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Q: how satisfied are you when eating in any chinese restaurant?

do you think foreign restaurants providing foreign food cooked by foreigners are necessary in Chinese towns,cities and University campuses?

how would you feel when getting into such a restaurant and be able to order food prepared by your local citizens,just at your own favorite test?

do you really miss that?

11 years 43 weeks ago in  Food  - China

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I basically only ate at small local Chinese places the entire time I was in China. Overall, I wasn't all that happy with it (just like I wouldn't be happy with eating out all the time back home either.) There was too much oil, too much salt/msg, and a lot of foods would taste the same because all you could taste was the sauce. I only remember going to one foreign owned place when I was in Hangzhou, and I had a burger. Otherwise it was Chinese almost 100% of the time.


There are quite a few dishes from China I'd like to eat again, even in their all their authentic Chinese glory. There are just some things you can only have in China.

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11 years 43 weeks ago
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While on the whole I have enjoyed almost every meal I had in a Chinese joint, I appreciate the restaurants catering western food for when I was homesick. Eventually, and this was actually one of the best things about China, I learned to cook awesome western food from scratch. 


I've always been competent in the kitchen, but living in China took it to a new level. I learned how to make my own bagels, Chicken Cordon Blue, pizza dough, eggs benedict, etc... 


I use to always make at least one big and complicated meal a week with guests invited and found out, all the raw ingredients are there, just learn how to put them together!


I actually miss that more than most things about China. Dinner at home was an event. 

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11 years 43 weeks ago
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Not much to be honest,even I am a Chinese,the main reason is,I dislike people who talk,eat and breath loudly in public and push someone to drink,Keep saying GAN,GAN GAN . they push me to go.

Sometimes I do enjoy eating food in some Chinese restaurant When people are quiet or they don't talk loud.


Sorry Maggie I thumbed you down by mistake and it won't let me thumb you up, so I've left a comment instead. I totally agree and it's really refreshing to 'hear' a Chinese person say such things. 

11 years 43 weeks ago
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hehehe It's alright,Hugh,I FORGIVE YOU lol

11 years 43 weeks ago
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11 years 43 weeks ago
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This question should be broken into several


a) How satisfied are you with eating Chinese food?

b) How satisfied are you with eating Chinese food in a typical Chinese restaurant?

c) How satisfied are you with western food in restaurants in China?


a) very, most of it is very delicious, although I can follow the comments about it all tasting of the same sauce

b) not very, most suffer from poor personnel who does not care about their job, food comes to the table cold, often there are TVs blaring out some kind of noise, people around you are smoking despite signs prohibiting this etc. The disappointment grows as the price grows, in terms of service etc it is often the small places that serves 10-20rmb fried rice that has the most polite staff that seem to genuinely want to give you good food 'with a smile'

c) it is always a disappointment to eat western food in China, just as the "Chinese Buffet" back home would be a major disappointment to any Chinese person.  (with the exception of a some very expensive places)



Exactly so.

11 years 43 weeks ago
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11 years 43 weeks ago
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I do think there would be room for a high quality, super high service (European / USA style service) restaurant in the first tier cities. However, you would have to be VERY careful about sourcing your ingredients, (but then again most quality chefs are very fastidious over this anyway) and particularly you would have to either import your waiting staff or spend a lot of time and money on the training.


The opposite could also be true though, a bottom end junk food diner / truck stop / greasy joe style cafe would probably make just as much money.

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11 years 43 weeks ago
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i make full my stomach with beer rather than eating Chinese dishes..

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11 years 43 weeks ago
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I would only eat western restaurant food at restaurants owned and operated by non-Chinese - since there were only about three in the city, that didn't leave many options if I was craving western food.


I found that Chinese restaurants serving 'western' food were often completely crap, not even close to palatable.



The local cuisine in Xinjiang was amazing, so I would eat local food in local restaurants most of the time, with the odd time eating in western owned restaurants, with the occasional foray into restaurants serving more standard Chinese fare. It worked pretty well.


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11 years 43 weeks ago
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I really like the seafood here in Zhanjiang , far better than Guangzhou......  the fish and shellfish is good .......  I do have an issue with the local chicken, my family has figured this out and they sometimes save a piece of the "old" chicken we just ate and complain to the owner.........  one time my family (without my saying anything) complained quite vigorously about a serving of prawns that came with only about half the number of prawns that were in the photo ...........  when I am asked what I thought of the restaurant, my response is usually based on the service, which I believe is very important to the dinner out..............  the food is what it is...........  the service in China generally sucks, by my standards, and I do believe that when that is improved, they'll need more tables than the 100 they already have  ...........  blah blah blah .........Chinese food is good ...service sucks

Western food is non existant, but for one place I know and it was A-OK .. New Zealand Beef I suspect.......  fast food joints are here but I avoid them, same as I did at home.

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11 years 43 weeks ago
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Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger....hey if I didn't die from eating the food I'm pretty satisfied. Food is food....doesn't make a difference to me. 

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11 years 42 weeks ago
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