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Q: What are your monthly expenses?

I think im pretty responsible, but i see others saying they save like 70-90% of their earnings. Is that possible? Or do they live like crap?



Rent & Bills = 3500

Car& gas & maintenance & insurance. = 1000

Food=  2500 ( we usually spend 3-400 a week for cooking stuff then go for dinner once a week for like 250 )

Shopping& entertainment = 3000  go see friends once or twice a month, date night, clothes, or treats ect.

Total= 10,000 a month


I cant really make the rent much cheaper, its a one bedroom not in the city center of shenzhen unless im living in a shack.

Same with the food, cook 6 nights go out 1, im not doing that any less.

I guess i could cut down on the entertainment, but whats the point of living here if your just gonna stay at home. I could just move back home if I wanted to do nothing.  And it wouldnt add uyp to much anyways.


So how do people save such a high percentage and how do your expenses compare??


10 years 35 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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University teacher, so expenses are as follows:


Rent - 0 (on campus top security prison)

utilities - 0

Food - 400 per week

Entertainment - up to 1000 a month if i don't travel

misc shopping - varies per month


not a drinker or smoker, so this saves some money

so i do manage to save a large % every month


I think you should include traveling expenses to the above if it's a planned expenditure you save for each month.  I see savings as money put in the bank and not to be touched.

10 years 35 weeks ago
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no travel expenses for work, minimal for entertainment.

most of my salary goes in the bank every month as savings.

10 years 35 weeks ago
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10 years 35 weeks ago
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Living in Suzhou, I include only the regular expenses

Rent - 2100 per month
Food - 300 per week (1200 per month)
Utility bills - 100 per month
Entertainment - 500 per month (rough estimate, does not include holidays)
Transportation - 20 per month

I save the vast majority of my income. I don't eat meat and I eat local mostly, move around by bike and eventually bus. We don't use heating or air-con at home. Entertainment is mostly walking/biking outside, running, cinema here, cafe there.

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10 years 35 weeks ago
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Surely it depends on what you earn.  If you are paid 50k a month it should be easy to save a large proportion of that. laugh


My expenses are similar to the OP, and like the OP I live in an expensive coastal city area, so there are lots of temptations here.... such as downtown pubs with draught beer wink. I don't live downtown so that draught beer can be rather expensive when the transport to get there and back is included.  If I lived out in the sticks I would probably head to a city once a month or so and stay in a hotel.  So my expenses would probably work out the same for country living as opposed to metropolitan living.


I could cut back on the beer to save some more money but that would make life rather too grim...


I get paid less here than I did in the UK, but I can save here whereas I couldn't there.







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10 years 35 weeks ago
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mh lets see:


rent: 0 (employer pays)


food: 2000-2500 for 2 persons (cooking during week and weekend usually eat out 1-2 times)


entertainment: cant calculate that but we dont go to bars and i do sports at home so its mostly about snacks or some clothes


utilities etc, gas, electricity: 0 (employer pays)


so i dont really have any expenses but travelling home or buying tons of presents every year for spring festival and christmas kills my purse


anyways i dont live a fancy live but i always lived like that and i buy what i want. the problem is i really dont know what to buy with my money lol

so yeah i can save more than 90% of my salary.

But to be honest? I have to because i have to buy some houses to secure my living when i m old :/

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10 years 35 weeks ago
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Rent - 9000 per year Gas and Utility around 100 per month

Food - 2000 per month

Gas for Scooter - 200 per month

Outing - say around 1500 per month

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10 years 35 weeks ago
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I live in Suzhou. As part of my benefits package I get 20,000 RMB a month living expenses. I live on that and save all of my salary, bonuses, etc.


I lease a large villa, 380 sq meters and really don't worry about money. The only items not covered by the living allowance are alcohol, electronics, and clothes.


I have saved >100,000 USD each year I have lived in China. Nov 2013 was my 4 year anniversary.


Don't hate the player, hate the game.


What are you a spy 20,ooo Living expense,living expense  maybe 10%  usual wage so you get 200/000 a month

10 years 35 weeks ago
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haha he just said he saves all earnings and bonus, so salary is about 600 000 a year. plus living, not a bad gig. Good on ya!

10 years 35 weeks ago
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Well done, making bank.

10 years 35 weeks ago
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Nice, what do you do there? 



10 years 35 weeks ago
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Haha, Paul I have been asked many times "are you a spy" find it funny. Actually I am a scientist conducting pre clinical Toxicology research for a contract research organization. (for profit)

10 years 35 weeks ago
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So your an expat on an expat deal.  Hey, there are loads of expats about.

10 years 34 weeks ago
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10 years 35 weeks ago
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RENT ¥               2,700.00STRATA ¥                   250.00PARKING ¥                     50.00WATER ¥                   100.00ELECTICITY ¥               1,000.00GAS ¥                   100.00FOOD ¥               4,000.00INTERNET ¥                     50.00TV ¥                     50.00  ¥               8,300.00


beer and smokes   another 500 in the bank 


1000 electricity? what the hell are you doing lol

10 years 35 weeks ago
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how nice of you to point this out ....I been questioning the wife about it too.... A/C 24/7 for 8 months and my little heater at my feet 5-6hrs for 2-3months ......  she stands by it.... and I pay the damned bill without ever seeing it...maybe I will double the beer bill over this discrepancy.

10 years 35 weeks ago
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I also question the 4000 bill for food every month for the 2 of us....I know prawns and oysters are expensive but damned if we eat them every day.

this question/answer may have just got my wife in  financial trouble ...cut back on her allowance!!!! LOLOLOLOLOL

10 years 35 weeks ago
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Pray tell what is 'strata'?

10 years 35 weeks ago
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management fees

10 years 35 weeks ago
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yes ...strata is a thing fee that we pay for management of the property ...  that's what we call it in Canada and I hated it there and I hate it here..........

10 years 35 weeks ago
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A/C is a major electric power sink. If you bought your flat, insulate it. Start with roof and ceiling, then walls. An investment, but you will amortize it quickly ;)

10 years 35 weeks ago
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10 years 35 weeks ago
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rent + utilities = 0

food, phone and miscellaneous = ¥ 2,500

Bikes, clothes, Taobao = ¥ 400

Taxis to bars = ¥ 300

Not bad, no wonder I save too much.

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10 years 35 weeks ago
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Beer 1500/mth.  No bars here so that's just in a restaurant or at home.

Food 1500/ x  20 per mth, give or take.

Nothing else to spend money on where I live, not that I mind.  What else does one need other than food and beer?

Oh...cinema every other mth.  Snooker about the same.

Next week heading to Yunnan for a 10 day holiday and air fares/accommodation alone are Y20,000.  Add in food and drink and I'm sure we'll have been better off going to Paris for a week.

Oh well,  chill out and make the best of it.  Worse things happen at sea you know...




That's an impressive beer intake wink.  How much you paying per bottle?  

10 years 35 weeks ago
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not possibly beer....  suspect VODKA and imported to boot

10 years 35 weeks ago
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why is yunnan so expensive? its still china isnt it? :x

10 years 35 weeks ago
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For less than 20000 RMB, two people, we go to NZ back and forth :p

10 years 35 weeks ago
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Never drank vodka in my life.  No, that's only for beer.  I usually drink 500ml cans of red Wusu (the Prince) @ 6 kuai ea, or 500ml cans of Qingdao for 8 kuai.  Same price in the restaurant or from the small shop.  Sometimes I prefer the top drop of Wusu (the King) when in a restaurant and that's 10 kuai.

About once a month I have a bottle of dry white wine.  Like tonight.  It's very average and costs about Y40.


Yes, Yunnan is still China but China is a very expensive place in which to travel.  There's three of us and it was a prerequisite for our hotels to have a real bathroom, proper toilet, and running water.  Hot running water.  And clean sheets.


Going to NZ....lucky bastard!



10 years 35 weeks ago
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10 years 35 weeks ago
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I live in a smaller city:


- 800 month /rent

- 2000 - 3000 food per month (two people including eating out occassionally)

- 500 on entertainment

- 100 transportation (motorcycle & taxis)

- 150 internet & phone

- 20 water


I make about 10-15k USD per month (depends on the number of projects I get). So I pretty much save 95%+. Nothing to complain about for sure, I do what I like, live well and enjoy life. 


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10 years 35 weeks ago
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income:  +5k


rent   -1k


beer  -4k


albino midget / monkey porn  -3k


...darn, I better start cutting back. 

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10 years 35 weeks ago
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Rent 2000

eating at home mostly, go to a restaurant and get drunk once or twice a week, power water etc about 3000

Sometimes I'll need to buy clothes, or pay for the internet or something but most months I'll save more than I spend.

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10 years 35 weeks ago
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Rent. 1350
Food. 1200 (300 Prr week)
Utilities. 400
Bills at home 2400

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10 years 34 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77