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Q: How do you want ECC to be moderated?

A question for PhilB. What do you want?

I had a break over the weekend. Just checked ECC now. Seems to be lots of spam stuff.

@Phil. What is your manifesto regarding moderation?

8 years 21 weeks ago in  Web & Technology - China

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Remove spam/spammers. 

Remove obvious trolls. 

Remove people with multiple accounts. 


Don't award points for copy/pasted questions/answers. 

This also applies to answers/questions that are links to websites. 

8 years 21 weeks ago
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Remove posts of users advising others how to "get around" the laws for legal work. 

Ban said users. 

8 years 21 weeks ago
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Sorry didn't mean to downvote, fully support this

8 years 21 weeks ago
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you got my vote

8 years 21 weeks ago
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Seems so fucking simple, doesn't it?

8 years 21 weeks ago
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Last 2 would never be done. Because it drives up site traffic numbers. 

8 years 21 weeks ago
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8 years 21 weeks ago
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we had the same problem when the labor government desided to change the border policy in Australia . just replace boats with spam to refer to your problem
leftists just can't get things right


Hardened leftists would stop trying to engage with you, which is what Scots is going to learn the hard way thanks to you.

8 years 21 weeks ago
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im not the one looking for approval over a non payed toilet uncle job . the only other reason i can think of is he is trying to get the click meter restarted

8 years 21 weeks ago
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8 years 21 weeks ago
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Remove spam/spammers. 

Remove obvious trolls. 

Remove people with multiple accounts. 


Don't award points for copy/pasted questions/answers. 

This also applies to answers/questions that are links to websites. 

8 years 21 weeks ago
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Remove posts of users advising others how to "get around" the laws for legal work. 

Ban said users. 

8 years 21 weeks ago
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Sorry didn't mean to downvote, fully support this

8 years 21 weeks ago
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you got my vote

8 years 21 weeks ago
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Seems so fucking simple, doesn't it?

8 years 21 weeks ago
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Last 2 would never be done. Because it drives up site traffic numbers. 

8 years 21 weeks ago
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8 years 21 weeks ago
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Remove spam/ban spammers. 

Ban trolls. 

Ban users with multiple accounts. 


They also remove double posts if you don't edit them!

8 years 21 weeks ago
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8 years 21 weeks ago
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I don't think you're doing such a bad job, scots. People complain it's what they do. 


So long as you don't start deleting good faith topics you're ok in my book.


Personally I think 'white guilt' and privilege are kind of hot buttons topic for a lot of people here, as many expats might feel like exiles in a sense. Not everybody and certainly not me...but I can empathize with people who do.


Not everybody here is doing something they find empowering and right or wrong they can feel kind of insulted by the idea that within the west they are privileged, often earning below the US poverty line in an objectively stressful foreign country because they can't find gainful employment at home.


I'm basically a progressive liberal in terms of values but I don't much like that kind of smugness either. What happened to the empathy that progressives supposedly show for the little guy? A white male feeling alienated and disempowered does not discredit or invalidate those feelings in members of other groups. It just adds members from yet another group of people to the list of unhappy,alienated people in the world. It's not a contest where the group where the economically vulnerable members are the least miserable in the aggregate should be the acceptable target for disdain and abuse in favor of the other vulnerable people with whom they have much more in common with than the fat cats with the same color skin.


I think if you would tone that down a little bit, people might back you up a little bit more. 

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8 years 21 weeks ago
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There's that old adage: if it ain't broken don't fix it


How did you manage not to double/triple post?

8 years 21 weeks ago
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Ha ha mistake. I forgot to use my phone and used the bloody laptop instead. Sorry for the inconvenience.

8 years 21 weeks ago
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And you also missed out on the extra pints!

8 years 21 weeks ago
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Hotwater doxxed and now a pint fail. I just can't win this year!

8 years 21 weeks ago
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8 years 21 weeks ago
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My 2cents worth - other than the spam (obviously), posts ought to be respectful of users/posters. Virtually all other boards (and I'm including 4chan in that list) have policies telling people to respect others - no flaming, no abuse, no harassment (which would include thread-stalking).


While obviously some swearing is going to happen with adults, there's a line in the sand (yes, I've got that right... it keeps moving!), and so one person's 'damn' is another person's 'shit'...etc.


So, attacking the person should be out. It's not about - should they be able to deal with it... it's - should they have to?


I come from a country that has anti-hate laws. Freedom of speech is NOT on the books. (I'm fairly certain it isn't anywhere... try telling a judge in court to go Fk off and see where it lands you). There are times and places for everything. This is a place for venting - but about China, not the other users on this forum.


Calling someone a 'whore' just because you don't like their topic should merit an instant temp-ban. It doesn't help the forum in ANY way...


Following someone's posts, and making derisive remarks that are unrelated to what's been posted is harrassment and bullying. Most of our governments don't allow for it - so why should ECC? This place shouldn't be a "Welcome to eChina... but have a thick skin" kind of place.


So, Mods should be aware when it happens. And, the abuse button should generate an near automatic response.


Yes, I've been on both ends of this.. and for some things I've posted against other users, I would have been banned.


Attack the post - not the person.


I'm sure most on here would prefer a board that isn't a place where you, at any time, can be attacked, harassed, threatened, bullied, abused... but you WOULD say you want to be able to write whatever you want (ie, double standard). This place is also not "our little group". It's a forum where new members, of very different backgrounds and personalities, should be relatively free to come and express their opinions, as well as ask questions and give and receive answers. Most members will lurk for a while first, checking out posts and answers. If the forum is full of vile, anger, hate and abuse (and excessive profanity), then it will turn people off. LACK of excessive profanity, abuse etc isn't likely to have the same reaction. ie, people aren't going to leave a board because there isn't enough swearing or attacking going on.


Again, I don't think people should have to deal with abuse, etc - we shouldn't need a thick skin to visit ECC.


yes 2c is about wu mao

8 years 21 weeks ago
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You said in your reply that this forum is about venting at china not each other (paraphrased). So, you are saying that criticising the country in which you are a guest is acceptable but criticising and individual is not? One who is prone to butt-hurt will always be offended and see all disagreement as a personal attack. That is the nature of those of this persuasion. Some people should take a spoonful of cement with their morning coffee....and harden the fuck up.

8 years 21 weeks ago
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iWolf... a couple of things - firstly, yes, I would agree with your paraphrase - venting at China is fine. Criticising an individual is also fine. 'Attacking' them is not. As I wrote - attack the post, not the person. (personally, I also hold that once someone breaks that rule, then they're open for whatever comes their way - if, of course, that was there intention, and it's not a mis-understanding!) Abusing someone, obviously, would be right out... (again, my personal perspective is - you abuse someone, then you deserve what you get)


There are definitely people who get butt-hurt at everything - but I don't think we have any here on ECC. What there are, though, are trolls. Sometimes they post good stuff, sometimes it's even intelligent.. but sometimes, it's passively slid in.. snide remarks, passive-aggressive BS. And those who are too... <something> to actually say anything useful - and the only thing they can come back with is pathetic personal shots.


While I do agree that there are those who do need to change their perceptions of the universe (and themselves), I don't think it should be necessary for everyone who comes here to have a thick skin. Personal attacks ARE personal attacks! I recall Traveller from some time back - any time someone disagreed with him - it was a personal attack. Vicki is similar... It's not about 'hardening up', it's about having a less ego-centric  view of the world.


I am presuming that you, iWolf, do not think that it should be ok for someone to have to be forced to endure abuse just for being a member of this forum.


The thing about rules is - they are made with the interests of either the majority, or the most acceptable, in mind. In your world (hypothetical) it might be fine to be called a 'fuckwit', and you have no issue with it. But it should be necessary for EVERYONE to have to conform to your standards, and for that to be ok. That's why Scots posted this thread - some people want the rules to be how they want them - and don't like having to accept (consider.... respect... ) how other people might think or feel.


The question basically comes down to - do you think that the rules should only be those that iWolf wants? Should the rules for ECC be those that show how YOU want the forum to be? (this goes, obviously, for everyone)



8 years 21 weeks ago
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I get that you are a bit of a wanker. That's fine. But coming off with all this PC bullshit is a joke. For some reason you thinl i have an agenda. Your degree from McDonald's University of Hamburgerology and the red wig you nicked from graduation appears to give you some misguided belief that your opinion is more valid than anyone else. Give the ponification a rest Fred Nile. A mail order post grad piece of fish wrapping done between esl classes doesn't give you more credibility than that moron cub. Hey, whatever happened to him? Was he sold into white slavery in Guizhou or has a big box order to finish at the sheltered workshop. Or was he your troll account?

8 years 21 weeks ago
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8 years 21 weeks ago
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Scots, this topic practically invites people to take a dump on you. What are you doing? You won't come out of this with more acceptance due to being more inclusive. It will make you appear a weak authority figure, easily influenced and with personal vulnerabilities ballooned out of proportion. This might sound strange, but you need to grow a spine, and be an asshole.

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8 years 21 weeks ago
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Go your hardest, Laddie.  If you and your mates agree on moderation, go moderate.

I don't really give a stuff what you do, as long as I don't disagree with it.

But if I'm forced to express an opinion, I'd go with what Shining said.

For me, if I don't like what I'm reading, I stop reading it.  

Wish I'd done that after about page six of that Do We Have a Soul question a couple of months ago.  Holy shit...that's an hour of my life I'll never get back again.


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8 years 21 weeks ago
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So you are the new white face of Ecc now ?surprise

wow if I post things like that Shrodinger threatens to Ban meindecision



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8 years 21 weeks ago
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Do your job.


As Spiderboenz said, get rid of all spam, spammer and trolls - which includes your personal lapdogs (WhyHowWhen, for example - a mod-sponsored waste of time) and necromancers..


I have some questions: do you have access to whether or not certain posters are using a VPN? 4 Chan knows how to detect VPN use, do you?


Do you even have access to a poster's IP?


You know that there is "thread-stalking" (thanks, Shining_Brow) going on...what are you going to do about it? I know who my personalized troll is, and why it's doing what it's doing (petty vindictiveness). But I also know that you're inclined to overlook trolls that are akin to your own tastes.


Sure, we can all choose to leave the forums and the site. Hell, I've been a member of the 'Greasy Spoon' since 2004 and rarely visit, hardly ever post there, either. No tears shed on my part or theirs.


Englteachted and Coineineagh (got it right this time!) have been tasking me to task over my (Blog) posts, and that's fine. Each to his own. At least they're genuine.
But there is (to paraphrase an expression from 4Chan) a cancer that's killing the forum:  trolls.


We have the gamut of the political spectrum participating on the forum; avowed communists to die-hard right-wingers. We can agree, disagree, or agree to disagree...but at least we are not overtly trying to "provoke an emotional response" from others...we are who and what we are. The trolls exist only to sow seeds of dissension and to otherwise discredit this site for whatever reason.


Two posters who have seemed to disappear, much to the detriment of this site, are: xinyuren and xinyuliang. Xinyuren has his religious beliefs but gets beaten over the head with how he must be "wrong" in his beliefs. He's at least, genuine. Whereas we have the players, the trolls, obvious in their agenda but ignored by the Mods.


So, Scots, since you asked, how about doing a little research into the complaints and start outing the multiple accounts and serial down-voters. Or, are you just having a little political fun - promising everything and delivering nothing?







And...the question on everybody's mind: what do you know about Delphine86, NiceBrice, Hotwater and Hal9000...I mean Hal195?


You've missed Nicebrice of your last sentence. 

8 years 21 weeks ago
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I'm genuinely curious - what is actually wrong with ECC accounts that have the only purpose of asking (relatively) genuine questions?


The one's you named ask fairly intelligent questions (although sometimes they screw it up), but other than not putting any substance behind them, I don't think there's much wrong with them. This is especially true since, even if they are paid shills, they still at least put in time and effort to ask questions and to give answers. They're not trolls, and they're not really spamming. And, even though it may be their job, they are still real people.

8 years 21 weeks ago
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Sinobear:'s a little like responding to the tele-prompts when you call customer service. You can push the buttons, but you're still not talking to a real person.

The way I see it is like this: Excuse me, where is the nearest bank machine? You answer, they walk away without a thank-you. Excuse me, where is the nearest KFC? You answer, and they walk away without acknowledgement.

Excuse me, I want to kill myself, what should I do? You advise, become concerned for the situation, and they walk away without comment or input.

Come on, any of us could produce a "Top 100 questions you've been dying to ask" list (great idea for an ECC contest!). But that's too much like homework. So, what's the point of having the same crap put out weekly by non-entities?


And no, its questions are not intelligent nor even "fairly" intelligent. If you peruse the reddit  (r/china) forums, many of the same questions get repeated here. Not even points for originality.


C'mon, do a search for Delphine86 and follow the link on (NSFW).

And they don't give answers. They are non-entities. I noticed that NiceBrice did have more of a real presence at the beginning. Delphine86 can only squawk, "I am American."


So now, turn the spotlight around - why are you defending non-entities for? What's your personal stake in this?


Enquiring minds want to know (a horrible use of the National Enquirer's slogan but so apropos on this site nonetheless).

8 years 21 weeks ago
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And! Scots, please identify the serial down-voter on your own thread (100 points plus a happy-face sticker).

8 years 21 weeks ago
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Sockpuppets are not that easy sino. What if a regular poster wants to reinvent? Get my drift?

8 years 21 weeks ago
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"So now, turn the spotlight around - why are you defending non-entities for? What's your personal stake in this?"


It goes with my policy of 'attack the post - not the poster'. I like a good debate and discussion. Also why I'm far less likely to respond to a Vicki thread than a Delphine. She may be 'more real', but the posts are far less worthy of a response than the sort of Q's the sock-puppets generate.


I also acknowledge, as I said, that even though it's just a job for them, they are still real people.


I get far more annoyance from the JonathonSteele-types, who's only mission is to insult and abuse people. It's not even venting.


(I tried the search for Delphine86.. no idea what you're referring to.. link?)

8 years 21 weeks ago
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Delphine86 is a 30 year old American who provides live-stream porn.

8 years 21 weeks ago
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And Blellow made the mistake of serial down-voting when it was being monitored.

8 years 21 weeks ago
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And Scots, you didn't answer my question regarding IPs.

8 years 21 weeks ago
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8 years 21 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else.Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77