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Q: People applauding when an airplane lands?

This has happened to me multiple times flying in China (as well as twice in Moscow actually). Never seen it before when traveling in the US. Is this a custom over here, or are people just really fearful that their plane is going to crash, and are therefore really relieved when it doesn't? Anyone else notice this happening either here or abroad?

11 years 37 weeks ago in  Transport & Travel - China

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In my previous career I used to see passengers onto aircraft, sort of a ground host, the baggage handlers had a 'trick', they'd come to the bottom of the steps to collect child buggies etc, and would be carrying a half roll of duct tape and a bag of assorted nuts and bolts, hand them to one of the other baggage handlers and say something like, I found these under the wing, just loud enough for the passengers to hear. Of course the passengers didn't know if they were technicians or baggage handlers and some of the looks on the faces were, well, funny to us. 


N.B. This was back in the 80s I don't think they'd get away with it now.

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11 years 37 weeks ago
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The first time I experienced this was on a flight from New York to Puerto Rico. I was puzzled and upon returning to my home, I had a talk with a couple of friends about this and they said it was very common in Europe when on planes bound for holiday destinations (as opposed to those just flying through the European capitals) 

Have been on many international flights in Asia and have never seen this, on the few domestic flights in China I have been on, I have not seen it. I did have a flight at some point with a colleague who was terrified of flying and although he did not applaud after landing he did express happiness.


People should shut up and leave the plane calmly without any pushing


Well, we (Puertorricans) do it to give the  pilot encouragement to continue to practice safe landings!

11 years 37 weeks ago
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11 years 37 weeks ago
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I've experienced this on a flight from Toronto to Cancun Mexico, from Toronto to Shanghai and Shanghai to Toronto nothing.

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11 years 37 weeks ago
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They clap on any of the Russian airlines at all the time upon landing (culture I guess) perhaps for no other reason that the plane landed safely.  Indeed, it does happen.


it makes sense, thinking about Aeroflot safety records history

11 years 37 weeks ago
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11 years 37 weeks ago
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Puerto Ricans have done this too....


Completely off track, forgive me, but what's up with statehood for the island?  when?

11 years 37 weeks ago
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When? The sooner the better as far as I am concerned....

11 years 37 weeks ago
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11 years 37 weeks ago
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first time experienced was landing @ Sheremetyevo International flying Aeroflot. Once again flying into Leningrad (yes, it was Leningrad then) and once again w/ Cubana upon landing in Habana.


to me the passengers were just expressing joy/amazement at still being alive.  haha 


the truth for sure ... Aeroflot was NOT great but its international services have improved considerably in 20 years with the introduction of an all Airbus fleet.  Cubana on the other hand is a throw-away plane airline.

11 years 37 weeks ago
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yeah,,,, we always joked that Cubana got Aeroflot's hand-me-downs...   (might've been something to it)    lol 

11 years 37 weeks ago
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china air has lost 10 planes since 1983 and aeroflot was notorious for problems, but i think world shame has fixed these problems but i would still hesitate to take aeroflot, vodka mechanics are much worse than baijo mechanics. lol

11 years 33 weeks ago
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somebody did clap loud enough to wake her up, reminds of the old tv show "night shadows".

5 years 13 weeks ago
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I don't like people clapping while I am applying for Italine speaking job ...


Nobody's talking here anymore, so I memorized the last thread ...

5 years 13 weeks ago
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@mace....   sounds like the prototypical 碰瓷 (peng ci) 



Barnabas Collins....  the guy had the Vampyre schtick down ~

5 years 13 weeks ago
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She was lucky it was not January, she could have froze to death in the plane.

5 years 12 weeks ago
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11 years 37 weeks ago
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actually this also happens back home, people always applause whenever a plane lands successfully, this is to show that the journey was a successful one and nothing happened to them.

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11 years 37 weeks ago
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I never experienced the same whenever i landed on Chinese Airport..

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11 years 37 weeks ago
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From my limited experience travelling by flight, not once. But I think people applause on Italian flightscrying I get the idea from this video.

Have fun watching it

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11 years 37 weeks ago
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I flew on an airline here where I saw some guy duct taping something on the wing shortly before take off.  I clapped when it landed.

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11 years 37 weeks ago
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In my previous career I used to see passengers onto aircraft, sort of a ground host, the baggage handlers had a 'trick', they'd come to the bottom of the steps to collect child buggies etc, and would be carrying a half roll of duct tape and a bag of assorted nuts and bolts, hand them to one of the other baggage handlers and say something like, I found these under the wing, just loud enough for the passengers to hear. Of course the passengers didn't know if they were technicians or baggage handlers and some of the looks on the faces were, well, funny to us. 


N.B. This was back in the 80s I don't think they'd get away with it now.

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11 years 37 weeks ago
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Long ago when I traveled to Puerto Rico I head some sporadic applause on the aircraft and was incredibly surprised. Mainly because the pilots will never see those claps from behind their door. Who those people applaude too only God knows. But was surprised that someone heard this in Europe. This sounds weird, never heard it anywhere in Europe.

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5 years 12 weeks ago
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