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Q: I am British, living in China, Hong Kong. I am looking for a good job in the mainland
I got some basic qualifications and my background is in game development writing code. I want a part time job so i can get a visa in the mainland, but im not sure what to do, any advise?
40 weeks 4 days ago in Business & Jobs - China
Can't get a work visa in mainland China for a part-time job, sorry.
You won't get job at Answers. See FindJobz above ...
Do you ever use a search engine? ... like me?
... with "game development writing code jobz in China" in search ...
What does that even mean? ... game development writing code ...
Sorry, I am a non-English native ... and I need a proper guidance at these terms.,5_IN48...
Good lucky!
Can't get a work visa in mainland China for a part-time job, sorry.
I am very confused. I guess people didn't read my question correctly. I asked for advice on my situation. I am not looking for jobs here.
i think that people did answer your question: you said: "I want a part time job so i can get a visa in the mainland" the answer was given by Spider - "Can't get a work visa in mainland China for a part-time job, sorry. " You said: "I got some basic qualifications and my background is in game development writing code." answer: suggestions of search engines for jobs suggestion: apply for jobs on the mainland if you are looking for a job there. advice? 1) apply for a job on the mainland. 2) remain working in Hong Kong 3) get a job in another country. how can anyone give you advice when all we know about you is what you have posted? what are your likes, you ambitions etc. advice: talk to people who know you better than strangers on the internet unless you are prepared to give more detailed information about yourself good luck !!
i think you will find people answered your question as best they could based on the limited information you have given.
Will you change your handle after you'll get a job?
I was just wondering ...