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Q: Is it possible to buy a phone from Hong Kong and have it delivered to China?

Looking to buy a phone from an online site, such as Expansys, and have it delivered fromHong Kong.


I need one that will work internationally without any hassles and would rather have a Hong Kong version than one that has been tampered with/crippled for the Chinese market.


Has anyone tried this or have any recommendations.

O and I'm not looking at apple, but need a Nokia for the decent camera facility.


Any help would be much appreciated, cheers.

10 years 38 weeks ago in  Web & Technology - China

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yeah, it's possible, I bought my samsung galaxy s4 that way.

some taobao shops sell electronics directly from HK


OK cheers, I'll give it a whirl.

10 years 38 weeks ago
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10 years 38 weeks ago
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.... did u see the story about the smuggling tunnel discovered between HK & Mainland?   nope, not answering your enquiry, just mentioning this for the heck of it...    

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10 years 38 weeks ago
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Nokia lumias ? the mainland version may have pre installed some annoying and useless apps (which you might be able to uninstall them later) but I haven't heard they were crippled like how Android phones are . But I haven't really used a lumia phone so I can't be sure . maybe you could ask some friends who use lumia phones about their experience.


Android phones in the mainland market come loaded with useless apps that are locked in and undeletable without root access. They not only slow down the whole experience for nothing, but you don't even want to know what nefarious processes they are probably running on the background.

Manufacturer and phone company as well as anyone else who stands between the machine and you will try to stuff in as much useless garbage as they can in your delivery. Best is to get a phone where you can get install a clean firmware cook as soon as unpacked.

10 years 38 weeks ago
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10 years 38 weeks ago
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Yeah sadly, after a bit of research discovered that the lumias are indeed crippled. I wouldn't' waste my time buying one here.


Hong Kong seems like the only decent option.

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10 years 38 weeks ago
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