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Q: Lmao why this site calling me a "peasant"

just made an account and  this website be straight up calling me a peasant /. i mean... i get it that i am a greenhorn here but still, damn ..

3 years 2 weeks ago in  General  - China

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It's related to the amount of things that you post. 


Not at this poster ...   


Snawar is different breed ... of a Peasantry ... 

3 years 2 weeks ago
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Well if it helps, I'm pretty much a peasant in real life but ECC calls me emperor. Not that I shouldn't be emperor of course...


"Are you familiar with the Bio-char as a soil conditioner?" 


This Q is from General-Peasant-IELTS-Weed exam, so be extremely careful with yer answer ... broken heart

3 years 2 weeks ago
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You'll fit into China well, unless you aren't Chinese already. 


What's wrong with the 'peasant'?


Please, make sure, you won't get suntan while working outdoors. Chinese will consider you 2nd grade citizen 'cause of the reflection of outdoor labour on the skin.


It's the same rule as it applies in Chinese traffic:

"'Cars always have a right way before ALL pedestrians and cyclists, i.e. stronger wins ..."


By the e-Tities posting rules, all Pedestrians, I mean all Peasants must always greet before the posting, as:

"Good morning! I am a Peasant, and ..." 


Snawar is a pea-sant, pea-sant, pea-saaant ... broken heart


Hmmm, on second thought, I'm not really bothered by it anymore. Cause i guess it's pretty easy to climb the hierarchy since you clearly look like someone who wanked their way up

3 years 2 weeks ago
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Lucky you indeed, it wasn't yer first thought ... 


Yeah, I did. Posting since 2010 ... and at the beginning I also complained to my mom and first neighbour about the Peasant tag at e-Tities. broken heart


Congratulations at being bozo with yer first post! 


That's quite difficult to achieve ... Double digit IQ usually shows a bit later ...


Now, please tell me, why in the world you are such a hayseed? 



Snawar is a peasant, peasant, la la la ... Snawar is a cropper, hired hand, churl ... 



3 years 2 weeks ago
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Ugh great, another boomer ???? Ok ok sure grandpa... you can tell us your stories from 2010 some other time, you fingers must be hurting from all that typing and it's way past your bed time already ????

3 years 2 weeks ago
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You should resort to a reading only here for a while . ... or you'll going to entertain us with more of yer sap replies?


What age has to do with anything, since everyone on Earth is aging the same, i.e. we'll all eventually come to the certain age point ... ??


So, you're "Young, Stipud and Full of Come .."?

I passed that some years ago ... 


On the second thought ... I repeat, "my second ...",    how did e-Tities know you are such a tyke?  


Why @Stiggs has an 'Answer-of-da-Thread ...'?

3 years 2 weeks ago
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What does age has to do with anything? "Everything " Swear yall boomers so freakin annoying. But sure .. whatever helps you sleep at night

3 years 2 weeks ago
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So, you're dissing older people 'cause you are still young? 


Please, pay attention to the word 'still' ..., i.e. 'Eppur Si Muove ...' 

3 years 2 weeks ago
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OT: "I want an upgrade ..., too!" 


US Sails Warship Near Chinese-Claimed Reef, Testing New Maritime Lawteaser image

China again denounced the US as the 'biggest destroyer' of peace in the region...

FRI SEP 10, AT 1:20 AM   


The US Navy’s Seventh Fleet said the guided-missile destroyer USS Benfold passed within 12 nautical miles of Mischief Reef, a feature of the Spratly Islands that is controlled by China and also claimed by the Philippines and Vietnam. After China’s rebuke, the Seventh Fleet updated its statement, calling the Chinese statement “false.”

"The PLA’s statement is the latest in a long string of PRC actions to misrepresent lawful US maritime operations and assert its excessive and illegitimate maritime claims at the expense of its Southeast Asian neighbours in the South China Sea," the Seventh Fleet said.

Since the Obama administration, the US has inserted itself into the maritime dispute between China and its Southeast Asian neighbours. In 2015, the US started sending warships near Chinese-claimed islands on a regular basis, what the Pentagon calls Freedom of Navigation Operations (FONOPs).


 Snawar is an agricultural laborer ... 


PLA Military 'On Alert' As US Carrier For 1st Time Launches F-35 Stealth Jets In South China Sea

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China claims it's "already developed a number of anti-stealth radar systems, so the F-35C can be detected."

3 years 2 weeks ago
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It's related to the amount of things that you post. 


Not at this poster ...   


Snawar is different breed ... of a Peasantry ... 

3 years 2 weeks ago
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Snawar, you missed the competition ... we held a week ago ... surprise


@ OP, the Peasant-ry ...


You could file a complaint report, here:


You'll get 2 more pints when you'll contact big Admin directly ... surprise


I am also certain, resolution  of yer problem will be swift ... 

3 years 2 weeks ago
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Ancient China ... broken heart


In lieu of a standard or even a basic education, peasants were demanded to work. They most commonly worked on farms planting, sowing and harvesting crops. Of these crops, a percentage of them were given to the government as a tax, even if the crops didn’t grow or had died.


The typical life of a peasant was not what you would normally imagine. It entailed many things not typically experienced in today’s modern society for the majority of people. This included farming land for their communities benefit, having to work for the government for at least 1 month per year, peasant women marrying men who they necessarily didn’t like but didn’t have a choice in the matter, not being able to go to school unless your family was wealthy and was only allowed if you were male. angel

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3 years 1 week ago
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World Bank Abandons 'Doing Business' Report After Probe Finds IMF Boss Cheated China's Ranking Higherteaser image there any institution left that is not corrupt? broken heart

THU SEP 16, AT 5:24 PM


Specifically, Bloomberg reports that International Monetary Fund Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva was cited by the World Bank in the probe....

“The changes to China’s data in Doing Business 2018 appear to be the product of two distinct types of pressure applied by bank leadership on the Doing Business team,” the World Bank said in a report Thursday.


The bank cited “pressure applied by CEO Georgieva and her advisor, Mr. Djankov, to make specific changes to China’s data points in an effort to increase its ranking at precisely the same time the country was expected to play a key role in the bank’s capital increase campaign.”

Georgieva served as chief executive officer of the World Bank prior to moving to head the IMF.


  Specifically @Stiggs would know that Georgieva and Djankov are both Bulgarian last names/citizens ...  


World Bank China-Rigging-Scandal Highlights Beijing's "Malign Influence" At UN: Experts

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"World Bank leaders pressured staff to rig an influential report in China’s favor..."


2 years 51 weeks ago
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3 years 1 week ago
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Any Peasant into the part-time candles here?  broken heart


China Panics: Beijing Orders Energy Firms To "Secure Supplies At All Costs"; Oil Soarsteaser image

"Blackouts won’t be tolerated"

...   "That's an order!" ... big man said... 

THU SEP 30, AT 5:23 PM


Now that the global energy crisis has slammed China's economy, leading to the first contractionary PMI since March 2020 as a result of widespread shutdowns of factory and manufacturing, not to mention hundreds of millions of Chinese residents suffering from periodic blackouts, Bloomberg reports that China’s central government officials "ordered the country’s top state-owned energy companies to secure supplies for this winter at all costs."


Translation: Beijing is no longer willing to risk social anger and going forward China will be subsidizing coil and nat gas, which will lead to even higher prices, which will lead to even higher prices for other "substitute" commodities such as oil, which is why oil surged on the news.

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2 years 51 weeks ago
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i was a peasant 14 years ago when i 1st went to China. I got over 900 points by 2014. I lost my password when I had a new cellphone thereby becoming a peasant again. I had to fly back to Canada because of covid 02/20. I switch my phone again so became a peasant again as you can see. I don't mind being a peasant. Maybe thats because peasants are rich and well educated farmers in Canada.

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2 years 51 weeks ago
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*  A Turkish man was reported missing after failing to return home following a night of drinking, according to reports. 


*  He joined his own search party and combed through woods for several hours, per The Times. 


* It was only when a potential rescuer shouted his name that he realized they were looking for him, per reports. broken heart

2 years 51 weeks ago
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 ... was just going through the titles on Yahoo-gle ... News .. 


Cops should ask him what he was searching for ...  ... in the woods.

2 years 51 weeks ago
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Maybe he'd already found, harvested and sampled what be was looking for...

2 years 51 weeks ago
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I've known 2 guys from my city who stole the bus ... they drove into the city center and went into the most famous eatery ... sit down and order a drink. Bus was parked in front of the joint ... in non-driving city area.

When cops showed up and asked: "Who is with the bus?", they both raised the hands like in primary school ... and got taken away. 


They could, but they didn't deny it ... 

2 years 51 weeks ago
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Taiwan Informs Australia It's 'Preparing For War' As China Sends Record 52 PLA Jets Toward Island teaser image

"If China is going to launch a war against Taiwan we will fight to the end," warns Taiwan's Foreign Minister Joseph Wu. 

MON OCT 4, AT 3:20 PM 


 Phil and Sandy-nose better take a notice .... 



US Warns China's Actions "Increase The Rise Of A Miscalculation" As Taiwan Urges 'Help' From Allies

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China has flown 145 total aircraft into Taiwan's air defense zone in past 4 days...


2 years 51 weeks ago
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Vlad the Impaler ... in the news ..


Putin suggested to a US journalist she was too 'beautiful' to understand a point he made about Russian gas supply



 putin hadley gamble


Fri, October 15, 2021, 1:01 PM


CNBC journalist Hadley Gamble was asking Putin about Russia's standoff with Europe over gas supplies.

Gamble was interviewing Putin during the Russian Energy Week in Moscow on Wednesday.


Russian President Vladimir Putin suggested to an American journalist that she was too "beautiful" to understand his explanation of Russia's standoff with Europe over gas supplies.

The CNBC journalist Hadley Gamble, who spoke to the president before a live audience at the Russian Energy Week in Moscow, was addressing the recent accusations that Russia was withholding gas supplies to Europe in an effort to drive up prices.


Her questions seemed to irritate Putin, who at one point turned to the audience and said in Russian: "Beautiful woman, pretty, I'm telling her one thing. She instantly tells me the opposite as if she didn't hear what I said," The Hill reported.






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2 years 49 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77