shopping - China

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You can sell the car, but the buyer will not be able to use it since the license plate are yours (not staying with the car).  The person will need to apply to the lottery license system and win one of the 20,000 per month tickets to apply for a new license for the car.

But some entrepeneurs have already found a way to circunvent this, and below I outline three of them.


First, we can take the car to the vehicle registration center and they will de-register it for you and pay you a sum they feel is appropriate.   But keep in mind that whatever is appropiate for them may be ridiculous for you.


Second, we can sell the car to someone from another province (outside of Beijing). This requires the individual to accompany you to the vehicle registration center, you agree on a price, and the car must be registered in the other province.


Third, we can sell the car via the used car market. We have heard figures of RMB 30,000 for a newish jeep, but I believe that once the markets find a lot of people needing to sell cars, that the prices will drop dramatically, especially when they realize that expats are caught out.

Plus, how can we sell to the used car dealers anyway if we can’t speak Chinese or fill in the forms?


To me, your best bet will be selling it out of Beijing.


Now I understand why I often see so many cars driving around with NO licence plate...

12 years 21 weeks ago
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No GR, that will not necessarely be the reason, since you can not buy the car until you win the lottery and get a ticket to apply for a license plate. The real reason is that once you have the ticket, buy the car and apply for the license plate, the process of getting it, plus the insurance coverage, takes a few days, and you are allowed to drive the car without a plate until you receive it. But if the Ploice stops you, you must have the right papers, or will loose the car.

12 years 21 weeks ago
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12 years 21 weeks ago
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how much do you want to sell it for and whats the model 

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12 years 18 weeks ago
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Take it down to "Crazy Wang's glorious people's used auto place of liquidation." His deals do so much good for the society, they need to throw him in a black prison! 

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12 years 18 weeks ago
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Oh look at this a new poster posts a question and then two other new posters give an answer and both of them give links to the same company.


If it looks like spam and smells like spam theres very chance that it is SPAM!

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11 years 46 weeks ago
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